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Ep 468: Dollars, Gold & Bitcoin by John S. Pennington Jr.
February 19, 2024
Ep 468: Dollars, Gold & Bitcoin by John S. Pennington Jr.
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In this episode of the "Hive with Us" podcast, host Daniel Martinez, co-host Anthony Gaona, and special guest John S. Pennington Jr. delve into a wide range of topics centered around economics, investment, and the dynamics of currency markets, especially focusing on Bitcoin, gold, and the U.S. dollar. John S. Pennington Jr., an author and experienced entrepreneur in funds, shares insights from his book "Dollars, Gold, and Bitcoin," discussing the manipulation of markets, the strategic moves by the Federal Reserve, and the historical context of currency wars. He outlines the evolution of the U.S. dollar, from its backing by gold to its current dominance as a reserve currency, and theorizes about ongoing efforts to maintain this status against emerging threats like Bitcoin and the Chinese yuan. Pennington's narrative weaves together history, personal anecdotes from his professional journey, and a critical analysis of global financial strategies, suggesting that the battle for currency supremacy is a sophisticated and ongoing war. Introduction of Guest and Topic (0:01-0:36): Daniel Martinez introduces the podcast, co-host Anthony Gaona, and special guest John S. Pennington Jr., who recently published his first business book, "Dollars, Gold, and Bitcoin," available on Amazon and Audible. John S. Pennington Jr.'s Background and Expertise (1:00-1:47): Pennington shares his journey as an entrepreneur, focusing on investment funds, hedge funds, and real estate funds. He explains the concept of syndication versus fund investment strategies, highlighting his extensive experience in the financial sector. The Genesis of "Dollars, Gold, and Bitcoin" (2:17-4:00): Pennington details the impetus behind his book, starting with his observation of the Federal Reserve's surprising policy shift in early 2019 and the emergence of negative interest rates in Europe, sparking his curiosity and leading to a deep dive into the complexities of global economics and currency wars. Currency Wars and the Protection of the U.S. Dollar (30:02-37:00): The conversation shifts to the strategies used by the U.S. to maintain the dollar's dominance, touching on historical events, the role of the Federal Reserve, and how geopolitical maneuvers, including the manipulation of Bitcoin and other digital currencies, play into the broader theme of currency domination and economic power. www.johnspenningtonjr.com Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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hey welcome to the hype with us podcast I'm your host Daniel Martinez today we have co-host Anthony gaona and a special
guest Mr John S Pennington JR hello [Music]
everyone are you a bestselling author did you hit no no no no not bestselling author I'm an author now though I got my
first my first business book just just hit the uh Amazon and audible.com just a few weeks ago so so let's start off with
the book because I have my copy here which is dollars gold and Bitcoin nice
and oh and and it's signed look at that yeah there you go I signed it for you at
our event that I saw you a few weeks ago we were there and I signed it for you yeah no I app I appreciate you I think
we're we're gonna we're gonna have fun today I'm really excited about the conversation today um I heard you speak in Utah and it was just interesting
about like stocks manipulation your experience um can you give like a 30C
pitch them on your experience and what just kind of people know who you are if they' never met you before yeah yeah sure um uh John S
Penington Jr I'm a entrepreneur from rata college and uh mainly in funds I
mainly speak on the fund Market because I have a lot of experience in investment funds hedge funds uh real estate funds
um as you as some of you might know syndication is where you are going to do a real estate deal and you bring in like
five or six investors and they wi are the all their money into a you know a title company and you do a loan on a on
a or a buy a buy a piece of property a fund is the investors have already wired
their money into a one account that I control as a general partner and the fund goes out and purchases that
property or lends on that property or does something with that uh that capital and funds are you know the blackstones
of the world the black rocks of the world uh KRS those the funds of the of the world are controlling the world
these days they're buying up everything they're buying up single family homes they're buying up uh Apartments they're
buying up pretty much anything you can get your hands on a fund is out there trying toh Corner that market so that's
uh that's kind of what I you know my specialty is on that so Le let's just get into it the let's start with the
conspiracy theory okay it's a really it's a really good one and I think you guys are gonna like it so let me just
tell you where the book The impetus of the book dollars gold and Bitcoin came
from so I'm I have an economics degree years
ago graduated from college and I've always just followed economics and so in
December 2018 now get this the Federal Reserve says Hey the economy is doing really really well next year in 2019
we're going to raise interest rates three times in 2019 great this is
December less than 45 days later in in the early part of December January 2009
19 they said oops we're sorry we're not going to raise interest rates three times in 2019 we're going to lower
interest rates three times in 2019 and I said you know my my economics brain went into overdrive like what just happened
something big just happened but I didn't know what it was so I kept my antennas up right and so two months later in
March I read this report that said that over $3 trillion in europe3 trillion
doll of Sovereign bonds like you know German bonds and Spanish bonds are being
traded at zero or negative interest rates and I was like I have an economics degree I've never read a book I've never
read a paragraph I don't even know what an interest negative interest rate is but think about this um you guys a
negative interest rate is if you purchase this bond this German Bond at a
negative interest rate you are mathematically guaranteed to lose money
why would that even exist I don't know I don't know but that was March of 2019 so
three months later I you know I got my antennas up just trying to figure out what's going on in Europe and three months later June July it's $1 13
trillion doll of negative interest bonds being traded all you know and I I'm just
I I just don't get it I just don't get it I'm just I just flabbergasted but then I thought about it wait a
minute the number one job of the Federal Reserve is to protect and promote the US
dollar sure I know they have a job to keep unemployment low and GDP High I I
get all that I get all that right and inflation down I I get that right but
underlying everything the the government's job if they keep the num if they keep the the dollar being uh
accepted all over the world and they create insation demain for the US dollar
their number one job is to protect and promote the US dollar so there's a a few ways that they do that one they tax
everybody in US dollars so I I can't pay my tax in B Bitcoin or chickens I gotta
pay in usrs so that creates Sensational demand the other way that we'll talk about in a minute is most uh they and
sit they insist with using the US Navy they insist that all countries trade
crude oil in US Dollars that create Sensational demand they also use the Swift system the bank-to-bank wire
transfer called the Swift system that is a US dollar based system and
another way they would do it is they would you know to compete against Europe if you're gonna borrow money in the
world at you know Europe with negative or below interest negative interest
rates or zero interest rates the Federal Reserve lowered their interest rates down to almost zero basically they're
saying if you're going to borrow money borrow from us borrow from US dollar it's almost zero and it's it's the World
Reserve currency so for the next 30 if you take a loan for the next 30 years you have to get US dollars to pay those
loans back you can't get chickens or Bitcoin you have to pay an Us doll so those four things are are ways that the
the government creates insatable demand for US Dollars and this started me on
the uh the hypothesis of the book dollars gold and Bitcoin of like what is going on the Federal Reserve has a
secret word know you have world World War I World War II but I think World War
III has kind of already started but it's not a war of guns it's a war of currency
