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Ep 454: Starting 2024 In Land With The Hivemind
January 08, 2024
Ep 454: Starting 2024 In Land With The Hivemind
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In this call from 2024, Hivemind begins by expressing excitement for the new year and a big announcement. They discuss their plans to generate nearly $2 million in the next 60 days through deals and investments. The speaker emphasizes the importance of community and how their earnings benefit everyone involved. They also talk about their strategy of using cash on hand for flexibility in deals and mention the potential for a real estate boom before the election. Throughout the call, they share insights and strategies for land deals, including seller financing and the potential for future property value growth in specific areas. Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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welcome guys first call of 2024 uh it's going to be a freaking amazing year happy New Year everybody um
I got a pretty cool announcement I think that it it's beneficial for all of us right so I don't ever want anybody to hear anything on this call that sounds
like alarmingly cool you're like well good for you guys but what about me because uh if you've done deals with us
before if you're you're doing deals with myself and Daniel you're looking for stuff we're working on stuff together I mean it all feeds back into the
community right all this earn is money and surveys and all other crap we got to pay for down payments all that stuff it benefits everybody that's doing the work
um but we're looking pulling almost $2 million in the next 60 days right the first M comes uh on Friday and then uh
we have probably like 900,000 Plus in sales spread out over the next couple weeks after that so in less than 60 days
we'll pulling 2 million for the first time I think that that probably topped all of our alltime sales so far yep 100%
this is gonna be the best we ever done yeah so especially in the shortest amount of time I was listening to Kevin
o the dude the bald guy from a shark tank and he said making that first million is damn near impossible he's
like it just never comes he said but after that the second one's easier so I think we made every bit of not last year
the year before we closed out right over a million in sales um and then I haven't
even tallied up what we did this year but now it's like I feel like we 2022 we did a million 2023 we did a lot
yeah I was gonna say it sounds like we uh sounds like we pulled in what we pulled in in the last two years almost
and we're going to pull it in like in 45 to 6 days so things are progressing things are moving faster um congrats to
you Daniel and everybody involved that's doing deals with us but yeah the momentum is building guys everything we
talked about everything we've been promising for the last several years it's all coming to fruition now we have a three recordings or four it says the
future of the hive Minds what they're called and uh I mean it's all playing out exactly like we talked about it so super exciting stuff I just got a text
today about two and a half hours ago gentleman says hey I got somebody that wants to throw $10 million into see all
land deals so this is a second set of 10 million that's looking at us right now and uh this is pretty exciting times
man yep pretty exciting time so how this correlates with everybody here is that
feeds the machine it goes into he kind of said alluded to it didn't really explain what it did till the end but it
feeds back into earnest money it feeds back into buying deals it feeds back into paying wholesalers it feeds back into all the stuff that we do here so
I'm excited it's gonna be a good year I tell you having the cash on hand is going to be cool because when you
guys bring a deal now you know we're structuring it seller finance and zero
down and all this crazy stuff so you can buy a big property multi-million dollar property with little to nothing out of
pocket but having the cash on hand now you know I don't think we should convert over to buying things 100% for cash we should still stick to our creative
finance and seller finance strategies but now having a cash on hand it's gonna give us a lot of flexibility man yep we
can be a little bit of bullies so if we find a bigger property we can put 20% down 25% down I mean even 40% down if it
makes sense so um it and we can buy cash I mean we can buy if we get a deep
enough discount we can buy cash so um it gives us a lot of flexibility on our
side um and your side with making offers and negotia talk seller so um one thing I told I talked to Anthony today I was
like um any deals that were on the fence uh right now may be a time to recheck up the conversation we're looking to
contract some stuff because uh we may have that Capital availability in the next 45 days or less
so anything we lock up now is going to go straight to that um for that Capital allocation so I'm excited about that so
um everything that we've touched we're going back to and recontacting and reconnecting because if you lost the
deal and for whatever reason go back and hit them again or give it to somebody else and go back and hit it again and
guarantee you most nine times out of 10 it didn't sell so um somebody else can
