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Ep 481: Common Scams In Real Estate Fraud/ Scam With The Hivemind
March 20, 2024
Ep 481: Common Scams In Real Estate Fraud/ Scam With The Hivemind
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bad boy being tough is like of strength
in business yeah but it's actually a
very powerful weakness yeah right easily
exploited yeah oh this
The vulnerability of appearing tough in business is identified as a powerful weakness that can be easily exploited.
is this is a great conversation we never
been here before we have never been here
The speakers acknowledge entering a new area of discussion they have never explored before, showing excitement for the novel conversation.
before okay okay okay okay I know
exactly where you're going with this
this conversation okay so we do this
like 12 hours a
day all right all right so a lot of
people a lot of people are afraid of
being scammed and um especially in real
The topic shifts to the common fear among people, especially in real estate, of being scammed, highlighting concerns about trust and security in the industry.
estate everybody's really defensive like
oh I'm going to protect my $20,000 fee
and I'm not going to I'm not going to
collaborate with any I need to send I
need to send you something to sign I
need an NDA n like anybody anybody sends
us an NDA we automatically ignore them
like yeah we'll be sure to check this
deal out yeah thank you this girl this
girl sent me an NBA on a l and I was I
was going to sign it I was going to read
it and I just never got around to it it
was like day after day after day weeks
later I'm like man damn hold damn hold
damn forget it like I don't want the
deal well did you sign the paperwork no
but I didn't want to stop to do it so
automatically like when people send me
the NDA I'm like man oh man I don't want
to read it I don't want to go through
the legal liability I don't want to know
what it's about like you're just giving
me a legal problem now that could get me
in legal trouble like just keep the
whole deal keep the NDA figure it out
don't help
me don't don't help me and I won't help
you because you're giving me a legal
problem and you want me to like legally
analyze it in a few minutes and I'm like
damn even if it's a 30-minute commitment
like I don't want to dedicate 30 minutes
to something and then all of a sudden
you send me a deal that's on the MLS
plus 10% like dang that was a waste of
time that was a that was very terrifying
for you to do that to my 30 minutes if
he could anyway to pay them back I'd
appreciate it but have a nice day anyway
so it it it comes to the point where you
uh if you act if you act in abundance
and you have abundance mentality you
give opport Unity to people to steal
from you MH because most people when
they get when they have the opportunity
to do it they're going to do it oh we're
going to use that 350,000 like kind of
yeah like a dang now we're in court for
three years like oh man I wish you would
have just told me ahead of time that you
were going to steal the 350,000 we're
going to do more deals with you oh well
and then all of a sudden now like ah
damn okay keep the 350,000 I got to go
buy a $2 million rentch real quick so
it's like that was a big suicide like
a it was very confusing to say the least
and like this isn't the first time it's
happened we had another guy he stole he
got like $20,000 we sent him a lead he
made money on it didn't send any money
our way so it's just like another thing
like so look here's here's the most
dumbest thing you ever heard in real
estate somebody sends me a text message
and I'm like hey this is probably a deal
and I look at I'm like Dam this is
probably a deal but I don't want to
invest an hour or two into the deal
right but it's 100% chance of it going
to be a deal so I rot through my we s
roll through the roll of deck and we
send it to a friend we I go through the
forgeted decks and I send it to just the
first person person that comes to mind
that's been contributing and helping us
cuz I'm like okay cool that guy probably
needs $10,000 he can use the money so I
send the whole entire deal 20,000 spread
and it's like I hope he kicks me 10 and
I hope he keeps 10 but then like he
makes the whole 20 and just doesn't call
him more like oo damn okay he probably
needed it pretty bad I'm still not mad
but next time I get a deal that guy's
not the first in the list like I'm not
calling and not for no bad reason I'm
not mad I'll send you another I'll send
you another Gran ATO to turn off your
lights or whatever but uh it's like you
lose the opportunity for the next up and
then I think that's where the value is
and that's what people are not paying
attention to and it's it's the it's the
it's the cookies in the cookie jar ooh
those cookies look nice I'm going stick
my hand in it and I'm going to take the
cookies but then you realize you're
never going to get cookies
again now they're going to put them on
