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Ep 490: Crafting Wins With Budgetdog
April 10, 2024
Ep 490: Crafting Wins With Budgetdog
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In this episode 490, host Daniel Martinez welcomes back Brennan from Budget Dog to delve into community success stories, showcasing the transformative impact of financial education. Brennan shares a standout testimonial from a community member, Sarah, who achieved a $30,000 net worth increase in just four months, highlighting the potential for significant financial growth over time. He emphasizes the personalized approach to financial management and the importance of addressing behavioral and psychological aspects before diving into the technicalities of finance. Brennan's discussion illustrates the profound effect of a supportive community and tailored financial strategies on individual financial journeys, underscoring the core mission of Budget Dog Academy. Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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hello welcome to the H with us podcast
I'm your host Danny Martinez today we
have special guest returning Brennan
from budget dog if you have not seen the
other episode please go check it out we
cover personal finance starting a
business from scratch a ton of cool
other stuff we really go deep it's a
conversation but today we have Brennan
coming back we cover today is deal
breaktown we cover cool interesting
stories uh Brennan actually has a ton of
testimonials from his community and I
told him I think it'll probably be good
opportunity to sh share these because I
want to hear them because we did not
mention it at all on the other episode
but I want to hear them so um I think
it's really cool when you have a
community aspect to your business so go
ahead Brandon what you got yeah so I
have I mean we could go a lot of
different directions here I I see one at
the very very top of my Academy I'm I'm
in my Academy right now and uh we we get
these Community wins like pretty much
every day like non-stop at least like
two or three a day uh the one that we I
just saw come through 16 hours ago was a
$30,000 net worth increase in four
months so to put that in perspective if
you're starting at Z and you're trying
to build millionaire net worth that's
about 11 years so 30 every four months
obviously there's a compounding effect
obviously things change but if you
really just map that out it's 11e span
and so we see this stuff every day like
I said and this is nothing new to me I
mean it's exciting every time I see it
doesn't get old but uh you know Sarah
was able to obviously do this in a
four-month span so you can imag
what she could do over 10 15 20 30 years
and we see this stuff so often that it
almost becomes like second nature and
it's like expected uh and I think that's
a testament to what we have here and
what we're doing in budo Academy but did
did it say exactly what she did to do
that yeah so everybody's situation is
gonna be different right the main piece
with her is she came in and she came in
very nervous she came in um like a lot
of people do you know they've never
figured out their finances before uh
they they have things all over the place
it's a it's a chaotic mess and uh
they're they're really trying to piece
this together organize and systemize
this stuff and then actually see the
progress they're building so she kind of
came in just all over the place is the
best way to put it and she didn't have
that system and so what we do the very
first thing we do um before we even get
to the system or to the money side of
things is we talk to that behavioral
psychologist that the finance therapist
we don't divulge that information
because it is personal obviously as far
as like what the transformation they go
through as as a student but it is very
powerful and if I go search Heather
who's my financial therapist she's also
on Twitter Heather burrito um you'll go
to you'll go to my my Academy you'll see
her pop up 256 times so that's just
basically people talking about Heather
dropping Heather's name and that's about
like a quarter let's call it a quarter
of my students that have actually went
out there into the program actually
typed her name in of like the wow
experience and let's just put it this
way it's a wow experience it's a wow
factor uh and that's the very first
piece of the puzzle so that was a very
huge Discovery for Sarah in particular
because she she's never been she's never
figured that out before what are her you
know subcon what's her subconscious mind
leading her to what are all those like
negative cognitions she's telling
herself I'm not smart enough BL you know
whatever those belief systems she holds
why are those popping up how do you have
effective treatment around those things
and how do you fix it ultimately so that
was a very first step she took the
Second Step she took was actually
building out the the monetary system the
automated approach to finance so all of
my students build out like a 30 minute a
month kind of uh systematic approach to
their finances this entails you know all
sorts of different things but having the
balance sheet having a budget having
administation schedules having a very
strict money plan you know where
everything's going before having the
automations turn on all that stuff she
put that together and so once she had
that organized and she understood where
she was coming from a mental perspective
now she sitting there realizing okay