domination and uh give you some history in 1933 this is three or four years after
the Great Depression the great crash you know stock market crash I don't know if you know this but your grandfather my
grandfather could not own gold in the United States of America it was outlawed
you can have a gold watch sure gold watch no problem you know a gold ring no big deal but if your grandfather my
grandfather was caught with five gold coins in his pocket he could go to jail
did you guys know this whoa no never heard that this is United States of America right and what they did was it
was patriotic what they did was in May 1933 the president of United States had an executive order if you own a gold bar
gold coins you must sell those items to the US government for like it was $35 an
ounce or something like that right right around there and they're going to take the gold and put it in Fort Knox and then they're going to sh up the US
dollar by gold with gold and therefore we would get that would get us out of the Great Depression because worldwide
we have a we weak currency we're in a recession depression and we've got to sh up so it was patriotic so if you knew
all your friends you you would encourage all your friends to sell that goal to us to start it was patriarch to help the
country out so World War two came along and we got in the war late and so what
we're doing is we're selling our grain our tanks our bullets we're selling them overseas all these countries yeah and
they're sending us gold for that because we came in the war really really late but we are accumulating all this gold
for selling so by 1944 the war is almost over it's almost done and we pretty much
know we're going to win why it was just mathematics it was like the United States was producing like 50,000 planes
a year that's a thousand planes a week was coming off our assembly lines Germany's making you know two to 5,000
planes it's just math we're making like 20,000 tanks they're making like 500 tanks it was just it was just
mathematics mathematics at that period of time so anyway it's it's uh it's 1944
and there's a place in New Hampshire called Breton woods and they invited over a thousand people to come to
brettonwoods New Hampshire from all the countries all over the world and they were going to reset the currency and
what happened was at Breton Woods it it became known as the Breton Woods agreement they said basically at this
point and this is this but I'm about to tell you it's crazy okay listen to what I'm about to tell you at that point 1944
okay the United States had 66% of all the gold bullion in the world
whoa can you believe this so it's it's crazy right and so they said listen the
the US dollar is going to be backed by gold but the French Frank is not going to be backed by gold anymore it's going
to be backed by the US dollar which is backed by gold so it had there was that
that's kind of how it went now another thing that came out of the Breton Woods agreement and it it didn't say this
really but basically if you wanted to trade crude oil around the world you
would probably need to get US dollars to make trades because that's the common denominator across the country countries
and so as it went on years after year after year basically after World War II
everyone's Navy is obliterated Russia's Navy's gone China's Navy's gone Japan's
gone Italy's na everyone's Navy except a little bit of Britain and the US basically had their Navy intact and a
Navy is one of the most expensive things for a country to you know have and so
they basically said and this like I said it wasn't written in the agreement it's basically this listen if you trade oil
in US Dollars you don't need a Navy the US Navy will protect your shipping lanes
so a little country somewhere that has some goods and services they want to sell across the world if they trade in
US dollars for oil well if there's any Pirates the US Navy just come by and smash those pirates and that was kind of
the agreement and then in 1971 so the gold compation they they call it 193 1971 you couldn't own gold
but in 1971 president deal of France he sent his two ships over to one
of our ports on the Atlantic coast to pick up gold because he knew we had abuse the system we kept printing more
and more US Dollars than we had gold and so if you my grandfather could not turn
his $100 bill in for gold but if if someone lived in France a a French citizen they could turn their $100 bill
bill in and they could get gold for it but a US citizen could not but in 1971
president deal sends is uh two two big ships over to our one of our ports and says we've brought all all of our US
dollars here they are we want our gold back and so this is um it's hilarious
it's um Sunday night August 15th
1971 President Nixon gets on the on the TV and he says basically the market
manipulators around the world are trying to manipulate the US dollar and he says for temporarily we're going to suspend
all gold bullion backing the US dollar and that was it he just said it and the
next morning the marcet opened and you couldn't exchange your dollar no one in the world can exchange their dollars for
gold and president de gal had to send his ships back to France with no gold that's what happened and so and so right
after that Saudi Arabia made an agreement right about the same time with the us us that they would sell no oil
without US Dollars and that's when it became the Petro so the evolution of the US dollar kind
of goes you know goes through a system of gold and then the Petro dollar and today the United States Navy the SEC the
the IRS the the president of the United States and the Federal Reserve their number one job is to protect and promote
the US dollar and so that's where the impetus of this book came from the history of that but the craziest thing
happened the I'm G get my my years right right 2020 Summer 2020 okay get this I'm
I'm an economics guy and I'm I'm still studying this whole negative interest rates in Europe thing I'm studying over
and over I'm trying to really focus it on that and what happens is JP Morgan one of the largest investment banks in
the world is sued by the SEC and they lose and JP Morgan has to pay a fine now
get this $930 million fine to the SEC what did
they do they were convicted of manipulating the precious metals markets
for nine years so my economic brain goes wait a minute someone can manipulate the
worldwide precious metals markets and they did it so good that the SEC find
them almost a billion dollar fine but guess what no one went to jail as far as I know no one to jail and so what I
think happened was the SEC the Federal Reserve everyone
at that point realized something was happening with bit Bitcoin and that Bitcoin could become a competitor to the
US dollar so since the SEC figured out in the summer of 2020 how you can
manipulate a market way larger than Bitcoin they took a one year to July of
2021 to figure out how to manipulate it and they learned what they they learned it all from JP Morgan and so in the
summer of 2021 Bitcoin was about $330,000 somewhere around there but get
this July August September October November it goes from 31,000 to 69,000
it's all-time high and now what I'm about to say is is Theory but this is
basically I believe one of the ways you control a market if you need 45 days of
trading volume so if cocacola stock trades a 100 shares a day and you had
4500 shares you would have 45 days of trading volume if it trades a th000 shares a day You' need 45,000 shares so
if Bitcoin trades a th000 coins a day you would need 45,000 Bitcoins does that make sense to
try to control you might need 60,000 60 days of trading volume but whatever that's the theory so this what this what
I believe happened to control it they start the Federal Reserves operatives a clandestine this is my conspiracy theory
started purchasing Bitcoin in July and they had to buy byy byy buy byy byy byy
byy byy by byy and by the time no November comes around they've got enough Bitcoin to start you know trying to
control it and these four things that I'm about to tell you all happen in November okay November 2021 number one
Bitcoin hits an all-time high of $69,000 number two Hillary Clinton
says on through a microphone now Bitcoin could Dethrone and I'm not I'm not
quoting it perfectly Bitcoin could Dethrone the US dollar as the world Reserve currency or could threaten the
US dollar all right number two the SEC extends their lawsuit against Ripple
xrp now xrp the coin Ripple has one
purpose it has to speed up worldwide transfers of bank bank bank to- Bank
transfers it goes around the Swift system now remember the Swift system is a dollar based system but if you go
around the Swift system you don't need US dollars so the SEC extends their
lawsuit against Ripple for really no apparent reason all right now back back to Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton I
