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Ep 325: Plastics- The Silent Killer Eroding Your Health & A Simple Solution With Dr. Emeka Aludogbu
January 11, 2023
Ep 325: Plastics- The Silent Killer Eroding Your Health & A Simple Solution With Dr. Emeka Aludogbu
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0:00 Hey, what's up everybody, it's Anthony again, with the hive mind is a hive with this podcast. This is a segment that we're going to mark up for the hype hive health SEC segment of the podcast that we're running now a mouthful. And I'm more excited about this stuff. And I love business. I love real estate, it's something that I'm going to do forever. But while we're out there, you know, I'm a high level on high energy entrepreneur, I'm pushing in and flooring it all the time. But something that we don't stop and think about is both our health, personal health, the health of the planet. So I'm really excited about this podcast today. I think you guys are really going to enjoy this gentleman, and he's a wealth of knowledge. You want to go ahead and introduce yourself? When are you doing, man? Really good. 0:37 Thank you. Appreciate. Appreciate you having me, man. Um, yeah, man, you know, I know, we kind of started off a little bit on a tangent, I'm sorry. 0:48 That's how I know it's gonna be good. 0:53 Um, so a little bit about my background, sports, I'm a sports chiropractor. I have my I have a master's in clinical nutrition. I've, you know, worked in, in, in health and fitness for, for as long as I can remember. I mean, I was, I used to be a trainer. And I used to train all my people when I was when I was younger, and my, my sisters and stuff like that. So through the journey of understanding like the duty journey of becoming a professional, I've had certain situations where I had to sit back and look at myself and think about exactly what direction I wanted to go. And I kind of dial it back a little bit, this actually started off of just, you know, not having the health consciousness through my family, right. And that was like a big, big, big wake up call for me, because I saw, I'm a Nigerian native, I didn't come I was born in Nigeria, raised and raised, Nigeria came to the US. So a lot of my family members, I think that I don't think I know did not have the health consciousness as I would have imagined us to be able to have with, with respect to the knowledge that we have, I think a lot of people in African, even in Africa, do not have the ability to understand exactly how to really take care of themselves. So for me, it became more of a personal vendetta, to increase the awareness, for my family, for myself, for my family, and for my generations to come. That was what started my journey in health and wellness. I then was a really big advocate in sports. So to even make it even more clear, or to blur the lines even more Anthony, I didn't even want to my mom, I come from a family of competitive, you know, professions or careers, where Nigeria has a lot of doctors. Nigerians are mainly doctors, lawyers, you know, architects, pharmacists, so on and so forth. So these are high level careers that most of the families that come to the US have other kids and better than because education is always, always always has been one of one. And I didn't even want to be a doctor. But as time has gone past, I like to think of it as like I was chosen. Medicine chose me, I didn't choose medicine. And I think that a lot. A lot of what drove me to that was just my own keen sense of understanding how to help people and wanting to help people. Fast forward to myself. And the areas that I've actually been embedded in has been primarily in sports. My sports background, I play sports, I've been to the team had doctor for the Nigerian Olympic track and team track and field team. Back in 2016. I went to the Olympics, then I have worked with the Dallas Mavericks, I have worked with a lot of individual professional athletes. I mean, you name it from the top guys, you can think about I've probably either been in a room, I've had my hands on him in some way somehow over 156 professional athletes over the course of six years that I've taken care of, and still fortunately take care of some of them. I was also then further on in 2021 last year, which was actually supposed to be 2020, Tokyo. I was the I was named the head doctor again for the women's basketball team for Nigeria, and also heading the entire track and field as well too. So being able to see, you know, work on I tell these guys I tell these athletes that their bodies are like Lamborghinis and Ferraris, right, being able to work on these cars, essentially their bodies. It's a different type of humilities a different type of approach to different type of mindset that doctors have to have. You can't just going there and just willy nilly given a half assed job or you know, not even taking care of or continuing your education to really go in there understanding how to really make these guys because these are million dollar balls. He's so their their injuries or their next paycheck sometimes can fall on your shoulders. And that's a big responsibility. So, you know, I've been in that in that sector still in that sector and my clinics that my clinic that I have in Dallas and still seeing a lot of professional athletes till today. So there's a little bit, a little bit of a mouthful, but that's like my background, man. 5:22 Man, first of all, congratulations. And that's very, very high achievement. It's I love what I love about podcasting is that we can meet somebody like yourself, you know, before today, we were complete strangers, and everything you just said right now, it's like, I could already tell like, our mindset is such on this like powerful alignment. You said, like, you know, I didn't choose health, like health chose me. My my uncle bought me a bodybuilding magazine when I was 12 years old, my uncle Eddie, and man, I just went down the rabbit hole just started learning about like protein synthesis and recovery and you know, protein turnover cell turnover. And I got obsessed, man, for whatever reason, I just went down that rabbit hole and I have a big family, right? So my dad, there's like nine of them on their side or seven of them. My mom's has like, 13 on their side, right? So it's a lot of diabetes and my family, lots of cancer, you know, Mexican food diet, right? high fat, high carb diet. just growing up around all this illness, man. And I'm learning about like, man, it's so easy, right? Like you mentioned the machine that the body is right, where these these finely tuned machines. If you just play with the chemistry, right, you can make some magic happen, as opposed to like saying, hey, what's hereditary? It's in my culture, because of our diet, like, No, you can actually like turn the knobs, you can twist things and pull things and levers and you can make certain things happen, man, so I can hear it in your passion in your voice already. Like I said, something for me, it's like, I've been like screaming like, I'm from a mountaintop, like the, you know, the house is burning down and trying to get like, work on their diet and their health and all that. And sometimes it feels like you're just like, you know, screaming into an empty field. Right. So I do have a very, very passionate about I've been trying to share the information forever. And I'm glad that the hive mind podcast is taking a pivot in this direction, man. So we appreciate you being on here today. Right? We never want to over ask, but we would love to see you on here, man. It sounds like it's gonna take quite a few podcasts for you to be able to share the information that you have in your mind with our audience, man, but just super appreciative. And again, thank you for being on here. 7:17 I'm humbled. I'm humbled man, Anthony. And it's so funny. I think we have the I have to kind of highlight this, we actually share a little bit of the same. I'm a little bit of the same family tree. On my mom's side, there's 13 of them as well. Wow. So and on my dad's side, my dad's side, there's six of them. So my mom's side, like my first cousins, there's like 67 of us first cousins, because