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In this segment, Homero Corona interviews Anthony Gaona. He introduces the setting of an event, explaining their choice of a gym as a quiet place to record content due to the bustling networking happening at the event. They highlight the importance of networking at such gatherings, describing it as one of the most beneficial aspects where attendees have the opportunity to meet various people. The conversation then shifts to discuss the business and personal growth opportunities arising from attending these events, emphasizing the significant impact they have on individuals' professional lives. Finally, the host aims to introduce Anthony to the audience, focusing on his experiences and the remarkable growth he's encountered as a result of participating in these networking events. Introduction of the Event and Location (0:00-0:06): The host opens the segment at a unique setting, a gym, chosen for its quietness amidst a bustling event, highlighting the unconventional recording location due to ongoing networking activities. The Importance of Networking (0:11-0:18): At around 0:11, the discussion underscores the significance of networking at the event, pointing out that the most powerful opportunities come from being able to meet a wide range of people. Discussion on Business and Growth Opportunities (0:20-0:25): By 0:20, the host shifts the conversation towards the business and personal growth benefits that arise from attending such events, hinting at the transformative impact these gatherings have. Introduction to Anthony's Experience (0:30-0:38): Around 0:30, the focus moves to Anthony, with an aim to share his experiences and the exceptional growth he has experienced as a result of these networking events, setting the stage for insights into his success story. Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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we're here at an incredible event with
Tom Henderson with my good friend
Anthony and you guys are probably asking
why we're here at the gym there's
actually you know the only space that's
quiet to be able to record some content
really quick cuz there's a lot of you
The Importance of Networking.): At around
know networking going on at this event
cuz these events some of the most
powerful things that are happening are
is networking right you're being able to
meet so many people so uh me and Anthony
Discussion on Business and Growth Opportunities.): By
were just having a quick conversation of
like things that are happening in this
business and things that are happening
for us because of these type of events
and kind of what's going on so I just
wanted to uh get a chance for you guys
Introduction to Anthony's Experience.): Around
to hear number one who Anthony is and
you know what he's doing and what he's
experiencing as far as growth cuz it's
insane to think about what is happening
now so yeah it's Hive mine I'm the the
main main janitorial staff I make sure
that everything's mopped and cleaned
correctly bathrooms are completely
sanitized the hive mind is not it's not
exactly a brand right people say oh it's
a ghl CRM like well yeah that was the
product that kind of introduced us to
the world right to help people do Mass
marketing cuz that's really our business
right Mass marketing you get in front of
as many Sellers as possible so you wants
the top yeah and that's it that's all
you can do so we we kind of chose the
CRM as a central business model but the
hive mind is exactly what you think it
is and what it sounds like right so it
is the the space between people it's a
network that already exists so I don't
own The Hive mine right I'm I don't own
what everybody thinks and how you guys
communicate and when you talk to each
other so it's the network between the
people right so you can't own it you
can't buy it you can't do anything all I
do is I wear a shirt cuz I think
thinking about the hive mine in that
manner is cool and then it has like a
computer chip because like we're all
like now we're connected through
cyberspace and personally so the hi mine
is that for one but what we're using it
for is we're training people at Mass how
to go after big giant land deals yeah
and then we help them take them down
fund them develop them whatever has to
happen to that piece of land so people
hide from me you know they really do
like oh don't tell you're doing deals
over here he's going to bring everybody
but like it's people are already there
yeah right and sooner or later I'm going
to meet them right so the infrastructure
is already in place the Personnel
infrastructure so now we're just trying
to activate the people that are already
there and say hey do you need some money
you want me to call the seller back for
you like everything we do everything for
you so it's a cool business model but
it's just layered on top of something
that already exists yeah no I mean and
and you know for those of you guys to
kind of give you a backstory on kind of
how we met you know obviously through uh
social media initially I was watching
one of their podcasts that they were
doing and they were explaining how they
were doing bigger deals just by looking
at bigger opportunities which
essentially was just land I got
motivated saw a podcast joined their
Mastermind that they had going on took
action and I did my biggest deal since
I've been in real estate which a lot of
you guys have heard the story on this
land deal right that was kind of a
little crazy where we're knitting $3,000
a month so that was a quick story but at
the last event I was able to meet you
know so many incredible people and we
were just sharing like one of the guys
that had no experience in real estate is
all of a sudden now doing a huge deal I
mean it's crazy for people that get
started in you know single family
investing and they're like oh yeah you
know I flipped the house and I'm going