love to talk to people or listen to people who just love to get in the microphone and just spew things now you
could you could think of two ways now this what my book kind of projects on the reader I stopped living my life by
predicting the future years ago I started just running probabilities and
probabilities I run a probability what's the probability of X happening what's the probability of why happen so here
let me ask you a question Hillary Clinton says this in the exact month that it goes you know to the high she
says it's going to it could it could threaten the US dollar what's the probability that she just said that off
the cuff just as a funny thing or just had a random thought or what's a probability she was privy to earlier
meetings earlier that month that she had heard what was going to happen to bitcoin through the Federal Reserves
clandestine plan and to tell her mem people who follow her to show them that
she's really smart and she's she says oh by the way the US dollar could be threatened by Bitcoin there's the
probabilities there right now the fourth thing that's most intriguing is in November 2021 the secc had two
applications for ETFs for Bitcoin they had an ETF that wanted to sell spot
price in Bitcoin the actual Bitcoin and they had an ETF that wanted to just sell the Futures and a lot of times in life
to know what's going on you you find out what people don't do that tells you more
than what they do do the SEC approves an ETF that can use Futures to
buy and sell Bitcoin hypothecate and they denied an ETF that
wanted to SP sell at the spot price because JP Morgan in their lawsuit had
used the Futures Market of the precious metals Market Market to sell paper and options and paper and options they sold
way more or tried to sell way more options than actual existed in gold or
silver and so that way you can hypothecate and that's one way you can control the market so those four things
all happen in November 2021 and therefore that's where my thesis of my book came of dollars gold
and Bitcoin to show that the Federal Reserve is going to do anything they possibly can to control Bitcoin now we
both know all of us know on this on this call that a month or so ago the SEC finally approved 11 11 ETFs
that can buy and sell spot pric Bitcoin and there are two interesting things I want to tell you and I haven't read all
the applications but the SEC said they were delaying for two or three years we can't have a spot price can't spot price
we're working with the applicants to change and modify their applications I don't know what that that means when the
SEC says we want Blackstone to change their application I don't know what that means but when the application was
approved there's one paragraph in there that says this this is crazy it says
that Blackstone when they run their Bitcoin ETF they can
basically write more contracts than actually exists of their Bitcoin in
their spot price that means they can hypothecate it why would you put that in
your Bitcoin ETF spot ETF doesn't make any sense and the second thing which is
very strange to me is there's a line in there that says and I don't want I don't know why Blackstone would write this in
but it basically says this and I'm paraphrasing again it says if Bitcoin ever
forked Blackstone doesn't know which Fork they would take and I don't know
why you would even write that into a into a I don't I don't get it I don't get it so I've talked a little bit so it
so we'll stop there for a minute and and we'll go questions or comments what do you guys want to talk about so tell me
where tell me if I'm Looney or tell me you got questions tell me I'm do I I I I like the I like the whole conversation
of I I think it's funny because a lot of people like oh the they the United States removed the backing of gold back
in the 70s but now they're backed by the military yeah so the the military is
gonna align everybody to their will whether people like it or not yeah I think that's the there's one see there's
one Bitcoin is a great I love Bitcoin I think it's a great idea but they Bitcoin does not have a Navy Bitcoin does not
have an army no it doesn't Bitcoin does not have a a strong arm that makes people take it right the US does and I I
know people are you know you know saying the US dollars are the dollarization in the world but I think it's 1960 the US
dollar was 45% of all U World Reserve currency in 2001 it was 70 I think
73% of all us Cent World res res currency and now 2024 it's
58% so of all World Reserve currency 58% is US dollar now number two is the Euro
and the euro is 20% and people say well no what about the Chinese youan look it's only
2.7% the CH look China has had the fastest growing economy of any economy
ever on humankind for 25 years 30 years and they went from World Reserve
currency from 0.02 to now they're 2.7 of the total World Reserve
currency so you know when people say the yuan's going to take over I'm like man
if they have the same growth for the next 30 years are they going to be 7% I I I just don't see the math on how
they're arguing that the uan is going to take over over that over that money so anyway it's it's out there but um it's
it's the US dollar is so far ahead I realize it's coming down but it's it's it's way up there and it's going to be
hard to knock that knock that off the top so man I love these conversations I feel like I we could I feel like I could
talk about this for 10 hour straight so what do you think's going on is it is it the like the Federal Reserve teaming up
with other entities like like these black rocks and stuff to just go ahead and start growing wealth that doesn't
exist again kind of the same way Chase did with gold yeah so I'm sitting there and my mind is going wait a minute you
know they waited and waited and waited and they they they struck a deal with I think JP Morgan hey you're going going
to help us promote and protect the US dollar by protecting all competitors and
if you don't you're going to have the Wrath of the you know of the United States government okay let's go back to
November 2022 that's just a year there not a little over a year ago okay
so there's a news report Wells Fargo City group and the FED New York Federal
Reserve is going to test their digital dollar this is in November
okay so four or five months later this is March
2023 three banks are closed silvergate Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank
okay all three of those are crypto Banks it's not like they close like some
random banks in November they say we're going to test our digital dollar and four months later we're closing the top
three crypto banks in the country they're making room for their product they're Reinventing the US dollar into
the digital dollar and then uh you know that month they had another lawsuit against bitrix they had another lawsuit
against another crypto fund I mean I don't think it's not coincidence right and so they're protecting their number
one product because listen the US dollar people say well let me put this
way Americans love pancakes they love love love pancakes I go Saturday morning
down there at Pancake House it's a 30 minute wait to get pan really it's pancakes so when people say it's selling
like hotcakes they need to stop saying that it's selling like the US dollar because listen the US dollar is the best
product ever invented by mankind they make trillions of them and
you two guys and me we'll work 80 hours a week to get more and other people will lie cheat and steal to get them then
they'll make another trillion and guys like me and you will work 80 hours a
week to get more and other people will lie steal and cheat to get them it's insation demand there has never been a
product like this in the history of the world and no matter how many they print how how many they make everyone wants to
gobble them up and so if you had a number one product like that you would do everything in your power to protect
it you'd use the Navy the SEC the IRS the president of United States confiscating gold you would use
everything in the world because as long as that works then everything works for America around the world as long as the
US dollar is working I love it this go ahead Danel I was going to ask so I
think I think I want to ask this next question so a lot of people are concerned about the GDP debt growth that
has growing in trillions every every few hours are you alluding to that the more we get in debt the actually stronger the
dollar gets because now people actually owe us in dollars yeah so yeah yeah that that's a comp that's a really complicate
question we don't have time to do that that but but I you think about one thing so interest rates just the year or so
ago were at 0% almost zero pretty close to zero yeah and the Federal Reserve