each of my mom's siblings, right, so there are there 13 of them. So they're eight girls and six boys. Right? So and each of them didn't No one, all the women did not have less than four kids. So imagine that. And on my dad's side, each of them didn't have less than two kids. So I got I got quite the family and and so even share your point. Like, you know, diabetes has been a big issue from a disease standpoint, type, which is inflicted by self inflicted? Yes. It's just interesting to hear that that type of you know, me being able to relate to that and have that same family tree on your side. My side Dude, that's, that's incredible to understand and and see that man, so I'm happy to be here, man. And I am really good to get this thing going, man. 8:37 Awesome, man. Yeah, like I said, I just just hearing you speak just for two seconds. I was I felt the alignment already. So that's even cooler, man. Yeah, so again, we appreciate you being on here. Like I said, I feel like I have like a million. Since we've already talked about a few things before the podcast started. I felt like there's a lot of things that I want to cover. So I don't know how far we'll get today, we'll make sure that we keep it right around to like 4045 minutes. We don't want to ever go past the hour to respect people's time and your time. But I think right now, should we open up with a little bit of health and like we talked about recovery, you know, kind of some things that pertain to testosterone and how to keep people in a healing state inflammation, what kind of causes that so why don't we open up with talking about like, the challenges that every American faces, whether you're an athlete or not, you know, it seems like the system's already against us, you know, based on like, microplastics toxins in the environment, those challenges, how does that affect us on a day to day like, I feel like every American is in a battle with inflammation, you know, how are we being exposed to it and what can we do about it? 9:34 Man, that's the that is the golden question at the knee. And I think like, I always I always refer to people or not refer, I always refer to the, to the, to the same that inflammation is a silent killer, right? Because long standing inflammation if you have inflammation, so the inflammation is good and bad. We have good inflammation we have bad inflammation good inflammation happens when we have an acute injury, our body is trying to clear the waist, it needs to be in flux, all kinds of constituents, proteins, enzymes, in order for it to be able to calibrate in the balance, whatever that issue is to start the healing process. That's not a problem. But the problem becomes when it's a long standing inflammation, so like, let's say someone has, I think about it in his in his in his in his perspective, osteoarthritis, right. There's the knees a capsule, if there's so much water in the knee, which is the Dima or fluid, right? inflammatory process that happens. And within that capsule, I think about it as putting like a bone inside of a warm water and letting that bone sit for four months, six months later, right? If you think about that for a second, what happens, the chemistry of the bone starts to change, right? Because that water that is sitting in it, it starts to kind of create a spongy type of field. Now, someone we have to walk, we have to move, you have to do certain things. So now, as you're continuously moving, the impact that the bones are having on each other, the body is automatically going to think, oh, man, I need to send more bones to heal that area, because it's becoming brittle. And it's because it's been sitting in inflammation. So there's a, there's a cascade effect that happens when we have long standing inflammation. And I only talked about just a joint, we haven't even talked about the system, systematic inflammation, long standing systematic inflammation, I think is there. That's where I label it as the silent killer. Because for so long, people have gotten bombarded we, you know, you talked about environment, right? You talked about environment, we are constantly constantly stimulated by external stimulus, right? Whether it's, you know, car car pollution, or air pollution, whether it's the stressors from our employees, whether it's emotional, that emotional baggage is that we're receiving from each other, those constant stimulus stimulus, stimuli, puts us in a mind of our body is almost like in a state of like, recover, recover, recover, recover, recover, over long period of time, the body is going to almost check out. Because it's like it says, You know what, maybe this is my norm. This is the signaling. Yeah, right. Maybe this is normal. So I'm going to stick to this little, I'm going to allow this situation to be because now we have to allow it to happen. So now, because you haven't done anything, right, you haven't changed your environment, you haven't changed your stressors, you haven't changed the way that you're eating, you haven't changed the people that you're around, you haven't changed your job that you might hate, right. And so now you're living in this in this concept, or in this in his world of just constant over stimulation. And that's, that's where all the cortisol, all your inflammatory processes happen over and over and over and over. And over time, right. And this is why I like to tell people like if you think about it, like if your body is living in, and I like the analogy that I use, where inflammation and the bone sits inside of inflammation, remember, we are electrical human beings, everything that we do is nothing, we are just a ball of light, the skin, the muscles, just the covering, it's just a shell. So that's where our pure electricity. So if we think about it for a second, right, the brain has to send electrical impulses through our nervous system to be able to communicate in certain ways. What happens if, if you're, if your body is sitting inside of water, there's no, the current can't flow, right? Current can't flow naturally the way it needs to flow. So if you think about that, and put that in perspective, okay, if my body is sitting in water, and my joints is sitting in water, and my bones become brittle, so that means that the electrical stimulation that my brain is trying to send to my organs, to my muscles, to my nerves, or my from my nerves to my muscles, to my joints, that means that there's going to be a choppy simulation. That means that the process of digestion is going to slow down. That means that the process of absorption is going to be compromised. That means that the growth factors aren't going to be happy. So when I when I when I explain to my patients and I kind of give them an overview of how things got to where they are, because when they come to me, they're coming to me because they've had all the answers they've they've gone to the Mayo Clinic's they've gone to the doctors, they've gone to this, this, this and third, nothing has worked. So now when I sit them down, I said okay, well why don't we just peel the onion back a little bit? Oh, so remember that time when you were eight years old and you got the feelings inside of your mouth? Or remember that time that you that you were still dealing with a lot of the trauma. Oh remember that time you you injured your knee, but you never got any rehab. So these things are compound effects that ended up happening. And by the time we're 30, in our 30s, mid 30s, and late 30s, and 40s, and so on and so forth, we're having to figure out exactly how we got to where we got to, because we've been going to the doctor, here's a pill, and I use the concept of pill for every ill, here's a pill. Here's so Nin, we're constantly using these masking agents to dim the signals that the body is giving us in order for us to actually do better. So when we subdue those signals, we're only telling the body the body that man, shut the hell up. I don't wanna hear that right now. Right? Let me go take this pill, so I can shut you up. You see what I'm saying? Instead of listening, and taking the time out, and that's to go back, you know, like I said, it's the that inflammatory process is the body's way of signaling until you wake