somebody else can hit that lead or you can hit that lead again and uh restrike that lead and turn it into a fire again
yeah I tell you we've been getting a lot of callbacks now um Ruben got one so yeah people that you touched six months
ago a year ago we we preach on it all the time touch them try to negotiate they'll shut you down no that's they
want too much they're not ready to sell right now put them on an automatic followup indefinitely right forever the
the text message says hey did you sell the property yet and it doesn't say anything else uh i' hit them every 90 days right you can do that automated
through the CRM any CRM you can do a free CRM um and just hit them every 90 days have you sold the property yet then
just do that indefinitely people come back they got to sell situations change people that said they weren't open to seller finance are now saying they're
open to they're open to terms now so these properties don't go anywhere guys they're going to sit there so I know you guys get excited you're like we gotta
let them we got to send some something now these properties aren't going anywhere ever so I think we're in the perfect Niche perfect field perfect
Market things are still selling we're still selling a ton of properties surprisingly so I mean I thought with
the re we might slow down but if anything I think we're speeding up just a little bit so PL plent of opportunity
right now guys and I think this year the interest rates are going to start softening up a little bit so I think we're going to have a little mini boom right before the election so now's the
time to go to work now it's time to go to work 100% so uh for everybody here
2024 is gonna be the year man I'm excited um today uh I know Anthony's probably at the airport running around
uh I was going to cover a live sales call I posted a link in the group I'm actually gonna plate here and we'll break down the call um we had
uh back in October we recorded this um we had the opportunity to record a live
sales call so I'll play the video and I'll pause it at key points if you guys want to make comments in the thing we kind of break down different things that
Anthony says um in the video If you haven't seen it already but I made I did a I did a questionnaire or a PLL inside
the group about two weeks ago about more things you guys wanted to see and I had like two or three people hit up that they wanted live seller calls so I think
this is a perfect one to kind of go over since we actually have a video for it so not all the recordings have a video but
this one does and I just released releas it today so it's very fresh off the presses and uh hope you hopefully I'll
like it and learn something off of it uh the Call's pretty cool because the seller is very abrasive at front and
then he convinces them at the end and they're like oh I think we should really buy this property so uh let me jump into
it and then uh a buyer right it's a buyer call in it it's a buyer call yeah it's a buyer call all right here we go
hey Jess hey Jess how you doing um not too bad not too bad so
what's going on okay cool well well Daffy tells me
you're interested in the 15 Acres over in Casto okay great so in order to do those
Center Finance um your basically the property uh price will be 5175 your
payment uh we can do 10% down so you're looking at about probably 56 57,000
after closing cost and it go for it actually I'm going to send you a a
picture of the actual amortization so you could see it exactly how it
is8 something like that right give or take yes
ma'am that's what the seller a difference right between
and the price but what I want to talk about is the no do options um I did have
a conversation with um yes from fedit we talked about
several options right um with the no do it seems reasonable
but the same time um there's a lot of extras there's of course the closings
you have to
also [Music]
the for this property I follow through with this one is to live on the land actually
[Music] just
um but I'm not being quite h i mean I feel like it is it is
okay yeah either way that you want to run it we're happy to service it either way um on this property is it going to
be a longterm hold or is are you doing a 1031 or anything like that I would longterm
hold so unict right um but I'd like to hold it to be quite honest okay so in
that property we've sold every acre every track on that property has gone for 29,000 cash right and then we are
open to the idea of seller financing but it really doesn't benefit us from A lender perspective so if I have to go
borrow the
right the bulk of debt and I'm okay with that U but there as long as we're paying
for that money so that's why there's a little bit higher sales price uh on that uh Sol Finance situation so I think the
price is very fair I talked with citri from the county before we uh worked on the subdivide and how we were going to
break it up and he has two big ranches bigger than mine and he's selling them for 60 and 70,000 an acre in cille we
got that big giant Microsoft plant coming so at 29,000 right now I think we're at 50 cents on the dollar so if I
end up having to get a loan to to close out on everything the way we're planning on developing it out then I can't offer
that discount anymore I can't sell it for 29 so that's why if you pay a little bit more for seller finance then you're