jacked them up faster than any time in history well a few years ago China has
been knocking on the door of Saudi Arabia hey Saudis we're your one we're a really big customer of view we want to
buy oil not using US Dollars we want to buy oil using the uan and Saudi Arabia
has so far that we believe is stuck to the US dollar but they're getting 10 to sell to the the Chinese right and so
the US is like well we've got now an enemy a competitor the China is getting
big big big big big and they're going to try to Dethrone the US dollar
so one way to combat that we we know that China has a lot a lot a lot of us
treasuries and they've purchased them really low at really low yields so and
we know they're going to start selling them they've told everybody we're going to start selling large amounts of us treasuries so if we jack up the interest
rate to five and a quarter five and a half percent every time China sells their us treasuries they get killed I
mean they're losing lots of money okay they get killed so you ever heard the
you ever heard the uh idiot waiter analogy let me let me just share it with you it's really quick there's this idiot
waiter and we we all we let's say we all work at this restaurant and there's this one dude he's an idiot waiter he's and
he says I'm really bad at math that's why I'm waiting tables because every time that he you know someone pays him
and he takes the the cash to the cash register and brings it back he always brings back the wrong change and when
they when he's confronted on he says well I'm sorry that's why I'm a waiter not an accountant I'm really bad at math
and we all know everyone all the Raiders we all know he's really bad at math but then the owner does something weird the
owner of the restaurant does an audit on his last 100 customers and he finds out
that of the last 100 customers when the change came back it was always in favor
of the idiot waiter but wait wait wait wait wait a minute if he's really bad at math then shouldn't 50% of the time the
the change be in favor of the customer and 50% of the time the change being paid for him yes that's right but if
it's in favor of him all the time he's not the idiot we're all the idiots for
believing him right okay so let's go back let's go back to the Federal Reserve the Federal Reserve is sitting
there going oh inflation's going up it's transitory next month inflation going
it's transitory it's transitory it's Transit we're not going to raise in it's transitory well I I I give you an
hypothesis here maybe the Federal Reserve needed the inflation rate to go
to 9% so that they could justify a 5 a half% interest rate
to uh uh hurt China to protect their number one
product so if you need a N9 because if they said if if if inflation was 2% and
they said we're going to raise interest rates to 9% everyone have a fit everyone just have a fit but if inflation's 9%
and they rais to five and half percent everyone's well okay okay we can live with that maybe I'm just saying maybe
they wanted it 5 a half% so that they knew when China starts selling all these huge you know treasuries they get killed
and that hurts their economy I'm just saying if if my theory is true that the number one job the Federal Reserve is
protect and promote the US dollar then maybe they said it's transitory inflation is transitory so that it would
start running away it would start going to 4 perent 5% 6% oh crap it's 7% we got
to raise interest rates fast and everyone was okay with it back to the idiot waiter analogy don't listen to
what they say watch what they do and that's kind of where I get down there oh I got one more
for you here so China's economy is really really doing bad right now okay
and one of the reasons is because of us pulling out a lot of companies over 300 companies in the last three or four
years have left China Japan companies have left China Germany companies have China and also a lot of us companies
have love China and guess where they've gone they've gone to countries like South Korea Thailand and India countries
that trade us oil for US Dollars and so what why why hurt
China right now I'm sure what's going on in Saudi Arabia and this is the US so
happy about this the Saudi Arabia Prince and his group are so glad that they
didn't take the Yuan three or four years ago for oil they would have a bank account full of Yuan and they are
so glad they didn't do that it's a game it's the what I'm trying to tell you about this this this currency war in
this book my book please buy my book dollars gold and Bitcoin in this what I'm trying to say is it's the biggest
game ever in created by mankind it's so large you cannot it's it's bigger than World War
II it's it's incredibly this game of World currencies with the US dollar I
got to give you one more so there's two people we know of that tried to trade
large ounts of oil not using US dollar momar Gaddafi of Libya and sodam Hussein
of Iraq yes once they did that within just a few years they were both they both
died and I'm not saying the US killed them I'm saying us backed away from them
and let other people go after them their bubble was protected once they started doing that now there's a third guy that
started to do this just a while back Vladimir Putin so Vladimir Putin Russia
invades Ukraine okay think of the dialogue here Russia invades Ukraine and
our US President says we don't like Russia we would like Russia to get out of Ukraine and they do this for months
we get out of Ukraine get out of Ukraine get out of Ukraine then Putin says you know what we're going to do we're gonna
stop selling our gas for US Dollars we're going to start selling only a rubble and only in Gold that's all we're
going to be able to do okay the next week or next two weeks the US President
says we need a regime change in Russia whoa that's way different than
saying we want you to leave Ukraine that's that's hinting towards Saddam Hussein and momar Gaddafi and so I don't
know if you know this but there are two pipelines that go from Russia under the Baltic Sea and they go over to Germany
and they Supply natural gas to Germany and they go it's it's you know I don't know 500 miles long it's a huge two it's
it's called nordstream 1 and nordstream two and soon after Putin says we're not
going to accept US Dollars anymore for our oil and gas someone with a Deepwater
submarine went down and blew up those pipelines they blew up nordstream one
and they blew up nordstream two and no they didn't blow they didn't blow up in one place they blew them up here and
they went up like I don't know 200 miles up the coast and blew them up again dang I'm not saying who did it I'm
just saying you have a country that has the number one product of all time and
their job is to protect it and whatever has to happen to protect that US dollar
that number one product they're going to do it and so I'm sure I'm sure you know
when the this this is a joke I'm about to tell but I'm sure when the our US president talks to Saudi Prince he's
like yeah how's it going down there oil sales good yeah did you hear about the nordstream 1 nordstream 2 yeah crazy
right CRA they're just they all know what's going on but you know it's it's the US
dollar is just a a a mammoth on this planet it's just it's it's amazing and
Bitcoin is in its crosshairs and the yuan is in crosshairs anything that threatens now listen they don't want to
kill Bitcoin because if they kill Bitcoin then something will rise its
head like ethereum and take its place you don't want to kill you just want to control you don't want to kill your enemy
you just want to control them if you kill them another enemy comes up but if you control your enemies you know that
dog you know what that dog eats and you know how to feed it and so so that's the theory behind my book and I use that
theory to say in my business dealings and I've run funds for all these years
and I took me and my partner started in 2004 with my first fund and by the time I retired in 21 we were managing $28
billion assets management from 0 to 28 billion and we added a bunch of Partners
over the time and I I brought in we brought in brilliant business partners that took us farther than me and my
original partner could ever think about going but the point is I took I I
studied the FED all these years how did they get the number one product of all time and I tried to emulate how they did
it with how I'm going to run my business and make my business huge and I believe
I basically simulated their Strate strategies their uh bumping their
pushing their whatever and I was able to incorporate some of those into because
look if they're the best example of the number one product of all time then you should learn from them and how they work
as a team the IRS the SEC the the presidency the uh the Federal Reserve