up, something is not right. And in order for you to be able to understand that you first have to be in tuned, in order to understand exactly where, where the holes are, and where it all started. So from an inflammatory standpoint, and we can go and even even further into testosterone. That's one element of recovery, that also helps recovery, like I tell my patients all the time, I tell my athletes all the time, like, I don't care how much you can lift, I don't care how fast you can run out there, I care how much you can bench, I don't care how high you can jump, if you can't recover fast enough for you to be able to train. And at same intensity, the next day, the day after the day after the day after some way somehow, you're going to run into a breaking point. And that breaking point is where injury is going to happen, or some sort of something is going to take you out. So to wrap it up, you know, when I say inflammation is the silent killer, that's the that is the foundation of all things disease wise, of all things, injury wise, but if we can control that from the recovery standpoint, right, and understand how to mitigate that this is how we flip and flip the script in terms of how we can live a healthier life and live a more beneficial life. Right. But yeah, you know, that's, that's, that's like a whole idea behind it. Now, everything everybody's different, you can tweak it and we can change it. In terms of everybody, I don't like to program everybody in the same type of concept. Because every individual is different. But you have a body, I have a body, you got a brain, I have a brain, you got muscles, I have muscles, you have nerves, vessels, so on and so forth. You have organs. So all the basic, you have all the basic machinery, right? So the idea is now okay, you might need, you know, 91 you might need 91 fuel, and I might need 87 We right? And depending on how much you you feel and what you feel yourself, it's going to be much different how I feel or not what I do myself in order to mitigate that. Right. So 18:03 doing man, you're speaking all my language man. I was making little mental notes as you were talking and like you for one, you talked about how not only is it like the physical that the environment, right, let's say chemicals that are out there, whatever we're doing to our body, but also the mental stressors. Right? That's, that's when you talk about those emotional stressors past traumas. Right? And who would relate that to inflammation? If you're not like, like you said, like, you're not conscious of your own body and your own thoughts. And what happens when you have these, like, the thoughts that tear you down instead of build the body up? That's something that maybe people have never dealt with, right? Since they were a kid, something happened to them. They have that hate in their heart, right? And what how is that manifesting itself physically now? 18:44 So there's a there's a book that I I really like and I recommend, it's called the body keeps score. I don't know 18:52 what it sounds like. It's right up my alley, man. Right. 18:55 So it's a fascinating book, in a sense that the way that it describes some of the scars, it even touches, like scars, right. I've actually had experiences and practices and during my practice and my clinics with this as well, too, and, and seeing that how much treating just a scar, right? Not even like the soft tissue, the foot and blah, blah, blah, treating just a scar. It's almost like you're tapping into the brain and telling the brain that it's okay. Right? The body keeps score talks about how neurology and the subconscious. From the time someone has had trauma to the time they that that subconscious memory lives in them. From that time on, if they don't do anything to unpack it. It can be detrimental to their success. It can be detrimental to their relationship, it can be detrimental to their sports, it can be detrimental to anything that they want to do, and be high achievers right And it's in your case in point. That's where the mental bondage comes in. Because if I'm bonded by this thing that happened to me when I was 14 years old, and never got any help, never got anything. Well, that memory that's living in my subconscious. Anytime something happens, it's a trigger. And the brains, the brain doesn't know right from wrong, the brain just knows, do react. So if we think about it, if I'm living in this bondage, or in this trauma, right, and I run into a situation where, you know, I'm reminded of what happened, or I'm faced with the same experience that I hadn't gotten over, I'm gonna go into panic mode. Oh, shit, this is about to happen again. Well, guess what? That's what just happened. Now you've told your brain go release, cortisol release, all release on all the hormones is going to really increase all your panic, Flight, a flight, fight or flight. Now you go into the sympathetic response, when you go into the sympathetic response, this sympathetic response is telling your body we need to protect, we need to fight, right, of course, I'm over exaggerating in terms of how I'm actually explaining it. But from a physiological level, this is how the cascade of things happen. And then you're now caught up in the same cycle over and over and over. And it's a perpetual cycle, until you get to the point where you can unravel that, and really face it, and then make peace with that. That's the only way you can start to really unlearn. I have this hashtag that I use all the time on my Instagram is hashtag, learn to unlearn. And the only way to do that is be in the conscious awareness of knowing that this is an issue. I can't deal with this anymore. Therefore, I have to change. So now you're learning to unlearn the old Trump. 21:59 And this is beautiful, man. This is like this is not only physical and medicine, this is also you know, I don't want to use the word esoteric, but it's kind of like spiritual, right? So there's, there's a book that I read that really changed my life, and it's called the power of now. Yeah. Bring yourself back to the present moment. Because we do have past traumas, we're afraid of the future, right? The anxiety that the future might bring. So we're creating all these problems in our mind that have already passed, or that might never happen. So if you bring yourself back into the present moment, you can you can work on things like that. So I was just thinking right now, you know, this is probably going to be released by next year, but like Christmas is tomorrow, Christmas Eve. Yeah, I'm thinking about, like families that are at Thanksgiving or Christmas. And they have like these, you know, family quarrels at over the holidays, because they are reliving past traumas, like they see that uncle or that enter dad, and those old feelings start to come up again. And somebody perhaps they neurologically can't handle it. Yeah. Right. So what's something that people can do men to kind of work on themselves that way? If they have those kinds of traumas? Like what can you know, if they haven't fixed that, like you said that they're bringing a lot of problems into the present? That should have been addressed a long time ago? 23:05 Man. So that's, that's a, that's a loaded question. Because I think it's like, it's different for everybody, man, I'm, I'm, you know, I had I had, you know, just to kind of give you some personal insight on my life, I had a, I had a death in the family about 11 years ago, which is my father. So there was a lot of, of trauma that I had to unpack. So from my own experience, I think, like, one of the biggest thing that helped me was meditation. And people don't understand the power of meditation, and I meditate every single day, you know, from 5am to 6:30am. That's my time of meditation. That's my quiet time. I don't talk to anybody. But even before then, that even before then, a lot of the things that I had done was, I seeked, a lot of counsel, I saw I sought out people that were much, much more intelligent than me, and had a little bit more experience in the mental and how to actually impact in mental. So I think that one of the things that most people can do is if it isn't in the sense of like a detrimental mental