top of the fridge it's a cold dark
moment so I think that's something that
uh people I think Daniel and myself I
don't know if we've gone far I know
people do way better than us and they
got more shine and clout and all this
I think we're having fun it's fun you
know we're making a little bit of impact
in somebody's life
somewhere and um that's a f we're having
a lot of we're doing we're make the
business is going pretty cool and then
we're we're able to practice daily uh
manufactured happiness if you haven't
seen a man manufactured happiness video
go to YouTube and type in uh hive mind
Daniel Anthony uh man what's it called
manufactured it's called that yeah oh oh
damn manufactured happiness and um it's
cool man it's just like hey if you do I
just give him like 4 seconds on it yeah
go four
seconds so here here's my take on it
maybe I'm wrong right I just think a lot
but let's say that you're going to want
to be um angry or or you want to make
somebody angry you're going to have this
argument with this person whatever story
you formulated in your mind the way that
this person wronged you now you're going
to show them how angry you are in return
so the first thing you have to do step
one is you make yourself very very angry
right so now you go from being in a good
mood a normal mood to very very angry
you're like I'm so when I see him oh
it's going down and then when you see
that person you make a bunch and you're
like hey you want some of this and the
guy's like yeah I have some boom now
you're both pissed but it also works in
the opposite direction right so if
you're not feeling so amazing you you
you make fake happiness in your body you
find a way to bring up your mood diet
exercise prayer meditation Church
something and then as you're starting to
make yourself feel more happy then you
can share it with the person next to you
so now Daniel's laughing he's in a good
mood we're talking [ __ ] like things just
we're just clicking and it's a good vibe
so um uh it's something that we get to
practice on The Daily with this business
yeah it's fun it's fun stuff that was my
thesis let's let's jump back let's jump
back to uh people think they got the one
up on you I think we heard a story
recently of people people think they
have the upper hand somebody's always
watching and always comes back and
always comes light and um you may not
like it when it comes to light but
somebody somebody always knows yeah even
if you think you got away with it
somebody always knows and then stuff's
on paper now everything has a digital
record so if you do if you do if you
cheat somebody out of a deal if you
think you beat them and you got the
better percentage by being slick or
smart that's on paper now it's on the
emails it's on the internet so it's a
weird decision oh let's talk about the
one story where somebody did somebody
wrong in the community and then like oh
why'd you block
me I just go all the way yeah yeah okay
all right I me we don't have to drop
names CU so we're at hbhs who they are
if they're watching us you know who you
are uh and we were at hbhs event Charles
and Mike invited us to speak and there
was like 500 people there was a badass
event one of the best biggest events
I've ever been to in my life and um
somebody had done somebody wrong in the
Hy mind it was a deal that was going
south the guy um finds a way to capture
the whole deal and cut everybody else's
profit down to nothing and he did the
gun to the Head approach like hey take
it or leave it or get out of the deal
I know there's probably a lot of reasons
that that might happen like hey the
people stopped participating they didn't
deliver on what they said they tried to
steal the L's money I don't know what
the details are but if you're going to
gun to approach gun to the Head approach
like four or five hive mind members all
at the same time I kind of don't care
what the reason is and I'll tell you why
because if I got into a situation where
hey man shoot I'm about to lose
$100,000 but four of my hive mind
friends who I know love and Trust are
going to be be put in a very bad
position yeah but no they effed up they
effed up I want my
$100,000 even though they're all going
to take a negtive
8,000 all right all right you're out
because I would never do that to one of
my friends never not even for a million
not even for 10 million so if you have
if you put a price tag on treating me
and my friends like that and my wife and
friends you're out yeah and there's no I
don't and he was like but you don't did
you hear my side no thank God that those
words didn't fall on my
ears thank God thank you man thank you
man and I told him to I'm never
unblocking you because I already know
that person's heart now and I'm not
saying I'm the most Saint to Saints of
the ever Saint is that ever sainted but
you don't do that to people yeah not to
people that you think are your friends
yeah so what what goes WR comes around
do do do the right things when you're