how do they work as a team to F do one goal and what we did in our company is
we became a team our all of our partners I ended up with 32 Partners brilliant guys brilliant guys we all ended up as a
team working as a team and we all brought in different skill sets and worked on one single thing and we use
strategies to our banks to our competitors to our customers we were the
same kind of strategies that the US government has used to promote their number one product and that's the
empasis of my book and the second half of the book is shows you how I built funds and how I implemented learning
from the FED how they were so successful of having number one product in the world of mankind and and use those
strategies to um promote uh my business dude incredible man like the
more I hear you talk the more I'm excited to read the book now it's on audible.com and I
record it with my voice so if you want to listen to me for six and a half hours uh on regular speed then uh you can
download it from audible.com too so yeah dude I would I'm actually going to download it right now as soon as we get off of this thing I'm really excited to
hear thank you thank you thank you no that that's beautiful man and I think learning from people that that have these strategies because just even as
you're talking I'm starting to apply things right to my business already like you said like you don't want to kill your enemies right you want to you want
to kind of protect them like take care of them like hey so I know where you are yeah right there's there's a really good
story um um about Microsoft and Apple back in the day with Steve Jobs and Bill
Gates um Microsoft was being sued by the US government for uh uh Monopoly and
they were in court back there and Apple's about to go out of business and I don't I I believe that this is true
but I don't I've never researched all the facts but I believe Apple's about to go out of business and they need like
$20 million and Steve Jobs calls um uh Bill Gates and says you're
gonna loan me $20 million he goes why would I loan you $20 million because if I go out of business you have no
competition ition and the US government's going to win their Anti-Trust and they're going to break you apart so Bill Gates invested $20
million into Apple to keep him alive so that he wouldn't be Su and eventually eventually that
happened that Bill Gates was an owner or or Microsoft was an owner of Apple I mean that's the whole point that's the
whole point that is beautiful I I like I like the aspect of keep keeping competition
healthy because I think it it drives the customer never knows
yeah yeah exactly exactly the customer never knows I think that's huge I did not know I will share one thing with you
people asked me I'm look at my notes here just make sure I've got the dates right and stuff but people ask me all
the time I I started I've started 14 businesses in my lifetime uh three I've made a lot of
money on and three three I lost money on and the ones in the middle they all made you know they all did pretty good that
you know they weren't great I couldn't it was hard to scale them and until I found the fund model I couldn't scale
the other 13 businesses they got pretty good pretty good size but scaling but a fund a limited partnership general
partnership structure it just scaled like you couldn't believe it was just it was natural scaling but I can go back
and people ask me where did I get my entrepreneurial spirit and I I remember
when I was a late teenager you know when you're a teenager you're almost graduate high school and you're worried about what am I going to do what's my career
path how am I going to make money all these things as a as a guy in the United States of America trying to figure out
and I I seriously I remember looking to the mirror I was in the bathroom I think or maybe in my hallway I looked into the
mirror and I looked in myself and I thought about it a ton and I said to myself John you're not afraid of being poor and
you're not afraid of being old you're just afraid of being old and poor at the
same time oh yeah and I've repeated that self to I
repeated that to myself for decades and decades and decades and that kept me driving to make sure that I could run my
own business and one day not be old and poor at the same time and that was the motto that I kind of lived by all those
years while I was you know had some businesses that failed you know and and like
look you're gonna you're gonna you know I've told my kids I said there if you do this three things is this an academic
it's one plus two equal three it's academic you stay healthy you number
number one stay healthy number two wake up every day and try and number three you will eventually succeed in United
States of America and I have friends that are unhealthy and and are vastly successful
I'm not saying you can't do it I'm saying my way is academic 1 plus 2 equals three and the reason I say this
is because I believe the United States is the most fertile soil for
entrepreneurs I believe there is no better country on the planet for entrepreneurs than United States I
believe the day you were born United States is the day you won the lottery I believe the day you move from a different country you move from Nigeria
or Thailand you move here that's the day you won the lottery because if you're an entrepreneur I don't I don't know if for
the best in reading the best in I don't know about all this stuff but for entrepreneurs I believe it's the best place and my formula Works stay healthy
number one get up every day try number two and eventually it might take 14 businesses but eventually you will
succeed you might go to bed crying on your big pillow well I can't meet payroll this
Friday I can't meet payroll this Friday and you but it doesn't matter if you wake up the next day and try you will
eventually succeed and that's America and you you have so many tools here to
one business doesn't work well you got to go to the next business but it's it's just a great country with financing the
attit ude the people the laws they just make it a lot easier for for entrepreneurs to succeed and I just so
happy that I was born into this country but I have friend you know I've got people that move here from Nigeria or
Thailand and in three years they own like two laundry mats in a restaurant
three four years they don't even speak the language beautiful how how does that happen how does that happen because the
country is a fertile place for entrepreneurs dude I'm already like a super optimis person I just always see
the the bright side of things but this conversation has made me feel like 20% more optimistic right because you
you see all this Doom and Gloom all over the the media social media everywhere saying that the the Federal Reserve is the big bad guy that's gonna that's
trying to shut shut the United States down but it sounds like yeah based on everything that we' we've talked about
in this conversation like man we we we do have that protective shield around us yeah yeah so in
1999 I watched their report it's a new newscast and they were these people were
on their newscaster was vilifying hedge fund managers saying they make a lot of
money and they pay really low in taxes and I watched this thing of this
reporter vilifying making this person evil and I thought wait wait wait wait
wait wait I want to be that person I want to figure out how to make a lot of
money and pay less tax I want to figure that out this is 1999 right 1999 and so
for the next five years it took me five years to launch my first fund at 40 years old when I was 40 in in in 2004
all right so five years I got my Series 7 license stock Brokers license I became
the manager of a of a broker dealer I then got uh I wanted to learn how mortgages work so I started selling
mortgages got my mortgage license I then got my series 65 investment advisor license I read ppms LPA but those are
private placement memorandums of bunch of funds limited partnership agreements lpas of funds subscription documents
over and over and over and I taught myself how to launch a fund and my first fund we launched with one other one of
other in 2004 we were doing short-term loans on real estate and then we added a
few more partners and launched a second in 2007 and there was called Bridge Loan Capital fund one in 2004 and Bridge Loan
Capital fund two in 2007 and then 2008 hit us with the
recession and I'm so grateful that it came because if the recession would have never come I would have still been
lending doing loans I've been making good money but what it forced me is to stop lending on real estate and in 2008
late 2008 we launched our third fund we started buying real estate from Banks
and that's and that team and that we added some more partners that team went from here to $28 billion assent
management by by 2021 so and and I had competitors in