to be making you know 50,000 100,000 and
it's obviously really good but when
you're looking at these type of deals I
mean why don't you share with them what
kind of deal we're we're talking about I
I won't go heavy into the numbers but
the deals are substantial and there's a
lot of them it's a blue ocean right
right so what do you need you need
Personnel you need people there's a
there's a lot that goes into it so I'll
tell you exactly what's happening
development happening like recession or
not right neighborhood's going up
everywhere Right Apartments all that
stuff public housing so there's like a
mass movement that's already happening
of people doing this this development
but I don't think anybody's ever done it
at scale like the way that we're we're
preparing to do it right so let's say
the he mind is a million people or a
thousand people I don't even know what
the number is right people that are
developing Nationwide there's there's be
there's what we created I guess it's
like a programming center for the top of
the machine MH so it's a mass
accumulation of information is what is
what what's happening right now inside
of the Hy mind so we're sitting in the
room with like some of the smartest
people in the world some of the most
well-connected people in the world so
we're making a play for it like I don't
know how much we're going to buy but
it's going to be a lot yeah and that's
all it is it's really like we're we're
uh we're governing the mass accumulation
of information for development I mean
that's crazy I mean and for a lot of you
guys to simplify it I mean not simplify
it but to help you guys understand
essentially what they're you know have
been focusing in is just finding large
tracks of land 100 plus acres usually
whatever 500 whatever 500 th000 acres
and then just being able to just sell
them off for so many things whether it's
development whether it's for mobile
homes whether it's for commercial I mean
just whatever the land can can do right
and you're able to make so much more
kind of the pizza approach right I mean
if you sell the pizza by the slice
you're going to get so much more than
buying a whole pizza right this is it's
it's a decentralization of a stored
um Equity yeah right so commercial
buildings houses all that they have they
have a certain amount of equity and so
you you re circulate that Equity into
the marketplace every time you flip
something be a commercial building a
house anything land doesn't get flipped
yeah the guys owned it for 100 years or
200 years yeah so we are decentralizing
all that that debt Equity we're
activating it and then recirculating it
into the market place yeah I mean that's
exactly the same the the the example of
the property that I was able to buy from
a person that inherited land and he just
had land sitting there he had a couple
cattle on there and he wasn't really
making any money and all of a I went to
him hey I can give you cash flow for
your land and he's like what okay so now
he's getting cash flow from the land
that was just sitting there right and I
mean that's exactly what we're doing
right I mean you know I know Daniel has
has has said the bad thing about land is
that doesn't cash flow the good thing
about land is it cash flows like what do
I mean by that is that that's a good and
the bad that it doesn't Cas and bad
right the good and the bad you know that
essentially for a lot of people that
don't know how to make it cash flow but
for us we go in there and we figure out
you know what we can do to make a cash
flow and get a substantial amount of
returns and I mean that's exactly what
we're learning in this conference you
know learning from people that are you
know 10 15 20 30 years ahead of us right
I mean the one thing I will tell you
about this room is that the average
probably age of people in the room is
probably 55 65 years old you know
probably a little bit higher 65 you know
you're as an average
those people have so much more
experience and some of the events that
maybe some people go where you know
everybody's in their 20s and you go to a
meet up a real estate Meetup San Antonio
Tuesday night wear your best suit and
it's all a bunch of kids you know and
like a few mentors this room's all
mentors and very little kids yeah it's
different yeah it's it's a it's a
different room and we're you know having
strategies where with the note business
and with these opportunities where
you're you know you can make an insane
amount of you know yield where I mean
it's just hard to R your mind around
when you start thinking in terms of the
actual numbers it's it's it's insane so
you know I'd encourage for anybody that
wants to learn a little bit more about
how they can get started and it's I mean
just a very plug-and playay there's so
much that you can do because one thing
that we were talking about is everybody
has something that they're missing to be
able to unlock the Vault right some
people have Capital they can't find
deals right or it's a little bit harder
to find those deals some people have
but they can't raise Capital right and
it's just figuring out what's missing
putting it all together and just
creating a huge mass of machine right I
mean it's it's like I said man it's kind
of it's happening all by itself right
there's an infinite number of
connections out there that's why I love
network marketing I love multi-level
marketing somebody somewhere trained us
to make fun of multi-level marketing
people but they're some of the best
business people in the world and if you
learn the business of connecting with
people at scale you could pretty much
take over whatever in Industry you're
most interested in yeah and I don't know
if you know but but I mean I I actually
was in network marketing for five solid
years you didn't have to tell me all
that tell man you're a high performer
yeah it just teaches you how to how to
yeah work your way through challenges
build big organizations uh get people