kind of in the deal with us and then if you just pay cash you're getting amazing amazing deal and if you plan to
develop that lot like maybe put some uh some like Flex space right now that's very popular um I would invest with you
into that Flex space so I was just kind of curious what you were planning on doing with it if it was like going to be for a
residential partially residential not fully have you seen the front that's fled
Zone sorry have you seen the front that's fled Zone the front that is blood Zone yeah
that whole highway all 281 that County Road FEMA showing it in the flood zone for whatever reason so just FYI the
front portion of that property is is showing flood zone is it really all
right so one thing I want to say on that part is anony is very the seller was kind of saying it's expensive expensive
in the front end and then he kind of solidifies why he wants them to take the seller finance offer and then he's being
he's giving them any type of curveball that some buyer some sellers would say essentially oh being the flood zone have
them do their own due diligence all that stuff he's saying a front so he's trying to build up uh confidence and trust with
with the buyer yeah aware yeah for sure yeah so we have a map and we can show you you
can develop like the back half of the lot but right against the back half of the lot because it does
have two yeah that's what's so beautiful about it and someday when that blood Zone gets remediated or you do a flood
study and you can get it corrected you could probably subdivide that lot to a couple pieces which which drives up the
value immensely so that's why I'm just like just depending on what you're going to do with it I can help you have an exit strategy but if you already have an
exit strategy amazing so one thing that Anthony does a lot is he gives them the
exit strategy on how to monetize the opportunity because one thing that we do is we're um in multi family they call it
leaving meat on the bone and wholesale it say leave meat on the bone so we're essent he's essentially creating this meat on the bone to sell to the to the
an end buyer for them to buy it and for and give them a reason to buy it and show them ways to monetize because they
might like she said she's going to hold it she might not even know how to monetize that Lea she just wanted to buy
land but now anony is kind of putting in her mind hey you could do this you could do this you can give her options on why
it's a good opportunity to buy at its price and she was and she was concerned about the price in the
beginning I in mind it's not concrete you know I'm super happy to talk about it we do a lot of L play developing
playes we develop a lot of floodland ranches we do zero houses Zero commercial buildings we're just Ranch
people and we're pretty good at it um and I'm so sorry what what company
are you are you just um I'm a private individual but um
we have I have a LLC that I buy properties through we're starting a so Anthony does this a lot too I'm really
glad I'm doing this like play byplay it's so good um Anthony always says he's a private individual because he never wants to seem like he's some big large
entity um a lot of people in Texas they like that Tex his Dynamic so he never
puts himself as he's a big operator big developer he's always he's just I'm a
regular individual I'm just a guy private Equity Fund I have a lot of private investors behind me so we buy
and sell in different entities got it yep we we uh we have a
TV show we're working on right now and it's not officially TV but like YouTube TV we have over 1500 videos but we're
starting a TV show called Texas ranch flippers oh so cool
yeah how exciting it's fun it's it's been a fun ride I think the people that live in Texas we should we should own
the land we should uh teach each other how to distribute it did you want to say Veronica do you want to say something
Veronica you have a question no I just wanted to say
congratulations bro yeah we're working we're working so the whole the whole uh
video TV show thing that's just to build credibility with sellers and buyers that's all it is it's just the marketing
strategy using social media to build credibility which is why we always say um if you're if you're planning to do
this long term doing social media is just a bonus oh yeah it takes a lot of time to
work it but it's it's just it's a bonus so if you're go ahead Anthony no I was gonna
say on that same note uh if if you guys do not have the credibility right if you're not working on a YouTube channel
and you don't have anything that's public facing you can always use ours right third party credibility so somebody's like what company are you
with well I'm an individual I just buy you know I tell people I'm a general contractor still I still you know help
with a couple of those things here and there even though my my company's officially shut down but uh you guys any of you guys can use that say yeah you
know uh in our Network we have we have like almost 1500 YouTube videos like oh cool can you send me that link yep
anytime any buyer or seller does research on Us online I don't know where it takes them or what when they go into the the the Google universe but they
always end up selling to us when they go research us so you you guys can use our third party cility when you're talking to somebody well how do I know you guys