bondage, seek help. It's it's the society and even though Instagram of what all this social media is doing to us in the right now, I think is desensitizing us and is making us even further and further away from self and self realization. So all the instant gratification and what the body images that told us that this is what you're supposed to look like or even as men, right some of the emotional capacities that I as a black man growing up, never had a chance to explore because I had I didn't have time for that. I that's the best way I can put it. My mother didn't have time for that or not. She didn't have time for that. But my mother did not allow or show that weakness. Therefore, I as a man could not allow be shown that weakness, right? So now over the years, I've had to figure out exactly what that what that even means. So my own self searching was seeking help counseling, figuring out exactly where the problem was, and then constantly teaching myself that it's okay to feel it's okay to be emotional, it's okay to have these these issues and then letting it go. Because in order for you to actually get to a point, you have to realize what the problem is. And then, you know, once you realize what the problem is, make amends to what that problem is, and then let it go and forgive. And those are the three processes really easy. I start with meditation, once you find that, once you find that, okay, this pisses me off. And even with athletes, we go back again to the recovery, because you know, not to just go off on a tangent and start talking about the metaphysical and even with the spiritual aspect, but I think that all binds, they all marry each other, you can't. Right? You can't have not the other if I have a mental situation, and I, my ex, my ex girlfriend, and my mother just said to me, and I'm going out to go play a game, that's going to be my mind, I'm not going to have the best game. So understanding exactly how to unpack that, and finding someone who's gonna give you that accountability and help you unpack that. I think that's like the best way. But I always always go back to breath, I use breath, I use meditation. Those are my two primary key tools, when it comes to really, really understanding who I am today, as a man that I am today. That's like the pivotal. Those are the those are the main tools that I use to create this pivotal moment or those pivotal moments in my life, man. So hope that helps somebody. And I hope anyone's use. 26:37 I love how you talk about these powerful concepts and your kindness. Like it's just what I do like that, let's, let's unpack this for a few minutes. Now. This is I don't want anybody to overlook this. This is amazing information. We have a group that we do, we flipped land. It's like we're real estate investors. So we have a private group that we're doing, we do deals that are million dollars and up. And we have a 10 commandments for the group. And commandment number 10 is to spend 10 to 40 minutes by yourself every single morning in silent meditation and prayer. That's like, that's one of the rules to success in our group. Incredible. So that's like you said it kind of pertains to business, the spiritual side, and I use it a lot to men. So again, more overlap and similarities. I lost my older brother man, when I was 19. And he was 20 and 2000. So 22 years, man, and it's you still you have that some of that pain never goes away, seeing my parents suffer that kind of stuff. And I have used meditation as it's been a powerful tool in my life and prayer. I think the main thing that meditation does is it entrained your nervous system to stay grounded and stay centered, even like the chaotic environment. 27:46 Yeah, you just set it as an anchor. It's an anchor, it anchors you to the point where you can literally do anything. And you can overcome anything you can withstand and basically face anything that anchor if you don't have anchor, you're like a floating, floating. What do they call them things little buoys like a floating buoy. And you're in the river, the river is the motion, and you are the buoy, whenever the river goes. 28:13 along, the way I talk about an analogy is like like being like in a storm like in a tornado. Right. So when life's going chaotic, and things are just going out of control and crazy. If you just come back to center, you're in the eye of the storm, and there's no chaos in there. Just visualizing the chaos around you. But you can still make strategic moves. And you can like pinpoint and target strategy all in a calm environment, even in the midst of chaos. And I think that's something super powerful that nothing in life trains you for that unless you stopped to pray. And you stopped to meditate and to get grounded and get centered. Yeah, so that's that. You hit it right on your head, my boy. I wish that when you went to the doctor and you said, Hey, I have anxiety, I feel depressed. You know, let's start there. You know, why don't you try like, wants to try prayer for 30 minutes every morning. You know, sit still by yourself in a room for 30 minutes, quiet all by yourself undisturbed. Before you start your day. Try that for 30 days and then come back and we'll see how it goes. Right before we start hitting you with pills. Like you said, 29:11 Dude, that's a valid that's a that's an incredible point that you just brought up. You know, some some of my patients, you know, when I when I when I practice, and I'm really in tune with my hands and when I'm when I'm when I'm when I have my hands on anybody. I can feel the tension and the stress, I can feel where where where they are even prior to an adjustment I can feel if they are in, in a state of trust, right. One of the things that I learned during my, I've learned for them over the years of practicing is like if the body is not going to if not if the body is isn't ready to accept it, healing will never occur. Right? So in understanding that, like a lot of the sessions that I I have with my patients has always been almost like a counseling session. Anthony is like, we just sit, we just have a conversation and we just talk. Because I'll get there, I'll get them. There'll be so tense, they'll come in and you can kind of see who's who, what what the body language looks like when they first walk into the clinic, because then you can actually be able to tell, okay, is this going to be a successful session? Or is this going to have to come back another session, and some of those some of those, in some of those moments, what I've learned is I take a step back, and from being a doctor, and I put a different hat on, and now I'm a friend, or a brother, right? Or I am a dad, or whatever the the, the the case calls for. And I find it that when I am in that moment, and allowing them to release, right, that allows me for the next session to be the best treatment to to have the best treatment and have the best results from a healing standpoint. And I think a lot of doctors don't see that. Because they don't have time for that. Right? The biggest thing is like the biggest thing I tell my patients, I say, Well, you go to a surgeon, when you're knocking on the surgeons door, they not they don't have time to spend, because why are you there? You are there to get cut. So they're going to do what you came there to ask them to do. Wow. And I never thought about it like that. And all you got is five minutes. You know, so that's, that's where I try to put that perspective and a lot of the patient's mind like, think for a second when you go see a professional MD or a surgeon or a neurosurgeon or whoever it is that you that you seek authority from? That is what will tell you who that gives them that'll give you your answer in terms of how they treat you in terms of what they what they how they prepare your healing your healing journey, right. So it all it all it all makes sense when it when you start to see it, man. 32:00 And I can talk to you for 10 hours straight bro. I hope this is part one of a series like, like I said, I would love to see you on here again, 30 minutes in and I feel like I got like 20 More things in 32:11 30 minutes. And yeah. 32:16 So yeah, man, this is amazing. You know, it's I myself, like I