this is not as hard as I thought once
she got through that now she has to
apply the investing components to it and
there's a lot that goes into investing
obviously you know individually in
someone's personal situation but
applying the investing principles to her
situation to allow her net worth to
start to increase is the biggest thing
because you can like build a system per
se but if you don't have like the
compound interest in the Investments and
all the deals flow within that system if
you just hold cash it's not going to
really do a whole lot so like that was
the that was the third piece of or the
second piece third piece whatever you
want to frame it and then uh the fourth
piece in particular was uh building out
her getting the right in insurances so
she was very underinsured with the right
types of insurances but not only that
she also didn't have the right coverages
for what she actually had so she might
have had let's call it term life
insurance but she didn't actually have
the right amount and so this is very
common amongst a lot of people and the
insurance industry is scummy to say the
least there's a lot of uh bad apples in
there telling you the wrong information
and so we go through a number of
insurance obviously and we we got
obviously got our qualif ified for the
right insurances but also the right
coverage in the amount for her
particular situation but then you see
the $30,000 increase in four months and
she didn't start from zero but if you
did like I said that's an 11y year
trajectory to millionaire status uh and
and that's really that's a common story
in our community that it's it's not as
hard as you guys think but I think it's
uh one making the decision that you want
to do better and two following the steps
to get there yeah exactly uh it it all
comes together and uh I think if if you
believe it and you see it it starts to
become real and like I talked about
earlier on or last episode was aligning
your thoughts beliefs and actions
together because if you do that and what
I like to show my students is I like to
show them the Finish Line I can point to
the finish line and show them exactly
where it is when they first come in so
they're not guessing on this game
they're not like it's maybe in 10 years
it's maybe in 20 years obviously there's
some variables too that we have to add
to the picture you know rate of return
things of that nature but in general
like we know when you're going to pay
off debt we know when you're going to
become a millionaire and mapping those
things out for people give people the
confidence and Clarity they need because
once they have that confidence and
Clarity it's it's just a matter of time
and then you start to gamify it because
you see the ending goal and this what
happened with me and my wife is when we
we saw the end goal to become
millionaires we saw the end goal to pay
off our debt and we started to gamify it
we knew exactly what we needed every
single month and if we beat that goal we
would just move faster and this happens
time and time again within the academy
so it's a really cool really cool
story um I had a question and I lost it
um I talk too much sorry no no I and
usually I type it down but I was I was
listening so it's it so it was so good
um man I cannot think of the question um
what man I don't think I'm have to end
it there because I can't the question I
had for you because was it was so good
um where where do people people people
start from zero zero
and how I know it's going to vary but
yeah how how do you help people starting
from zero because I think a lot of
people they're they they're at that
point but how how do people start from
zero just like yeah that's a great
question so dude I started negative so I
didn't I didn't even start zero I
started at negative $8,000 net worth so
I literally had more debt than I had
assets essentially let's call it that
way um and so at 23 that's where like my
wakeup call was and uh I think the
biggest thing and I talk about the a lot
on line and of course the advisers out
there are going to are going to shoot at
this but education is so important so
it's very basic it's very simple but if
I don't know what I'm doing I can't take
the proper steps to do it and if I go to
a financial adviser to kind of fix the
problem per se I'm reliant on the system
I'm reliant on that adviser and that
dude has total control of my situation
so whether or not use a financial
adviser whether or not you use a CPA
trust attorney all these types of
different professionals I'm not debating
that that's a good or bad idea there are
times where it might make sense
supplementally but I don't think in
general for the average person you need
a financial advisor right off the bat
you need to educate yourself to figure
out how to fix your situation because
even if you decide to supplement with it
you actually have control because you
get to guide the conversation if you
don't know what are you going to do
you're going to rely on that person and
whatever they say they're fancy and they
suit and they're educated just going to
say I guess that sounds right I don't
know and so the education component to
this whole entire picture is by far the
first step no matter if you want to use
a professional down the road or not or
supplement as a tax strategist or
something like that so that's what we
focus on and that's what we deliver
right away but further than that where
people are missing is advisors even for
the sake and this is why I argue with