are a real deal how do how do I know you guys aren't gonna whatever they like oh I can send you several leaks from our YouTube channel and all that stuff you guys are affiliated with h so you can
you can use those links really too so the trick is you just tell them to do Anthony go to land and then it just comes
up and we worked really hard to make sure our name comes up for if you search
our name and land both of us so you can just do that and then you can also go to
I told uh Marvin today Texas ranch flippers.com um at times I all it takes is for me to
tell them that I'm part of the hive mind Group in San Antonio and then they say oh so you're
with Anthony gaona see and so that's how you know they're just like oh okay I
know Anthony or I've heard of Anthony or you know that's when they kind of you
know um ease up a little more and um they they they know you you guys are
well known we worked really hard at that okay so it's not not it's not a it's not
a gimmick and it's not an accident we really worked hard at that so oh no I
know that I know I know it comes with a lot of uh a lot of uh sacrifice
dedication and and Def most definitely hard work um I know that it didn't um
happen overnight but you know it it it feels good you know it feels good to be part of something that um they're just
like hey you know we know Anthony we're familiar with them or we're familiar with the hive mind group and they know
um and now they kind of you know when they start the phone call kind of tighten up and you you feel them at the
at the end of that call or somewhat at the end of that call um kind of ease up a little more um uh with you and now
kind of get personal talk about their life and they're just like oh yeah you know now it's like that Comfort level
that comes from them um for the simple fact that you said you know you you you're with someone that's that's known
it just completely changes um everything else but it feels good you know it feels good to be something um you know a part
of something amazing and something that's that's growing so again congratulations you guys um and I just
you know I can't say it enough that I'm blessed to be with you guys thanks Veronica did you want to add something
to that Anthony yeah I was gonna say that um
both buyers sellers now have said that they recognize us so when we're talking
like again I'm like oh I'm just an individual you know and the more you get to talk and you're like well we have a YouTube channel and like oh what's it
called oh H mine hey I've heard of H mine like you know bam it's it's worked for with buyers and sellers now uh where
people are starting to recognize the brand so I would definitely you know leverage that if you just kind of casually mention it and see what happens
especially in Texas right because we're so concentrated here but even uh rooster seen it a bunch of times too now people
have asked his students like hey hey are you affiliated with rooster And Hive mine and so I mean it's starting to
become a pretty big deal now so you might use it at time as your calling card and if they if they just ignore it or they don't bring it up after you
mention the name then of course they've never heard of it just skirt onto something else but uh either way you can try to toss it out there and just see
what happens it's proving to be all right we lost him I'm gonna jump
back into the video he's at the airport so we might lose him in and out to each other before foreign entities come in
and pick it up so I'm pretty passionate about it of course we do have everyone outside
trying to buy our land and yeah exactly so if somebody comes in and they're like H we kind of don't want to sell to them for whatever reason then we just block
them like I'm not I'm not killing for profit like we're here to help the people that are around
us all right so that one's a big one too um we've been using that one a lot too a lot of Texas and Americans like
Americans owning Texas land so uh there's there's a big push check out the
episode we call it the water Wars It's couple episodes ago you can look up Highway this podcast water wars uh
there's like foreign entities from like uh Asia buying up Texas land because we
have a lot of resources so there's a whole another thing so Texas they like the home they like the ownership of
Texas buying Texas Land and we make sure we we reciprocate that uh when we're selling
too just breaking up a little here I don't know if my connection went
down or yours did but I cannot understand what you're saying it's all robot there it's Anthony I'm back okay
rep you disappeared into the Matrix oh
wonderful okay uh I forgot where we
were um I can calculate it I would say it's probably 50% or
better 50% or better
yeah it it really depends what you want it for if you're GNA want to develop multif family and build apartment
complexes and ain't happening if you want to develop like a a farm and grow something and have chickens and goats
and cows and horses dream property this is the best property we have yeah I mean
honestly I'd like to eventually like down the and possibly like
individual properties on back I can I can show you how to subdivide it correctly where it would get approved by