supposed to and um it goes a long way
it's such a powerful it sounds like well
they're preaching happiness they're like
you know whatever this makes you money
this is how you make money be cool be
nice to people over time and distance do
the right thing overpay overpay time
overpay money buy people stuff rent buy
strangers stuff fix them up um help a
stranger move a car out of the way every
time somebody's like how's Texas how's
how are the people in Texas effing
amazing you're at a four-way
intersection your freaking gilapy breaks
down and all of a sudden like 12 people
get out of their car push you into the
gas station you don't flag nobody down
you don't honk or nothing there's no
secret code people just jump out move
you out of the way everybody goes about
their business yeah I like wow that
makes me proud to be uh from Texas and
San Antonio so I I think I think if you
if you if you take care of the Cara
effect you do good people do good for
you and and and so I want some I want to
point something out because me and
Daniel use words like Karma and all that
stuff I'm religious I'm Catholic I'm
proud of it I'm happy I go to church
three times a month but uh times a month
I got to miss something sooner or later
broo I'm a human man that's a moral sin
um but like you know we're just human
you know we're all trying to do the
right thing yeah yeah it's good stuff I
think it's funny I don't know but if if
you think $10,000 a lot of money take it
I mean but I would rather that person
take the 10,000 and now we're not
friends no
more the 10,000 is your reward for
telling me who you are yep thank you I
got a lot of important things to do this
afternoon so the money is if when people
start counting pen we call it counting
pennies um tripping over pennies yeah
you know what you can have everything
like imagine you're playing Monopoly and
uh if things are going fantastic and
they're going in your favor this day
right and then everybody else on things
like getting violently mad like they
want to hit you like damn I'll just keep
everything in them out of here right
yeah so if somebody's getting weird
about uh money like that then um not
that we don't need it right cuz we need
it opinion we can get we have a lot of
friends and family that that count on us
and we want to do some nonprofits and
Charities but uh it's a weird way to be
with your with what you would call your
friends or your business partners so I
blocked man I blocked more people last
year than I probably blocked in my
entire life on Facebook and their phone
numbers and I feel a lot more clear I
feel a lot more like happy I feel a lot
more um
calm so uh sometimes you got to I just
mute them I want them to see what I'm
doing I just kind of like don't want to
ever see them again like I'm that mad I
don't know if that's toxic I don't know
I don't know what it is but it's like if
I could never see you again that would
make me feel 01 more fulfilled for for
everybody here what what what's really
amazing about this business is that
there's billions of people and I just
don't have to communicate with
you that's what I'm saying like look
look we love everybody we help everybody
so we give money to people we don't even
know on the damn screen on the stage
like hey this girl's like I don't have
enough money for landglide I'm like send
her 10 bucks I don't even know who she
is I don't know her first and last name
I don't know nothing here's 10 bucks get
landglide and then I can help you and
then we had a guy he's like I I think I
got a deal run ghost ads I don't have
any money I send you 15 bucks right now
you want
money what's the question so it's like
yeah if people are willing to put in the
work then we're going to try to make
help them make it happen yeah I have a
realtor right now I gave him ad spend to
help me sell some property you know what
I mean like it's because if not
what if we had to do that ourselves we
got we pay for it we get the phone calls
like ah you're listing it you talk to
those people so here here's a thousand
bucks you know let me know when it runs
out so I can fill it up again um and and
I would trust that that guy has been
with us for a long time and he's always
provided value and he's never called me
and said hey what am I getting he just
works and works and works and so like I
just feel guilty like here's some leads
here here's some listings on something
that I could just sell by myself yeah
but we take care of our people man and
it's fun U I feel very trusting I feel
calm like nobody's going to steal a deal
from me so it's a pretty cool heads
space to be that was manufacturing
happiness we talk about how when you
create happiness for yourself you can
then share it with others the same way
that if you wanted to create anger for
yourself then share it with others
that's two two opposite sides of the
spectrum so it's a CO
Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony GaonaProfile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More