had to become obsessed with health and healing. And you know, just for some personal things that I went through my own life. So, you know, further went down the rabbit hole, like how does the person heal themselves out of suffering, right? How do we bring ourselves into a healing state removed from a painful state, right, or a state of collapse, like where your body starting to like, like you said, like, almost digest itself, right with the fluids sitting in the joints. So if you're not obsessed with this information, like if you don't actively go dig it up, like mine, for it hard to find somebody like yourself, who's already kind of piece a lot of the information together for you. Right. So that's something that I think about a lot is that that's the reason why we wanted to create the hive health podcast, is because we want people to be able to source the information all in one place. So just speaking with you. And like all the topics you're already hitting on, I can already tell like, this is not even scratching the surface surface of your depth of knowledge, man. So I would love to keep on talking about the health part of it. But why don't we move a little bit now into, like, I guess something that does affect the body in directly and indirectly, which is environment. We talked about microplastics and how that's, you know, kind of killing the globe. And, you know, I imagine that it's 10 episodes all by itself to talk about what we can do to help combat that. But you want to kind of segue over into that and talk about that a little bit. Yeah, 33:36 um, you know, they like this, this is not a newly found information. And I always challenge some of the people that always question as to whether it's pertinent or not, because, you know, for years and years and years, we've had plastics that has been wreaking havoc on our environment, like a silent monster, they came back to eat us. And well, actually, it's just been digesting as I think he's just finally starting to show the teeth, right? It's starting to show the claws. It's starting to show the full 34:11 body starting to understand the implications of the damage that are being caused. why nobody's talking about it. Nobody's thinking about it. You remember, 34:19 I don't know if you remember if you watch the show Stranger Things. So remember that you remember, you remember the thing, the thing first started as a little blob, and it grew, and it continued to grow. And all of a sudden had hands and tentacles and all kinds of such. That's what I think about the plastics. I think the plastics become such a huge problem in our society, and these big companies and corporations. Don't give a rat's ass, they don't care. Because 34:49 who's suppressing the inflammation? Why is nobody talking about this? 34:53 You know, it's the same thing in medicine. It's like, you can't use the word or cure, and a certain other word in the same sentence, right? I don't want to use the same other words, because who knows what, who. You know, but cure cure, to say cure, and certain ailments and diseases, it raises, it raises certain eyebrows in certain sectors of business, and also certain sectors of medicine. Because there have been big boys that have been controlling the narrative of health for so long. So when you talk about inflammation suppression, that's never been done. That's that's, that's like the that's like the blimp of what's actually happened. We'll talk about information suppression, you could talk about convolution of information, right? convolution, because you have these big corporations that actually pay millions of dollars things doctors and his writers to go out. And they publicize this false narrative of health of what's healthy, because it's basically going to appease or drive more income and more revenue to the companies. Right? 36:04 Since what the 40s, or the 50s have been pushing on us like that. It's great to eat wheat and Cheerios, and all it's amazing for you to just down yourself with carbs every day all day 36:12 all and then oh, and then all of a sudden, it changes again, right? All of a sudden, and at this constant change this constant narrative. Maybe it's prompting confusion for a reason, because now they want to see, what they want to do is to see who's going to be able to actually tell what's what, right. Then you tell you tell someone? Well, you know, I don't think that this diet is blah, blah, blah, blah. There's a what the research says this, but that was outdated 10 years ago, but as they're still pretty. So you get into this, this, this this argument, and because of the confusion that has been prompted by these big corporations, and Big Pharma, if you will, because that's like, that's truly what it is. Right? I 36:49 think that's why they're afraid of people like me, and you because we are the distillers of the information, and they don't like us very much. 36:54 Can't wait to call us to disruptors, right? 36:59 Yeah, we're definitely disruptors in what we're doing in our business model. And I have big dreams for for what we're about to do in the health in the medical area, I'd love to hear 37:07 it. And because because you become disruptive when you disrupt, you're taking away money. And when you take away money, you're playing with very, very dangerous people, man. And those dangerous people can come and make your life a living hell. And that's what 37:22 this is what we're doing with the hive mind, man, we we talked about how we're going to move capital from here to there, at a very, very high rate. So that's why we went with a business model where there is no target, there's no center of anything, it's a hive mind, it's like the whole entire organization is going to create that change. 37:40 So you have a community, a community that's actually backing each other. And that's where big, big big push, because you and I can't do a singularly by ourselves. But if we have a collective people that have the same mindset, the same vision, the same goals, and can implement it infiltrate in certain sectors to start and grow, and have certain buying, that's the only way he's going to be able to, to move, like I want to touch on the plastic that you talked about, because the going back to the plastics, right? So like, the company that we've created, is a bio plastic company. And obviously, you know, the biggest pandemic that we have right now is the landfills. The landfills are filled with cient continuously filled with plastics, they have some of these, some of these cement companies that they go and they buy plastics, right? Because the what is it, I forget the name of the fires that they use to actually that they use to to to fuel the factory to make the cement it's called it killed or killed or something like that. So so they buy the plastics, right? And, and this is one of the issues that's happening. They're going by the plastic from these big plastic companies. They take the plastic and they dump it inside of the CNET Seaman holes to burn the plastic to then fuel their to fuel their factories. Well, all you're doing is taking the problem from the land and you're putting it in the air. Right? And recycling, right? Recycling. Everybody's on this. Oh, yeah. You know, recycle, recycle, recycle. But there's only 2%. Right? Let's talk about like, let's talk about like the real, the real real. Concept of recycling 2%. Two to 4% of plastic is actually recyclable. Why is that? recyclable plastics. Let's say you have a bottle of Coke, right or a bottle of Sprite, the chemical the acid in that sprite when it coats or when it mixes with the coating of the plastics on inside. and melts it and has it contamination or has any sort of any sort of like relationship to it or water heats it or something like that. What ends up happening is that plastic bottle is no longer recyclable, Anthony. It's all BS, in my, in my humble opinion. So as a collective, what are we doing from a company standpoint, and from everybody else that we're doing, we're partnering up, we have companies that are wanting to do what we're doing, they want to go and talk to other companies. And we want to have conversations with other companies to say, hey, we found a solution that