the by City County all that stuff but uh it's a it's a lengthy process like I said because you're going to have to do
a flood study there's a lot of involvement that would have to happen before you can get it to that state so like I said it just depends how in love
you are with the property how much profit you're trying to make what kind of yield are you looking for right so in
if you threw up a barn on here and got some horses and some cows there's never going to be a property better than this
one the whole thing is hay pasture so it's perfect for the animals um like a lot of
reason you should shouldn't have told me that now I'm going to raise the price
10% so this is this is a good one too Anthony he likes like your your call
with sellers or buyers shouldn't be a sales call so he jokes around and makes
them laugh in some way shape or form and he does this on almost every call so you got to find a way to be personable to
make the seller laugh I think that should be the goal in your call to make the seller laugh because it it's not when you make the seller laugh or buyer
laugh it's no longer a sales call even though it might be but in their perception it's not everything we sent you was all go
watch that video ja yeah what's up I was gonna say
um watch that manufacturing happiness video because if you're it's not like you're not being fake on the phone by
getting them to laughing fun at people trying to get them trying to like lift their Spirits
lift our own spirits and so very easy when
family it's easier to do it to your buyers and your sellers on the so you breaking up a little bit but
essentially what he said is uh I put there's a video we did called manufacturing happiness it says that uh
you you try and brighten somebody's day um any way you can in any any different
situation when you're talking to people because it just you don't know the ramifications of that of that conversation so I put the link in there
if you haven't seen it go save it it's a cool video and we lost him again all right we're going to jump right do
it oh that's so cool yeah it it's a cool property we we people developers that are going to throw up houses they avoid
uh creeks and wetlands and everything and we're we think it's hilarious because that's how we buy right so
they're passing on all of it and we're the ones collecting all the ponds all the rivers all the Creeks all the pigs all the deer that's all us so yeah good
luck KB holes you know what I mean they're not taking they're not they're not taking Texas they're not taking Texas I promise
you thing is if you know you could dist the numbers by way um we talked about i'
be grateful um I know we talked about
S7 if if you're going to do cash it's 29 an acre if you're doing seller finance it's 345 I don't know why it jaely
offered you a free acre but it works on the numbers I guess because you're putting a large down payment so we will
honor that no matter which route you choose to go um and uh yeah that's pretty much it and then just to be
completely transparent we're in no hurry to sell we have plenty of buyers it's a great property it's the most beautiful property we have um based on whatever
type of loan we're going to get right to replace the debt I can either do uh Bank
financing or seller financing but there's going to be a cap right because by the time we put our down payment with
the bank let's say we give them a million or a million and a half down whatever the magic number is then that would leave me in a position where um I
don't have the cash anymore to carry the debt so at some point I may not be able to own or Finance it anymore so if y'all
are trying to make a move you know just the sooner the better yeah driving
scarcity that was driving scarcity he's getting he's trying to get her to act now because we may not have this
opportunity for long
when it comes to doing larg of the owner finan I know you
said proba all need yeah so it's 29 000 an acre if you're paying cash and it's
34,500 per acre if we Finance it that helps us cover the debt so
uh and what are look at per 29 or 345 so if
you give 100 Grand down then you would save 34,500 plus interest okay but the interest is rather high like eight% or
10% yeah we don't do anything less than 10 my mentors that do this they don't do anything less than 12 so I'm going to be
beginner so we stay at 10 um we're at 12 now but um what he did is he kind of
relayed like other people um it's the it's the other seller they're the bad guys charging 12 I I forget uh I did I
did sales sales training a while back but you always make the hypothetical person the bad guy like yeah they're
they're charging way more than us but I'll give you I'll give you a discount you
know well I'll be honest the 29 the seems way better to me
so I might even just do a no dunk especially since I have the down the money down for it you yeah that makes
you a strong buyer so I think you having that large down payment then we can kind of do something outside of the ordinary
so a no do is fine yeah that we can help with any of that stuff and then also again depending on your exit strategy if
we had to look at like tax purposes or 1031 like whatever tax dollars we can save you on the back end we're not legal
we're not attorneys and we're not giving legal or tax advice but yeah if we if we can show you how to save some change on