2007 just drop out of the business they were bigger than me they were bigger than me and my real original Partners
they they lent more money they did and they dropped out of the business went did something else and we just buckled down and twisted it and said wake up
every day stay healthy wake up every day and try we went from a fund a third fund of lending on real estate to going to
Banks and buying REO from Real Estate uh from Banks and that just took us to new
heights that we could have never imagined managing I remember when we hit our first billion I was like what what
Anthony I I know I know knows Anthony let me ask you a question this is a good one if I gave you a dollar second one
two three four and I never slept never went to the bathroom how long would it
take me to give you1 billion dollar well in other words how long is a billion seconds here's a multiple choice
31 hours 31 days 31 months or 31
years a billion seconds 31 days billion seconds just start counting one two just start
counting to a billion yeah it's 31.7 years whoa 31.7 years is1 billion
doll so when we talk about I get on stage when I talk about billions I I I give this example because people misuse
the word billion all the time they'll go John I was just outside I saw this enormous flock of birds there must have
been a billion of them and I go no there wasn't you know why I know I've done the math we have no concept A Billion Birds
is 31 31.7 years of second it's 31 years almost 32 years of seconds they Mis you
so we talk about the Federal Reserve in billions and we talk about Bitcoin in billions and we talk about managing 28
billion do asset or management it's a huge number so we hit our first billion
I was just I I sat down and did the math and I couldn't believe it 31 32 almost
32 years of seconds is a billion dollars and so you know the Bitcoin the dollars
the gold everything on this planet that that the US has at at its fingertips uh
to you know maneuver and protect its number one product it it's just amazing what they what the what the government
has done to do that man incredible story man so I got a bunch of I mean I could like I said I could have this
conversation forever so we're just starting to get into the funds we're almost going to launch our fund why was the fund the Catalyst for growth you
said that when you once you got into that portion of it things just started to grow exponentially what and why can can we kind of share that with the
viewers and and of course us okay first first thing I learned in 1999 and I was
like Flower gasted by this okay you know who Steve Jobs is of apple and do you
know who Steve Schwartzman is okay black black black stone black Black Rock
Blackstone Blackstone so Steve schwarzman and Steve Jobs Steve Jobs
took his company public using an Inc an incorporation and every year in an ink
what happens is the shareholders the people who are the shareholders who have the money they get together and they have a shareholder vote and they vote
who runs the company and eventually Steve Jobs got voted out of his own company that he
founded in a general partnership limited partnership structure the limited
partnership is an entity over here and investors put all their money into limited partnership the general partner
is a separate entity which you guys are going to do as you're starting your own fund and you're the general partner the
limited partners never get together and vote who the general partner is unless you commit fraud if you and I'm not
gonna commit fraud so I thought wait wait if I'm the general partner and this thing goes really really really really
really big they can never vote me out the one billionaire can ever say you know what John we appreciate what you've
done we're going to vote you out but the billionaire wants to have his son run the company that's never going to happen
and that's what Steve schwarzman did Steve schwarzman took his company with the same structure General partner
limited partner structure took them public and they're now public and they unless he commits fraud I don't think
they can ever vote him out so that's the number one not should say number one that's the first thing I learned about
general partnership limited partnership funds is that if it ever gets really really big you can't vote me out because
I started the thing and you just can't vote me out because you're greedy so that that's the first thing in funds the
second thing in funds why can they scale all right so let's just say you're
running your F you have your your there's two entities General partner limited partnership there's two entities
the general partnership is an LLC the limited partnership is an LP a limited
partnership and that's where all the the investors called limited partners put their money into okay and that limited
partnership let's say it's a publisher it sells books okay you've raised a bunch of money and people put money in
and now you're publishing books and that's what that that does and the general partner is here and once they
get up and running and you have employees doing all that right the general partner can start a second fund
and it starts a second fund that they don't uh publish books there's a paper they're they're now a paper company and
they have trees and this forest and they make all this paper and you raise money in this second fund up here let's say
second fund up here and it's called the paper fund and people invest in the paper fund
to these guys know how to make money making paper but the journal partner is still the same or it could be two joural
partners owned by you the difference is you can have multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple funds and basically
the same kind of general partnership in the middle and it just there it's compartmentalized and therefore it can
scale so in real estate you could have a fund that does multif family and get
that up and running with people who know how to run multif family then you can have another fund that does single
family homes and you can have partners that only know how to do single family homes they don't know how to do multif
family you can have another fund that just does raw land and they these guys
know how to do raw land and so we figured out or I we figured out my my me and my partners that there are people
think about this I know how to start companies I started and but there are other people
that went to college and they never started a company their life and they went to work for a big bank and this guy
this lady has been underwriting bank loans for 17 story apartment complex in
New York for 152 years so this lady this guy has a lot of gray hair they've been through a lot they know and they you
know they you know they they drive to work every day to think about they think about one day I'm G to start my own
investment fund but they don't know how to start it they don't know how to get going because they've been in corporate
for so long and schooling for so so long I don't how to start companies now if I get that lady or guy to come work in on
my fund that just does lending or apartment buying Apartments they're
going to be an owner and this is my pitch to it listen I don't want you to be the person
when you're 70 years old retired and you always thought I should have could have I should have tried one time to be an
entrepreneur this is that moment you're going to leave your job you're going to come work for the fund you're going to
be an owner of the fund first day or we're going to give you a vesting skule you're going to make less money you're
going to make less money I promise you you're not going to make as much money on salary-wise but if it works you're gonna make way more money than you ever
would at your job at the bank right I know these PR people are driving to work every
day I just had to find them I know there's a guy that went to an Ivy League school he works in Wall
Street been there 15 years he's got gr hair he's a great Capital Razer I'm a good Capital Razer I'm not a great
Capital Razer I'm not the I one of the best Capital risers right and I found
you know there's these same people they drive to work every day one day I'm going to start my own hedge fund and
those people actually when we brought them in and they became Partners they can run the company grow company faster
than I could ever grow it they learned so much stuff in school and college right but starting it getting it off and getting it to a certain point takes an
entrepreneur and a fund Can Can Has It's enticing to people who are in Corporate
America that have always dreamed one time in their life about being a fund manager and you say to them listen even
if it fails at least when you're 70 and you're retired you can say I went for it I took the shot but you don't want to be