can replace plastics. And now everybody's coming together, because now we're, they're seeing what the problem is, they're seeing that there is a large issue that needs to be addressed before our planet dies. And I think that, taking it back to even the health concept of it, everybody has had some sort of plastic that they've used their put their food in, put it in the microwave, or they've gotten it from the store, put it in a microwave, or they drank out of it, right, put it in a microwave. These plastics that you put when he when it when it's when is met with heat, The Nature of the Chemical denature is that. So when you go to eat from it, when you go to drink from it, it has the contents that you're actually ingesting, which is where your problem also lies. Now, this isn't like something that just you go and drink water bottle with plastic and all of a sudden, boom, you get sick. Now you do that every year, one year, the next five years, the next 10 years, this is where the body so now goes back to that same inflammatory concept that I was talking to you about right? So now I'm ingesting from from a from a from a, from a from a from a, I'm ingesting from from a, I'm ingesting plastic. Now I have environmental, I have environmental stress. Now I have social stress. So now all this issue that I'm I'm basically surrounded around is still causing that same constant inflammation, and the plastic rubbish has been shown to disrupt hormonal systems. In women, it's been shown to disrupt testosterone production in males, it's been shown that it actually causes cancers, right, it stimulates the body's because the body's if the body's been fighting it for so long, the body is going to get to a point where it cannot do it anymore. And guess what the weakest part of the body is where the cancer or the bacteria or the disease will go. So if you have issues that you make, your liver isn't functioning right, or kidneys aren't functioning right, or your digestive thyroid problems now. Exactly. So and attacks those eight attacks those areas, man so to tie it all together, man, you know, there's it's a bigger problem that we that we actually know of, and this is like, I call it the silent killer. I say inflammation is a silent killer because we are constantly we're constantly bombarded with all kinds of information and all kinds of issues man out so we can get a handle of it. Anthony is it's it's people like you and me have to come we have to be able to create communities in order for us to actually make a dent in the company man or a dent in his world. And and that's where we're at man, you know, in terms of that, man, so hopefully this this is gonna be a big change in the future. 43:23 Man our visions align so so perfectly. Man, this is gonna be such a beautiful match. So let's talk about three red flag items real quick. And I want to touch on two of what you brought up before we started this call in case anybody thinks like, Yeah, but that's a problem. You know? Um, there's gonna be people if it's not an immediate threat, immediate danger, people just kick the can down the road. Right? So we talked when talking about three different red flags to that you brought up one that I personally believe and think about. So for one is that there's dead zones in the ocean, right? Where there's no no life, there's no ability for plant or fish to live there. Number two is that we're eating about a credit cards are worth the plastic per month, the average American. Yep. And then number three is that that the human race should be infertile between like 2050 and 2060. Inability to have children. All right. So let's talk about this man. We got 15 minutes left, but let's go as far as we can go. And then yeah, we'll do it again. Then we'll do part two. 44:24 Um, so Okay, so what the first one was, 44:28 the oceans, we're killing our oceans. You know, 44:32 I don't know how much of a seafood person you are. If you like shrimp you like fish you like any of those things? I absolutely love it. I'll tell you right now, you might want to start checking it because the fish are eating the plastics. Right? The shrimps are eating the plastics. The bottom feeders are eating the plastics. Right? So if we talk about from a food consumption standpoint, the plastic that might the microplastics are wreaking a lot of havoc on marine Life oceans that the turtles the sea the sea turtles, the sea that all your the whales they are consuming all of this stuff has been dumped in the ocean. 45:11 On on social you'll see like them cut open a shark or a whale and do it's full of like a dumpster full of plastic 45:16 cut into cutting open cut open a well, and it's an it's just ridiculous amount. I mean, it's sad dude is he talking about and those dead zones man. And it's only getting worse, those dead zones are getting worse. And let's go back to this whole conversation about how these big corporations are really messing up the environment, these corporations will go write some sometimes a middleman can be to issue to the middleman like someone like you or myself a regular person will go and create a company and they say, Oh, my company is going to get rid of all your plastic. You are you are a big corporation that you need to get rid of your plastics. I go create a company that can go and buy or can literally you pay me and I'll take all your plastics you as a corporation. Well guess what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go to Africa. I'm gonna go to Indonesia, I'm gonna go to India, I'm gonna go to Bali, I'm gonna go to one of those countries that no one gives a damn. And I'm going to take my truck load of plastic and I'm gonna dump it in their backyard. Who gives? Who gives a care what their lifestyle looks like? Who gives the kid what their ocean is on. By the way, if I can't dump it there, there's a river right next to to the to the land. I'll just dump it in the river. Right? And we know that rain falls river moves water moves. So what does that doing is washing all that circulation and moving in different areas. That's why you have all these little patches of dead zone and they're the size of Texas dude, the size of Texas three of them. And even imagine what that even looks like man. What that even looks like you mean it sounds? Who ever saw. Yeah, yeah. So and to your to your to your to your to your point is if we can't if we don't stop that, and this is where I you know, my passion is for for the company that we created is our our plastics are in this industrial compostable and also, biodegradable, industrial compostable means it's not home compostable yet, but industry compostable means that we can take the plastic and you can go and dump it into the garbage. Let's say God forbid, someone, a company, a company by that buys or that wants to do business with this is using our resin to be able to manufacture the plastics. Let's say God forbid someone a middleman decides to still continue to do the things that they're doing. Well, once our plastic ends up in that landfill, it becomes in the industrial compostable, which means that in the landfill, high amounts of anaerobic or anaerobic bacteria gets a hold of our plastic it becomes food for them. So the the the our plastic becomes digested by just anaerobic anaerobes. And then it turns into fertilizer. So because we use hemp, hemp is the mother plant, our hemp can actually be able to to nourish the soil and make the soil somewhat good again, right. So that is the the vision that my partner and I had, and where we wanted to go and how we wanted to advance the future. Right now, this is gonna be another 510 years before things start to really take head, but I don't even think we have that much time, Anthony. So with that being said, I think that's the whole way we solve that problem with it with the impact of ocean plastics in the ocean. But and moving back to the second point, I think you said you weren't you mentioned. What was the second point you mentioned 48:48 that the average person is consuming on a month. Yes. 48:51 Again, it goes back to what I was talking about the food microwavable foods that you're using, change that up, put your bowl, put your food and glass Tupperware, if