the back end then also you can you can recoup short-term gains uh 30,000 uh I'm
sorry 30% long-term games 20% so again if we understand your exit then we can
help you save money on the back end so even let's say you feel like you're paying a little bit more for it up front on the back end you're you're so far
into the green it's it's crazy so you're just helping us do a big giant deal is all you're doing and you're putting
yourself in a pretty powerful position so citri is selling it Stu for 60 and 70 right and acre so we're at half of that
price or less and then also that big Microsoft plant that's coming there's going to be like a
million I think it's just north of us honestly I don't know where it is but it's going to be like a million square
feet so the the the economic boom for Castroville nobody's paying attention and we're we're kind of chuckling
because we're going after to cville real hard if you wanted to go we have stuff in potit Somerset sand sand crap land
all that stuff and then uh up north is way overpriced like it's turning into Austin quick East Side over there
towards leria it's maturing because of the school district but it's still soft and it's still sand cerville is the only
beautiful land anywhere close to San Antonio I know I know I had a really awesome opportunity available in um on
Sand but sand is not my thing it's nobody's thing once we buy a sand lot we're like you know how we can golf when
your ball lands in the sand and now you're stuck when you buy a sand lot good luck you know see you in heaven
because you don't know if that thing's ever going to move exactly yeah in casville I'm telling you there's no rod
yeah my my friend has a a big Ranch and Spring Branch that he broke up and he's selling nobody wants it it's rock who in
the hell wants to put in a $80,000 septic system cille is the last beautiful land anywhere close to San
Antonio period it's going to explode yeah it'll go it it'll go it'll go to look mark my words it'll go to
100,000 per acre I would say in Max five years and in five years time if it has
not gone to 100,000 an acre I'll pay you what you paid for it so to well if you paid full price today I'll buy it back
for the exact same well I'm saying I'm I Promise You by that time you're you're going to call me you're going to be like yeah I'll
take 100 an acre and so what Anthony's doing there is he's trying to pitch the deal back that if they ever want to sell
we'll buy it back because um we don't have to mark her for that deal he's
already planing that seed before she even bought it that if she ever wants to sell it we'll buy it back because we'll
just sell it again to somebody else so it's uh it's good it's good man oh and
then what he was doing before is he's reaffirming all the information again um towards the end of the call cuz we're at the end of the call he gets off right
here um he's reaffirming all all the information everything they covered to make sure she's in still how did we get
here you were so humble when we first
met okay well yeah yeah let let us know it's there it's available it's it's the best lot we have it's the only one that
has asphalt pavement on a county road everything everything else is flag lot so yeah you're getting an awesome
piece also you said I know I was really interested in number two yeah everything's sold except number one in
the front and then on the back we have two people on the fence for the lot with the house one person on the there's a
50,000 gallon per day water well on uh one of the Lots in the back for 25 acres
I think it's like every bit of I think it's every bit of like 800,000 but we're I think we have it listed for like 650
or something uh but we we didn't add any value for that 50,000 gallon per day water well so
that's that piece everybody's after that one and then there's a one with a house in the back with an Airbnb that that you
know pulls in like 25 days a month and uh with the house it's like 980 so it's
a it's a really really nice property no the back lots are still
available yeah I have one two three four five and six
five has a water well six has the Airbnb house that's what I'm saying so you're
going just based off a yield like if you let's say you have invest or friends or whatever and they're like we have 500 we
have a million there's a certain amount of return that they have in mind from the 12 to 24mth Mark or 36 month Mark so
if we can understand the type of yield they're looking for then I'll tell you which property I think would be your best and lowest point of entry highest
point of entry and if you guys just want seller finance so that you can monetize it you know a second time and then turn
it around in six months or 12 months well we could walk through all that together and we'll split profit I'll invest with you whatever you guys want
to do okay you think it really hard for me
on this one man I'm telling you there's a guy that does glamping Resorts all over the United States and uh he's he
wants that one with the water well because he's like I can open up shop within like 14 days so he's going to come through all these glamping cans
with a with air condition the most flood
zone Resort and uh he's like I can open on day one one cuz I already have a $50,000 50,000
gallons crazy so yeah that one's going to go quick want the airb that there's a 25 acre track