advisors all the time they're going to
charge like an AUM fee usually and some
of them do a flat fee I get that um but
a lot of them do a asset under
management fee so they're taking a
percentage of your assets long term that
compounded effect is is can be millions
of dollars that's not an exaggeration I
can show many examples as to why that
would play out that way I think the big
thing is once you educate yourself and
you start to put yourself on this
pathway you begin to become you become
confident in your ability to do this and
where your your let's call it blind
spots are maybe you supplement with a
oneoff you know advisor uh just for some
particular situation but to manage your
assets it's just not needed especially
with a 30 you know most of the people
I'm working with have a 30 to 40-year
Horizon this isn't that complicated and
you can put yourself in a much better
position when you take the education you
apply the education and that adviser
might meet with you quarterly maybe
semiannually I'm meeting with my
students lifetime 24/7 access they're
with me all the time I have a whole
entire team dedicated to them to serve
them if they have questions there is no
delay there is no wait till next quarter
there is no email in between it's like
hey you can talk to me right this second
we can figure this out this second um
and that's money you know time is money
it's that's important to be able to have
access right away so we deliver that we
deliver you know obviously you know we
bring guest experts on we do all these
things and it wraps it all together and
it also gives them the ability to go
choose for themselves there is no advice
given it's hey we're going to educate
you on all of your options you know
based on your situation this looks like
obviously the the most viable solution
and you ultimately have to make that
decision and so that's kind of what we
do and why I go back and forth with
advisers quite a bit with the AUM model
and stuff and part of it's for uh this
little bit of clickbait uh engagement
there but in general I think the uh the
advising crew has to understand you have
to educate them and some some will make
the argument oh we do educate our
clients no you don't not to the level
that we
do so I I think I think it's man it's
really it's really important the
education part of it because you don't
know if somebody's getting you or not I
think and this is why I love like uh
certain people on Twitter you this
reminds me of a aleski aleski he's
educating people on the dangers of LP
and GP investment because nobody
understands and really really
understands what they're buying if you
don't understand multif family and
you're getting into a multif family
syndication or multif family fund what
are what are the downsides of it and
you're like you're just trusting you're
trusting the GP and LP structure it's
like it's like if I if I need a haircut
am I gonna go ask a
barber the barber is gonna say
yes I I have actually have aie coming on
the show pretty soon so I'm pretty
excited about that but it's s it's such
the education is what you can once
you're educated you can see through the
noise of people that are lying to you
and people that are not and I think
that's the biggest thing is information
empowers you to know better and do
better sometimes it's not even lying
it's actually just like the ability to
decipher the information and what imply
that information to your situation so
like it's not necessarily everyone has
bad intent I I don't like think
financial advisers like have bad intent
I think most of them are trying to serve
people as well but they're not focusing
on what I think matters most and there
is some incentive to them so whether
they're good or bad people sometimes
they might override that that the goal
with with uh you know getting the the
business through the door because they
might have a quot and they do have
quotas often so I've looked at that
world I've seen that world Morgan
Stanley almost has hired me I declined
that position for a reason uh because I
saw there was a quot and you know what
the first the first year you're with
Morgan Stanley I think they told me
there was about 70% burn rate that means
that 70% of people that come into that
door typically don't last because it's
so high of a quota and the smart little
Minds behind that are running the
portfolios are doing all the work in the
background I know this world very well
and that's why they hate me because I I
bring I bring light to it
there you go there you go uh working
find you online this has been another
great episode um we got budget do.com
and uh like I said this has been this
has been really good yeah uh budget
dog.com and uh you can find me on all
social medias under budget doog like I
said uh Facebook Twitter Instagram
YouTube Tik Tok uh and I think that's
all I'm having my podcast will be coming
out shortly but not yet and uh budget
dogor for Twitter and Tik Tok there you
for everybody here go like share
subscribe we'll see you on the next
episode thanks for tuning in thanks for
coming in brenon uh we appreciate you
coming coming on we'll see you next time
bye guys hey if you have any deals you'd
like to submit to The Hive mine and our
team go to Hive bc. it's actually The
Hive Buyers Club submit your deals and
we can hopefully dispill your deal for
you have a great
Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Brennan SchlagbaumProfile Photo

Brennan Schlagbaum

CPA, CEO of Budgetdog