you're going to store your food in the fridge, store it in the glass double because because when when plastic needs extreme cold and extreme heat, there's going to be a morphological change, which means that the chemical properties will change. Right you freeze the plastic, it's going to it's going to deform and then you bring it out and you want to warm it up. It's going to deform. So the idea behind that is that if you're wanting to control the amount of plastic that you're ingesting, carry water is carry water in a glass bottle, right? Go find ceramic bottles that that have it even even even 10 not 10. I hesitate to say to say aluminum but you know because aluminum is no better, no no better. But what I want to say is it's you want to put your your your digestive work ingestible items in side of containers that are not going to be detrimental to your health. When you consume foods that live inside of it. And that's the whole, that's the whole idea behind it, you know what I mean? And that's the only way you can save yourself, you may you may, you might, you know, dwindled down from half a credit card, right? And all this stuff takes time, right? We have plastics, the surrounding us and everything that we use, even our kids have plastic, everything we use. So the idea is that just to try to try to minimize that the constant use, and the constant microwaving the constant food consumption using plastic. And the best way you can do it is to switch glass, ceramic. Those are the best options in my humble opinion. But again, everybody's entitled and can argue one way or another man, but that's, that's, you know, that's the one way to really stop that consumption plastic. 50:47 Man, dude, this is something again, like this things that people aren't thinking about us as entrepreneurs that are out there when we're figuring out how to get in and how to build the perfect funnel and how to run traffic and where to source capital and fundraising. But nobody's talking about Yeah, like, there might not be a place to do those activities anymore in the next five or 10 years. 20 years. Like when something needs to happen. 51:06 Yeah, man. You talking about you told him I like you say you buy and sell land, like, what land a unit by itself, if you know what I mean? Like, I don't even know what, what examples to use. But in essence, like, you know, if you were like in real estate over overseas, that might be tough, like, think about people that are overseas that are buying and selling land or because it's not only you do it in the US, I'm sure it is international people that do the same thing that you're doing, how much issues that they're running into, because they can't sell land that are just completely compiled. And I'm talking like mountains, I'm not talking. I'm not talking about little heaps of little heels of plastic. I'm talking like, it looks literally looks like a mountain. 51:50 I've seen a man I've seen like stuff on one again, on social or just like on documentaries, or whatever. And you see like this being like a wasteland. It's in somebody's backyard. It's like, the middle of nowhere. 52:00 Yeah. So So yeah, man, you know, saving that save, changing, that is my passion. That's my love. I believe that is my my calling. And one of my purposes, I don't necessarily believe that is the ultimate purpose, but I believe is one of my purposes in his world, to leave the lead the world a better place. And I came in, as always what my mom has taught me and I have always lived by as well, too. And I teach my son the same thing. It's like, you know, like, whatever you came into this world, make sure you've done some sort of change, to make it a better place than you left it. And that's the only that's the only mission in this world. To me, that makes any sense besides having kids and, and family. But you know, that's, that's where we're at with that, 52:45 man, powerful, powerful conversation, man. And I like I said, I think our visions align. So the next place where we're headed now, and we're always gonna do real estate, like I said, as long as this planet is functional and beautiful. That I'm heading head into health then because again, like something that I've seen as since I was a kid, as like, I've seen people struggle with their health and just seeing people fall apart literally, because they don't know what to do, they don't have access to the information. So I think things like this pertain like exactly to what I'm thinking about and where my headspace is, I think something that makes me my partner Daniel very dangerous and business is that we're not afraid to operate on very, very low margins for the sake of growing faster and going faster. So what I'm thinking about this pharmaceutical company that we want to launch is we're prepared to run like an almost no profit, just to get the message out as quickly as possible and to distribute product as quickly as possible. So I think what you're doing is going to align perfectly with what we're doing then. Because if we're planning to touch as many lives as I think we're going to touch, then this is something that we can just add right into the message is like, Hey, this is part of it. This isn't it's not something separate. It's not something that runs parallel. Like this is what we're pushing. 53:48 Yeah. Kudos to you guys. Man. I'm, I'm, I'm excited to hear it. I'm, you know, by all means, share that with me as well, too, because that'd be that'd be incredible to hear what you guys got going on. And that's a big part. That's a big, big part of my area that I've already you know, I've had a chance to dive into and I've got some pretty powerful people that are changing the narrative in terms of pharmaceuticals, and nutraceuticals, within a nutraceutical within the nutraceutical sectors. They're really making a big difference and challenging the pharmaceutical sector. 54:23 That's exactly what I want to do, man, like, I know somebody's gonna see this Sunday, and they're gonna be like those suckers, but I gotta say it. That's what I'm after man, I'm after to push back against Big Pharma. I know, that's a big task to take on. But that's why we're building community based. Like I said, we're like, we're looking to get engaged. Millions of people, 10s of millions, hundreds of millions of people, we're not looking to do it on our own. So through marketing, through through networking, through everything that we're already doing, it's like it is building up to this grand thing. And if we can get enough people involved at the individual level, I don't know how much pushing back we could do but even if we can make a five or 10 or 20% impact on the globe The environment, people's personal health, like, hey, like you said, Man, I'm only here for a certain amount of years, and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life pushing back. I really am 100% I'm intrigued. I'm intrigued. Beautiful Man. Well, this was an amazing conversation. I think we're approaching that hour mark, I would love to see you again on here, man. And even if we can have you as a regular, maybe just line you up for once a month. Maybe if you want to bring on your partner next time we can get on a panel, we can talk about what people can do, right to participate not only to help start using the products, but help distributing like Who should we be having conversations with all that stuff. Man, I would love to take another deep dive into this. And like I said, it really pertains to what we're doing. So I would love to join forces with you and see what we can do to take people's health and the environmental health of the planet to the next level man. And then also I wanted to talk about hemp. Because we're talking, I met a gentleman at an event that I went to a few months ago and he talked about how just growing hemp revitalizes and neutralizes like the soil puts nutrients back in and like oxygenates it so man I got a whole bunch of rabbit holes we can 56:01 that's that's a whole nother sector of conversation dude that we can definitely have a conversation about. You talked about like the, the, the criminalization of him back in the 1900s. And if you want to take it even further back, back