the person when you're 70 that I sitting there with your grandkids going dang it I never took the shot and this is the
sales pitch that you know you give to people when you find them you find the person with the gray hair they're
Experts of what they do and you have a fund that only single family homes okay and that person has been working in
family homes for decades they just never worked for themselves and you get you get a four or five of these people and
you bring them in and they're the investment Committee of that fund wow and that's how it scales and
then you do a second third fun that's how it scales and and and and like I said my first 13
businesses I I got them to a good size but I couldn't get them to scale and a fund model it just kept scaling that's
that's what happened that's beautiful okay so you're not trying to get into something that you don't know too much about you as the entrepreneur sets the
fund up you set the framework and then you grab other people that are already in that field they're experts in their field and then you lay the groundwork
for them and then they build the they build the menion yeah there's three basic circles
okay think about a circle a circle one Circle two circles three circles this circle are people who know how to raise
Capital this circle are people in the middle that know how to file the SEC to
do accounting they know how to talk to investors they know how to issue really good quarterly reports third circle is
your investment professional so if you're going to do a single family home
fund you would need someone in this circle that doesn't like accounting doesn't like raising money they just
love finding purchasing and making uh single family rentals or single family
homes you know flipping whatever they're an expert investor here and then you
find people over here that are experts in accounting and taxes and all this stuff SEC compliance and then you find
someone who just loves raising Capital the person who loves raising capital is
not really ever an expert in actually finding large apartment buildings to buy
that's not the same personality now in the beginning when I started I did all three I raised Capital then I drove and
I to sit another city and I underwrote a you know a 40 acre uh building uh pads
and we and I came back and I did Cly reports and I did the tax returns and I
did it all me me and the first partner we did it all you have to do it when you first W but as you grow you're able to
get better and better experts and as you grow and you get better and better experts when you put a together a team
of a bunch of experts that are really great in their field the money is easier
to raise even though capital raing is always hard it's easier to raise when you have a team that's really driving
really working together and they're all got great resumés and they all know what they're doing in their particular
circles and that's kind of how you get you get to certain you know economy of
scale and it just snowballs from there and it just gets bigger and bigger and it scales and that is beautiful so I
feel like that's Daniel and myself right now we are the professional purchasers right and that's what we're good at I think we're getting better um you know
getting on with with fun lunch that you know that there's the infrastructure and then we do have one person right now
that's raising a significant amount of capital for us so I feel like we got the three pillars right now
yeah yeah yeah so just think about keep thinking about those three circles and every day every Monday when you have
your you and your partner meetings you're always you know concentrating on filling out those three circles if you
were a baseball team and you needed people who could hit people who can catch and people who can pitch right
every Monday morning you're trying to get the best pitchers to join your team the best hitters to join your team the best you know so you're just you know
every morning you're trying to build you're trying to build your team as best possible and you realize maybe you're a
really good pitcher but you're not a great pitcher and to win championships you need a great pitcher so you're
you're still pitching until you can find and attract a really great pitcher and so when that really great pitcher comes
into your baseball team then you move to center field and then when you find a guy in center field that joins your team
that could run like a 4340 then you go to second base that's
that's kind of the Mantra of trying to build a team that is experts in all they
do man powerful dude this is very powerful like I said this has been a very very great conversation for me
personally like I said I feel like a lot of this stuff is applicable and it sounds like we're we're on the right path man so excellent excellent
conversation I was going to ask why did the exponential growth come from being the lender right and I can understand those are smaller margins but now going
after reos why was that so significant are you are you guys just buying stuff for like 10 20 cents on the dollar is it is it high volume or what was the main
catalyst there yeah we eventually went back into lending after the markets came back but we had to change because in
2007 if you lent somebody some money on a property they couldn't get a loan from
the bank because the bank was doing any loans so there was no Wai for let's say you did a four-month loan a short-term
loan there's no way for me to get out I couldn't get I had to foreclose because
the borrower would always say well I'm going to then build this property up and then get a loan from the bank and then
pay you out and I'd say great and but if the banks none of the banks are giving
loans then I couldn't do a short-term loan and get an exit I was going to be a
short-term loan and I was going to become an owner anyway because I had to foreclose so rather than go through the whole foreclosure process and ha why
don't you just start buying the property at discount from Banks who are foreclosing after the bank forecloses so
our third fund was you know purchasing property rather than lending and in reality listen like I told you I think I
before I'm so glad the recession happened this is this is a true story right here we
had had a guy friend of mine calls me John John how you doing this is 200 78
is Right eight eight really end of end of eight and he says how you doing I go
I'm doing good what what's going on he goes well I'm calling because I know real estate's really bad right now and I
know you're into real estate and I want wondered how you and your family are doing and I just felt sorry for you I
said you are you are have you lost your mind the best time in 80 years to be in
real estate is 2008 9 10 and 11 there is no better time in 80 have you are you
not thinking straight and so he was like on the phone like my God go I I called to say I'm sorry for you and eventually
that guy and a few other guys that called me I made them my investors I
kept talking to them about you guys got to put more money in now because you can buy stuff so cheap in 201910 and those
guys that called me to feel sorry for me became some of my investors so my point
is if you wake if you stay healthy wake up every day and try you know eventually you have to take look at all um adverse
something that's going wrong There's an opportunity there somewhere because if you're hurting everyone else is hurting
too and therefore but the hurting usually can't last forever it's got to change and if you can see it so we Chang
from lending to purchasing and that's you know that's the story so beautiful man I guess all the moons
in line just right at the right all yeah I'm still here I don't knowel and so listen since okay I tell
you something since 1971 since 1971 when we went off the gold
standard give it a few years but then every 10 years the world kind of changes
so 1978 we had the the the the financial crash in 1978 followed 1978 and
19779 no I'm sorry wrong wrong wrong I got the wrong dates 1971 we go off the
gold standard 1987 we have a crash in the stock market
one year later the Soviet Union Falls and guess what me and my partner did we
had three two partners the the kids in eastern block
Europe they would watch they couldn't buy Goods on the Western on the west from the West they couldn't get them it
was it was a you know Cold War but they could watch Hollywood shows and they could watch like Jay Leno and the
tonight's show and they' watch these Hollywood stars wear faded Levi 501
jeans made by Mr Levi Strauss in San Francisco and that was the fashion item
they wanted but so when the wall fell down in in ' 89 everyone wanted made in USA products
so we in the Western United States had been wearing I I grew up with them we wore them as work jeans 501s but we
