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Ep 461: Creating Wealth With New Friends
January 31, 2024
Ep 461: Creating Wealth With New Friends
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In this episode, host Daniel Martinez introduces a special episode that dives into various aspects of real estate, including sub-two wraps, foreclosures, and the intricacies of wrapping a deal or a note. Guests share their unique stories and insights into the real estate world, from executing a challenging deal in pre-foreclosure to transitioning into real estate after a job loss, and leveraging creative financing to sell a business. The episode highlights the importance of persistence, networking, and leveraging one's unique skill sets in the real estate industry. The discussion concludes with an introduction to Homester, a platform aimed at connecting buyers, sellers, agents, and loan officers in the real estate market, emphasizing the power of collaboration and partnership in achieving success. 0:34: Angel's Pre-foreclosure Deal Story Angel shares a memorable deal involving a pre-foreclosure property that required persistent follow-up over four months, emphasizing the critical nature of timing in real estate transactions. 1:41: Alex's Transition into Real Estate Alex recounts his journey into real estate following a layoff, highlighting the significance of creative financing in his career shift and the subsequent success he found in the industry. 8:05: Introduction to Homester The conversation shifts towards Homester, a new platform designed to connect various stakeholders in the real estate market, underscoring the episode's focus on networking and collaboration within the industry. Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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hey welcome to the H with us podcast I'm
your host Daniel Martinez today we have
special the episode please go check it
out we covered sub two wraps forclosures
a little bit of everything what they're
looking for how to wrap a deal wrap a
note all that stuff I let find the
button so sh open this
up everybody here today we cover cool
interesting stories so we're going to uh
since there's people here they all have
a cool interesting story they're going
to share with us today so Angel you want
to go first yeah I'll go for it one of
the most interesting deals I've done was
the one we went to go take a look at
this past week um 8221 uh listening rush
and that particular deal I had initially
called them back in June when it was it
had only been 18 days on the market but
the seller was in pre- forclosure and at
the time they're only like 12K in a
re but they couldn't uh well they didn't
very beginning so I had to follow up for
an additional um almost four months so I
call the agent like once a week every
single week just to see where the seller
was at and then the seller finally made
up their mind but by the time they they
accepted the offer there were like 42k
in her re so that was a huge jump times
of the essence for those man and if they
too long it makes it harder for them to
help them I think I always hate when
that happens because like you can always
help them the earlier you attach
yourself to a deal like that the more
you can save it and it's easier to save
but when they get let it let time pass
it gets harder and harder so that's
crazy H Alex you want to go next yeah
I'll talk about how I actually got into
real estate it's a pretty interesting
story so it was last year January 18th
is when I got laid off my W2 job I was
working in Tech sales and it was
actually the same day I was flying to my
first speaking event so Grant cardono is
there Pace morby Ed mlet Rob Deer deck
so the same days my flight I get laid
off I was really shocked I wasn't really
sure what to do but then I knew that was
a sign for me to just go all in on a
real estate and that's when I got
introduced to creative finance and just
started diving deep into it learning and
didn't get my first deal for four to
five months but now things have changed
definitely and we found the right team
to work with that's amazing man and you
just you just had a year you're hitting
a year like in a in a week or so right
for being an entrepreneur which is
amazing congratulations Alex uh you want
to go next yeah I was I mean the big
story that pops out uh in my head is on
how I sold my business so when I was
working for like a prop tech company we
got acquired by even bigger prop tech
company so I said screw the man I
started my own business started my HOA
uh own HOA management company and then
discovered creative financing and I've
been doing I've been doing property
management for a while now I was like I
was kind of getting sick of it and
wanted to build something new so I ended
up discovering creative Finance I was
like hey maybe I should creative Finance
seller finance my business so um that
took about like six months to do but was
was able to yeah sell my business
creatively and I thought that was pretty
cool and um it's helped me with what
we're doing
now I think that is amazing so I I
really want to hit on Verge here for a
second so you learned about creative
finance and you sold your business to
their Finance I think one of the things
the cool the really cool things is when
you know seller finance you can leverage
seller finance to your benefit not
necessarily because when you're coming
in as a buyer it's a different type of
seller finance but you're leveraging as
a seller it's a different type of seller
finance but you get you know both sides
because you know what good terms look
like so I want I want to mention this
too because I had when I H I only I've
only sold sold my I've only done one
house deal and it was the house deal I
bought personally and then I sold sold
and seller financed it to somebody else
I essentially wrapped it what you guys
do and that's the only household I've
ever done to date everything else has
been landed But Me Knowing seller
financer not even I knew a little bit I
know a lot more now but just knowing the
basic stuff of seller financing I was
able to leverage that but I think it's
really cool that you sold your business
seller finance as well with with the
strategies because you get the Best of
Both Worlds at this point because now
you can sell and buy via seller
financing which is the whole rap
strategy essentially as well too that's
cool man all right Mitch you ready I am
so I'm going to tell you my story real
quick with these gentlemen here we
actually all met on a zoom we were on a
sub to zoom and I was you know speaking
on you know giving away free leads and
that kind of stuff and they happened to
