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Ep 461: Creating Wealth With New Friends

In this episode, host Daniel Martinez introduces a special episode that dives into various aspects of real estate, including sub-two wraps, foreclosures, and the intricacies of wrapping a deal or a note. Guests share their unique stories and insights into the real estate world, from executing a challenging deal in pre-foreclosure to transitioning into real estate after a job loss, and leveraging creative financing to sell a business. The episode highlights the importance of persistence, networking, and leveraging one's unique skill sets in the real estate industry. The discussion concludes with an introduction to Homester, a platform aimed at connecting buyers, sellers, agents, and loan officers in the real estate market, emphasizing the power of collaboration and partnership in achieving success.

0:34: Angel's Pre-foreclosure Deal Story
Angel shares a memorable deal involving a pre-foreclosure property that required persistent follow-up over four months, emphasizing the critical nature of timing in real estate transactions.
1:41: Alex's Transition into Real Estate
Alex recounts his journey into real estate following a layoff, highlighting the significance of creative financing in his career shift and the subsequent success he found in the industry.
8:05: Introduction to Homester
The conversation shifts towards Homester, a new platform designed to connect various stakeholders in the real estate market, underscoring the episode's focus on networking and collaboration within the industry.

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