found out that if you went to the Eastern block you could sell these for1 $ a pair the Levi Strauss company
couldn't move into the Eastern block countries fast enough and so we started
purchasing Levis used Levis from all over the country in the Western United States the 13 Western States and
eventually my two business partners moved to Southern Germany and I would get supply over here buying from thrift
stores the public everybody and we would ship I would sew them redy them fix them
up put bandanas behind the big holes in the knees whatever shipped them over to Germany and my two partners would sell
them all through you know Prague and places like that and we were Soup To Nuts we were buying from the public over
here and we were selling to the public over there we did that for nine years
whoa that's all I did for nine years I tried to find more Levi 501 jeans and
ship them sew them wash them get them out to my partners in Europe and they
sold them it was a nine-year run that was 1989 now 10 years later 1999 the dot
bubble you know crashed right and well do com bubble it went up and up and up
and and then it and the internet was coming and then in 2000 it crashed I
missed that one I nailed the one in 89 uh for exports I nailed it we did such a
great job it was such a huge business I missed the 2000 bubble but in 20 9 me and my
partners nailed it the Great Recession and then in 201920 we had the re we had
the uh you know the covid and we nailed it again with opportunity Zone funds and
we raised about5 billion do you know in Opportunity Zone funds because it was it was financially put there so about every
10 years the world goes boom and those are the big huge places where a lot of
people make a lot of money when it goes boom when it all goes you know smooth you can make some money but when it goes
boom if you think about it right if you really think it through and you have a fund that can raise money from investers
uh you can take you can take advantage of it yeah so incredible man so uh real quick I know we're getting close to that
hour right over hour can you do a prediction like what do you think the next big boom's gonna be next big boom
well I know there's a big change coming it's called it's called the US digital dollar and I don't know when it's going
to come around I just know it's going to come they're going to keep pushing it
and pushing and pushing it and it might be May 2033 the 100y year anniversary of the
gold confiscation and it may be made you know that that 100y year anniversary in
20133 and they might say for the good of the country we can no longer allow
Bitcoin or all coins or gold or silver we all have to only use the US digital
dollar for the the goodness of the country to keep America on top and and that might be
another you know they will like I said they will they will transition they will
uh uh transition and evolve the US dollar in any way they possibly can to
keep it the number one on top of the world even to the point where confiscating gold or confiscating you know anything
is uh is is in their in their ability to
do wow yeah I can definitely see that man hey hey John wrapping up now uh we
wanted to we always ask what is one quote that you resonate with that's either yours or someone else's okay one
thing I it says oops connection lost reconnecting okay I can still hear you fine do you got that do you have that on
your no it's just you okay we're good okay so you're asking me a book book books I like uh quote a quote that's
your one of my favorite books quote Yeah yeah one of my favorite
books oh quotes you say quotes yeah I thought said books sorry and I'd like to
know the book and I'd like to know the book too you're holding it already Okay okay I'll tell you the book
one of the books I love and I just love the way the guy put went after it it's called Uh Guns Germs and Steel by Jared
diamond and even though I don't agree with everything he says in this book it's it's quite a quite a um trying to
figure out why everything in the world happens okay why did Columbus discover
America and the Chinese didn't do it why can we not why did we domesticate horses and didn't domesticate zebras I mean he
just he goes off there's one in the back of the chapter one of the chapters at the very end of the book he
says you know when on on your typewriter or or your computer where the where all the keys are where the where the letter
K is and where the letter J is he says listen when they first invented the typewriter in the early
1900s they had a different configuration they kept testing different configurations and they found one that
was really fast people could just really really type really fast on right and what happened though the typewriters
back then used to have a ribbon and the ribbon kept getting jammed so they switched the
configuration to a slower configuration that's slower to type on okay then about
four to five years later they fixed the ribbon jamming and they went back and
tried to change the configuration where the a where the B where the C is to the faster
one and everyone had already learned the slower one and you and me today use this
configuration because of that is that a wild story that's cool
man we are purposely slowing down we're purposely slower typing today because in
19 I don't know 06 or something they couldn't fix the ribbon and they fixed
it 5 years later that's why we had the configuration we do on our computers and that is one of in the one of the last
chapters of this book Guns Germs and Steel so that's one of the books I really really enjoy that's so cool man I bet there's a
lot of cool stories like that of things that we do today that just have a funny explanation like that yeah yeah I I'll
tell you one quote it's in my book it's an old African proverb and it says this
and this is perfect because I end the book with this in my in the last couple pages of my book because I'm talking
about funds and how great funds are when you get a group people together and I'm
I can't think I can quote it perfectly but it basically says this if you want to go
fast go alone if you want to go far go with a
group that's my quote I love that quote man I I have a I have a multile
marketing background so I always think in terms of teams and helping other people and growing together so that that
that quote resonates with me big time yeah yeah so where I think we're over
our time here dude what a blessing I hope we can have part two of this conversation because I feel like I have a lot more questions that I would ask
yeah but yeah we don't want to take up too too much of your time and super appreciate you getting on here with us it means a lot and I feel like I've
learned a ton today man stuff that's very very applicable to you I hope the audience did too thank you where can people find your
book all right John we'll see you next time book the book is on audible.com or
amazon.com John S Pennington Jr yeah dollars golden Bitcoin by John ESP
Pennington Jr Amazon or audible.com and on Audible again audible it's my voice
the entire six and half hours at regular speed so if you want to listen to my voice for six and a half hours you can
go to audible so thank you but thanks guys thanks guys for hosting me really appreciate it was been a great discussion really really loved it dude
this was awesome I'm gonna download the book right now and I'm gonna start listening to it right now I seriously am thank you thank you very much awesome
John thanks for hanging out man we'll see you soon thank you okay see you bye thanks for tuning in go like share subscribe we'll see you in the next
episode guys thank [Music]
Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony GaonaProfile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More

John S. Pennington Jr.Profile Photo

John S. Pennington Jr.

co-founder - $28 B family of funds

About John S. Pennington Jr.
In 2008 – John S. Pennington Jr. co-founded a family of private equity funds that by the time of his
retirement – grew to well over $28 billion of Assets Under Management (AUM). During his tenure and
before obtaining partner emeritus status, he served on the board of directors, held signing authority on
over 1,200 bank accounts as the deputy chief financial officer (DCFO), was president of over 100
corporations, was the Anti-Money Laundering Officer (AMLO) for all companywide feeder funds located
in the Cayman Islands and oversaw all U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regulatory
requirements as chief compliance officer (CCO). In 2021 – he retired with the company listed on the
In 2004 and 2007 – John co-founded Bridge Loan Capital Fund I and II.
In 1988 – John earned a degree from the University of Utah in economics.  He and his wife, Jane, have
three sons, two daughters-in-law with five grandchildren and have been married for over thirty-eight