in the 16 and 1700s that, you know, hemp was actually required by the farmers to farm like the farmers like they, they required farmers to farm hemp because of the properties of hemp because of the strength of the hemp because of the versatility of hemp. So, knowing that in the 1900s everything flipped, that only tells me that someone somehow and I know that. You know there are a few families out there that were the big players in in a criminalization of him. Right? I mean, the way that it went from you it was mandatory needed to like Nope, this is this is criminal if you if you if you if we catch it going if you are a dope smoker and you are you are going to jail. Hey, bro, it blows my mind. Right? Because it's like when you look at the way that that they used hemp back then it was stronger than steel. Anthony 57:22 imagine blocks right now with him. You know? 57:25 It seems hempcrete right? So it's it's it's so versatile. Like it blows my mind, man and so to hear you say that and to hear you talk about that dude, that's my that's my and I have I have I have my own personal story that pertains to cannabis in the cannabis world that also pertains that I'm not here. I'm not here by coincidence, just just to say the least. And so I'll share that more of a more in depth story behind some of the things that happened to me from a health standpoint and cannabis. And then you know how I got here today, utilizing him to try to change a sector World Man so I'm all for it. 58:08 We're in the same environment man. I got CBN CBD and THC oil and Hanneman and I use it like medicine I don't use it every day I use it once a month maybe you know so we can talk about neuroplasticity and microdosing like man I got I got days and days 58:26 yeah man we can I can I can go on long man so 58:29 beautiful man. Let's put up your website so people know how to connect with you get a hold of you. Like I said I'm hoping to see you again real soon so I don't think this is going to be a one off podcast but yeah, if you want to make a series that stay with this is episode two is gonna be about three is gonna be about frequency you want to get him in but let's do it minimum. I'm all in on him. So imagine why our company right we're looking at him we're heading straight for a beat. All right, you know what right now we have like $10 million under land worth under contract of land under contract. And I would say we're at 20 30 million but in the next year man so we're heading to a B we want to control all the land that we can control in the United States. And we want to use some of that man farming hen farming food like restoring like the environment like we're got Blake big, big plans, man. So I think we're headed in the same direction so we might as well ride together. 59:17 I love it. I love it. My my sports. Medicine website is innovate Sports Med. Innovate, not in obey. So E and O V A T EA Sports med.com And that's where anything's healthwise. A lot of a lot of people can reach me through that in terms of like consultations and what they would like to learn. Do you offer a lot of soft tissue a lot of musculoskeletal services? And anything that that that that revolves Drees telemedicine, I do do consultations with with certain Functional Medicine consultations, I do we do analysis, saliva analysis, remote saliva analysis. And so there's a lot of different ways to really get down to the nitty gritty. If it's if it's a musculoskeletal, I do have a clinic that they can actually go to in Dallas. If it's anything physiological that requires more of an in depth that we take that a little bit further from, from a from a functional medicine approach, and everything is more so listed. It's a whole list ik approach. And in doing that, so and that's where my that's where a lot of information can be found. And then my bioplastic company is called Terra. Terra as land mer as polymer or water. So we have land and water polymer. So we have the ability to degradative on land, and also in water. And that's te e r r a m e r i n c.com. TerraMar inc.com. And then my instagram handle is Dr. So it's Dr. Dot a mecca e m e ke underscore sports. And that's where a lot of people reach out to me, they DM me, I have conversations with them and I give them tips and bits and everything like that. And then I'm going to be a little bit more active come 2023 on educating and just kind of being being a little bit more active on on my social media. So those are the three primary areas you can find me on our other. TerraMar has an Instagram is called termer Inc underscore technologies. So termer Inc, underscore technologies, and that's where we post everything that we we try to teach is more of a informative. So we're teaching about him, we're teaching the process of him teaching about the process of degradation. We're teaching about all different elements of everyone else in the comparisons. And understanding that there are different plants out there that are it's not just him. There are guava, there's avocado, there's starch, there's sugarcane, there's seaweed, there's bamboo, there's kelp. So there's different elements of plants that are being used right now to combat plastics. But, you know, we try to give examples or an explanations as to how a lot of these plants quite honestly, I think my own opinion is like a lot of these plants, they're going to have an issue when it comes to scale. Because avocado and the amount of water it takes to grow avocado, that's very, it's very tough. The same thing, as far as supply chain availability, hemp is weed, you can grow weed anywhere, you can go you can grow wheat, on a concrete, you can grow you and it can, it can, it can be grown in any weather conditions whatsoever. So I believe that we are in a position to really scale and to further this, this company where it's never been taken before. And our competitors, obviously, I I'm a big support and what they're doing because I think that as we're doing this as a collective, there's going to be more awareness and change coming forth as what's your 1:03:23 dutiful man, that's the hive mind, man, we are a collective, we are looking to work with other people to team up with other organizations, we're seizing control of 1000s of acres of land in a very short amount of time. And what it is, it's not even costing us money is becoming very profitable. So it's an inverted funnel where we're starting to collect land at scale where it's paying us to collect it instead of us buying it. So you can imagine how fastest organisms gonna grow. So if you have some direction or some use for some of that land, and you tell us where we need to be and what we need to buy, what kind of climate we need to be involved in and we're all in the Countess and 1:03:55 let's have the conversation. Let's have a conversation. Anthony, we, we the more the merrier, man. The more the merrier, we're going to be a lot because everything that we're doing is in state, right as in the US. So we're not trying to worry about we're not trying to depend on China to give us to him. We're trying to we're trying to secure that ourselves. 1:04:13 And I'm looking at him right now I'm looking at bamboo, I'm looking at everything we talked about. I mean countless in like when we own the land when you own the water. I mean it's over. 1:04:22 Yeah. And hemp uses the least amount of water of all of all those plants just by the way, just so you know. 1:04:28 I'm ready and I'm ready. I'm ready to put this thing into practice and industrialize it and get it to the to the environment as quickly as possible, man, so you tell us what to do next. 1:04:36 Awesome. I'm looking forward to it, man. I'm looking forward to one of 1:04:39 my favorite podcasts that I've done so far. No disrespect to our past guests. I love you all to death but man, artists. I'm glad we connected man and I just knew when I read your bio, and I was like, ah, snap. I know what's about to happen. Time man, thank you for hanging out here and uh, yeah, let me let's do it again. And then Thank you brother man have a have a Merry Christmas thanks man happy holidays brother See you soon

Anthony GaonaProfile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More