jump in and I think we were on that Zoom
for probably like three hours and after
that like you know we just had like a
connection and so after that you know I
mean we we started doing deals together
we actually all decided to go out to
Colorado uh we didn't have any planned
meetups or anything like that we stayed
in the Airbnb for nine days together we
went around we toured we we started
educating agents and loan officers you
know they actually set up all these
various meetings with people none of us
knew any of these people it was just you
know co- calling building relationships
talking about deals for nine days and
then um from there you know there was
just a great Synergy and we ended up
they were going out to to do a meeting
at I think it was creative Con in
Phoenix and so they said said hey you
want to come out there with us and I
said yeah so we flew we went ahead
called my wife and I said hey I'm not
I'm not going to make it home I'm going
to be gone for another week she was like
all right so uh we actually went out to
Phoenix we ended up talking with uh pace
and Abraham and you know went to
creative con and met a lot of great
people there and so um that's actually
you know where where we end up doing
Pace's podcast Pace asked hey do you
want to do a he asked me actually do you
want to do a podcast I said yeah I said
but you gotta bring you got to bring the
team in you know so that's actually kind
of like a you know a little bit of our
story of how we all kind of met we
started collaborating and doing deals
together and you know what I would say
is like if uh you know just get out in
the communities that you're in no matter
what it is and start collaborating and
doing deals with people you never know
where you're going to meet your your
business partners
at yeah I I really want to hit on to is
that you guys are all separate in
separate markets you guys don't live
near each other at all and you guys met
on a zoom so that's that's amazing so
it's it's it's uh definitely underrated
I think I think where we're heading in
business is this type of model where you
don't have to go to the office and
there's no centralized office everybody
works out of you know I think it's
really powerful when you can get all all
your systems and people aligned to
create really good really good
opportunities just uh aligning yourself
with other
people try to find people who are
different than you too is what I would
say you know cuz like everybody brings a
different skill set like Verge has you
know skill sets I don't have Angel has
skill sets you know that I don't have
Alex is really good you know at certain
things and he brings skill sets that you
know that each of us don't have we can
all Network right we all love to talk we
all have a different style we all bring
a different uh group too right so when I
go out and talk you know other certain
people will gravitate towards me other
people will gravitate towards angel or
Verge or Alex so it's like you know and
everybody brings different skills you
know mine is definitely not social media
you know so Verge is good at that and
you know so yeah go out and collaborate
and find people that have other skills
you know besides you and see how you can
complement each other so yeah I 100%
back that up too it's uh my me and my
partner are completely opposite and I
think that's what that's what makes
really good Partnerships for everybody
here that's looking for somebody maybe
to partner with in the future opposite
opposite to track so if they're like you
and do stuff the same as you maybe not
the best partner so you always want to
find somebody that that's going to fill
the gaps in your business not
necessarily fight over the fight over
the same same control Parts you know
exactly it's important anybody want to
cover what home store is and where they
can find it real quick please go check
the other Episode by the way too we
cover a lot of more stuff in detail but
anyone to cover
homester yeah so homester you can
actually uh we're still kind of putting
some of it together but you can find
homester on Facebook you can find it on
Instagram or on Tik Tok or on Twitter or
on Pinterest and YouTube and so some of
them may or may not have lot of content
right now but we'll be expanding and
added that adding content on there and
we'll also probably start be we're going
to start doing a lot of live uh events
so we'll be talking about properties
we'll be talking about deals and you
know we'll be able to invite people on
to kind of correspond ask questions and
we can kind of walk through what we're
doing and how we're doing it and that
for instance that that program is to
connect with buyers that are looking for
their non-qualified mortgage borrowers
to buy property right buyers sellers
agents loan
officers you name bring the whole family
yeah jump in let's go let's talk about
real estate let's you know let's see
let's see what we can learn from each
other there you go well I appreciate you
guys coming on thanks for coming on
again I I think everybody we part a lot
of Val and a lot of interesting stuff I
think you guys are very unique like I
said this is the this is the most people
I read on a podcast and I think we did
all right we did all right trying to mix
up the flow a little bit but I
appreciate you all coming in and sharing
knowledge and just being a beacon of
uh information in the community so I
think that's a something something to be
pointed out by me at least if nobody
else does so I appreciate you guys you
guys any questions go check them out
we'll see you all in the next episode
thanks for tuning in guys have a great
English (auto-generated)
Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Alex KamenetskyProfile Photo

Alex Kamenetsky

Dispo / Fund Raiser

Meet Alex Kamenetsky – a real estate enthusiast who dives into creative finance to navigate the market. Beyond the hustle, Alex finds joy in shredding slopes on a snowboard and soaking up the great outdoors. Living it up in the lively Bay Area, Alex keeps the vibe chill while juggling the real estate game and outdoor adventures.

Virg MateoProfile Photo

Virg Mateo

Lien Lord

San Francisco Native
Property Manager for over a decade
Now I buy property without a bank then become the bank
- sold my HOA management company creatively

Angel PerezProfile Photo

Angel Perez

Real estate investor

Mitch PomeroyProfile Photo

Mitch Pomeroy

Entrepreneur / Real Estate Investor / Lien Lord

Flipped over 500+ SFR, Flipped 500+ Multi Family, 70 STR / Mid Term Rentals, Purchasing Subto nation wide and wrapping to buyers that traditionalation don;t qualify for a mortgage such as self employed, itin buyers.