working together right so um like I said
it's already a natural phenomenon yeah
so like hey let's laugh at the guy
that's becoming a professional networker
like right ha that's an interesting
thing to to have done to to a society is
to make them not want to communicate
with each other so I just wonder about
prog in TV CNN stuff like that you know
what I mean and the most valuable thing
that we're getting out of these events
is the networking you know you're same
room with these people and ask being
able to ask questions live for an hour
or two yeah I mean some of these people
are people that could probably get paid
several hundred thousands of dollars an
hour for some of that knowledge and you
have the ability like hey by the way I
got a question about boom all of a
sudden you get that instant and not only
that but you get that connection and
they say you know what if you have any
further issues or if you have deals or
whatever here here's my contact
information reach out and you start
building those relationships and those
relationships accumulated over time are
just going to take you I mean to where
you wouldn't have ever imagined 10 years
ago like for example 10 years ago would
you imagine that you'd be doing what
you're doing right now I mean some of
the deals that you're doing I mean yes
you dude I come I come from a marketing
background so it's like 15 17 years of
marketing so it's like it was for my
dad's mostly like his construction
company so either we had work or no work
at all guess what some days you might
not eat right so I had I like stuck in
my head I better go find more work so
through networking through through
Marketing Online some some on and
offline channels I got really good at
Mass accumulation of leads right but I
did it in a roofing company yeah so
we're building like a a 100,000 ft roof
and I don't have any employees I don't
have a garage I don't have a chainsaw I
you know nothing and I would just kind
of contract it and wholesale the deal
yeah and then I saw them doing that with
real estate I'm like oh guess what I
quit construction right and that's all
same same principle a mass accumulation
of leads yeah and so I I already knew
coming in like oh man I'm going to be
big at this but it's not me right I'm
just networking like I'm finding the
people that are doing it and they're
like hey can you use five more of those
no like do you need some Capital yeah
yeah so you're just connecting the deals
to the money connecting the people to
the to the the right resources other
than that we're not doing anything yeah
yeah I mean it is crazy you're basically
making an exponential amount of Return
by connecting the dots connecting people
and figuring out what's missing right
and um you know it's just crazy how you
reach a level where you know at the very
beginning you're like man I'm just
trying to make my I'm trying to make my
first 10K right like what would you say
to somebody that maybe is you know
started what they should do to be able
to to exponentially grow or
exponentially reach you know wherever
they're trying to get to the fastest way
possible that's a lot of groundw work
um I always I always deconstruct things
like I try to reverse time sometimes
like okay if this is the end result like
let's say a guy's good at mini stores
and I'm like I want to collapse that
guy's business what are The Logical
steps for me to help that guy collapse
his business I would buy all the land
around him and then I'll just build Min
storages and put them cheaper than his
and now his whole company shut down boom
100 million down the drain yeah so I
just think about stuff like that so if
I'm thinking about a kid and you're just
getting started or an adult anybody find
somebody that's doing a lot of volume I
don't care who it is in your own City in
your own backyard very close to your
house as close as possible find somebody
who's ethical and honest that's doing
high volume and go work for them for
free yeah for how long as long as they
want you to because if you're not good
if you're not a good communicator a good
networker they're going to kick you out
of the office anyway yeah they don't
want you there just sucking up energy so
if you get around those people and they
keep you and you're Off to the Races you
have money you have connections you have
deals you have
contracts you could give away a deal man
this little deal is 4500 bucks 60 days
you want to make $4,500 in 60 days
you're like I'll take it they free money
you know now it's your problem for the
next 60 days if it closes throw me a th
okay done Deal's done I did one of those
recently and the the the total comeback
was 30,000 off like two or three text
messages I
sent so the networking the relationship
is where the money's at and people are
fighting over deals fighting over
ranches fighting over houses like I'm
buying on this side tell you bought the
house I was going to buy
like he's checking like yeah they're
still fighting let's go back to back to
wrenches yeah yeah know I mean that's
one of the things that I really you know
got excited and I really likeed about
for example the land game is that single
family houses everybody in their like
you said everybody in their mama is
fighting for the single Dr a house I got
a house on the southide you can make
80,000 profit and like
69283 comments like in the last two
hours like oh man the price of that
house just skyrocketed yeah but you say
hey I got 100 acres for selling po T and
everybody's like sucks nothing out there
yeah can I buy it yeah yeah I'll take it
and automatically they check out they're
like you know you know what is it $1.52
million for you know the property oh
yeah I don't look at stuff that's over
$400,000 but there's similar resources
similar energy that goes into it but
you're just making a lot more like you
said I mean three text messages you're
you know on 30k I didn't go to Home
Depot once I didn't sign any paperwork I
sent the guy text messages cuz I would
feel annoyed for him to send me the
contract did you get it did you sign it
like oh you made a some mistakes and now
it becomes a whole ordeal for me trying
to give away a free lead like hey if it
turns into some cash that me some money
that's all I can ask and if hey the guy
burned me he stole the de without you
like he's never getting a lead again
yeah that's okay I don't care about the
keep the 30 just don't ever call me
again for anything yeah and that's just
kind of how we roll like once somebody
does something to prove that they're a
bad or just even a a neutral you know
contribution to the machine we just cut
them loose yeah yeah yeah you keep the
right people around and you know the
wrong people filter themselves out
that's all it is and then so now the
machine gets better the connections are
better the people are better higher
quality connection like the people that
you actually want to go to an event with
sit down and have lunch like now they're
everywhere yeah like I mean like the
people here in I know all you guys were
going to be here amazing people in the
room that a lot of which I already knew
yeah I mean they just like you know Leon
Johnson like all these just lots of
names here high level guys that you know
have been in the space for like I said
not 5 years we're talking about people
that have been in the space for 30 40 50
years last night I had lunch with with a
gentleman named Lyall you know he's been
in the space since I think the the '
70s you know what I mean yeah there
kicking knowledge I was like pretty good
yeah the amount of knowledge I mean
apartment complexes land like you name
it I mean the the the guy is very well
off you know and that's who I want to
learn from not the person that thinks
they know what is going on and they just
been in the business for two or three
years right you you may never get a
chance to sit with Tom Henderson in the
same room ever again exactly he probably
never going to be in front of a sid show
so like we're here for a piece of
History right right so this is pretty
cool like I said Mass accumul of
knowledge their experienced people
sharing the information right and this
is the funniest thing when somebody has
like these private business practices
there are top secret stuff that we don't
teach nobody cuz everybody knows the
information I just have to meet that one
person that knows that little piece and
then meet the person that has that
little piece so there's nothing you get
to keep private so the hive mind is also
watching that we're keeping a digital
record me and Daniel of the people that
like try to slide us or do us wrong cuz
they're trying to hide their business
model from us and we're like yeah you
got a little tag on you now coming for
you so making good relationships we're
sorting the people that need to be
sorted out and we're just having a lot
of fun man like uh this is my biggest
funny thing that that I think is I don't
know is uh people have real estate goals
right I'm going to own a th000 doors
talking 10,000 acres like where does it
stop yeah right cuz if that's your goal
by the time you hit the most Acres out
of you and all your friends and you brag
about it at every party now what nobody
cares yeah I have $1,000 I make 22
million a month in cash flow 22 million
you can't even spend that you mean could
eat it you couldn't I mean unless you're
doing stupid stuff or buying not
excluding buying real estate and Yachts
right but if that if you're just living
expenses you can't eat 2 million bucks
so far beyond that I went on vacation 26
times how many times you going to go to
the beach and Turks and caos right
before like okay yeah we've been there a
bunch it's awesome yeah so I think about
that too like short-term goals and
long-term goals but having goals that
that are measured by metrics right like
by q1 this and by Q2 that's fantastic
awesome great but I don't want to sit at
home doing spreadsheets checking my q1
goals for next year but I can go look at
a wrench and buy it today yeah right so
it's just like you got to be able to
move quickly and and a lot of these big
deals uh they're not that easy to move
that quickly yeah take a lot of
navigation so we've gotten pretty good
at being able to move quick on
substantial size deals and I mean what
do you think you you're going to be at
by the end of the year as far as you
know volume or or just you know numbers
what you're looking at what's in the
pipeline look every time somebody brings
up arbitrary numbers I don't have like
close to my heart like uh I just said
this year we' buy 1,000 Acres yeah and
uh we're 25% of the way there right now
I might close it out like in the next 90
days and I might not but what if I do
who cares what if by end of September
December next Christmas who cares yeah
but I'm coming for th000 acres and I can
do it inside of the next two deal that's
crazy yeah awesome man well and we
better get back to the training I know
where like you said I mean history in
the making I mean the last time probably
we're going to see Tom Henderson speak
so we'll be uh sharing with you guys as
much as we can and helping out the
community so appreciate you and wish you
all the success and let's take this
whole game over yeah let's do it you
might as well so awesome well uh we'll
put all the information for Anthony and
HMA where you can follow him and get
more information you know I know that
it's life-changing it's it's insane to
uh know that I mean we were just
speaking a gentleman that had no
experience in real estate at all went to
an event and all of a sudden he's doing
huge deal we're talking in the millions
upon Millions tens of millions tens of
millions so it's insane so life changing
catch you guys on the next one peace
appreciate it
English (auto-generated)
Anthony GaonaProfile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More