for I think it's listed for 5.99 and that one is like 26,000 an acre when
it's worth 29 so that's another great piece one of the back L it uh yeah that's all the same lot
well the whole it's all the same lot yeah it's 122 Acres everything okay
okay man you gave me a lot to think about all right yep just just go lay down and just meditate pray Rosary let
me know what you think H H do what you gotta
do get a plane go to Tibet go to the monastery where the monks are meditating
stay there for 30 days don't drink any water don't eat any food and then
just let me know what you think it will thank you so much appreciate your time
yeah thank you for your time awesome let me know I can help thank you bye and that is a sales call right there
that I hope you all enjoy for everybody here textbook sales call from being defensive beginning no offense to Mike
Flor is here but this dude killer came in and that's a lot of offense to Mike Florence but yes I Mike Florence can
hear you he's right there I could have totally done that by
myself no where's the front door yeah we're
going oh that was a good call that was a good call uh I hope you all great call any any questions any questions about
that um what you like what you didn't like um that was that was a good call we actually got recorded with video which
is very rare very rare I hope you all enjoyed that today that was
strong yeah it it it was it was really good too because she she's coming she was coming really BRAC in the beginning
and for her to be like yeah at the end she's like yeah yeah it's really Mak it it hard you really making it hard to say
no h that's good stuff pretty much the goal good stuff um any have any
questions about that uh anything you liked anything you didn't like I love the fact that there was no
real aggressive sales technique yeah it's not needed when you've got something great
you know she was coming up with the excuses why yeah or the reasons why I should say
why she needed it why she wanted it yep so it's it's understanding their
goal so like one thing we always we ask every buyer is what are they're going to do with it because it kind of we we want
we want to help advise them what what they're what their EXT straty is so some of our buyers they hold some some of our
buyers are going to develop some people are going to build their dream house on it whatever whatever think they want to do but we kind of like okay you have to
go to this next process or if they want to build something like hey we're if it needs a waterline hey the water Line's
going to be up in six months we're kind of setting the picture and set like we're we're answering their questions they might have before they even ask it
so we're always trying to be upfront um with any questions or concerns that they have just because um if you try and
elude or hide something it's you're you're not going to get the best um best
overend result of what you want we um I had a
call is Diego here y here I don't know if you could
talk yes sir I am did uh he tell you can you tell the story of how he sold the
guy more Lots in potit oh yeah sure you talking about
this one with the the 30 Acres yeah yeah yeah so Diego has a cool story so Diego
uh we had to we had to go back Diego found some buyers for lass of potit and Anthony's like hey we have to change
whatever they're buying and Diego was not happy about that but I'll let Diego tell the story sure well it all started um with
the 11 acre lots uh in Somerset the they originally wanted lot three over there
and as you know with this you know with this game whoever comes first gets gets
the worm so they they were a little bit too late um and the property they wanted
had already been sold the day before so I was pretty upset I was like
oh man I they really wanted a lot they wanted to put the money down they were they're ready to go they wanted to buy
it all cash um and it just so happened that the the 10
acre petite lot uh was down the street so I took him there just to give him a second option uh before they made their
made up their mind so they they they looked at it uh but they hadn't really
uh wanted it at first it wasn't until after uh that they saw the high demand
in that area that they and and that they lost the the 11 acre lot that they decided okay uh maybe we should go go
ahead and put in an offer on this too so uh I give him a call back I give him
you know the not so good news that the other lot had been sold and I told him but we still have you know about 16 17
acre 17 10 acre lots available here would you be interested in putting an offer uh so we uh we were able to agree
on 20 acres and they hadn't even looked at the property they they they didn't even walk
the property they just knew exactly what they wanted um so they they did negotiate a little bit
with us not not going to lie they they got a really good price um for those 20 acre lots they they they got the two for
335 and me me and Anthony uh we're trying to
come up with a a strategy to um get them to help out with the the
building of the road or or at least use us uh for the building of the road and the
utilities so Anthony told me hey let's let's try and get set up a meeting with
them um at the lot and and and talk and see what we can work out so we met up
there last Wednesday and Anthony and I met them at the at the little
house and we we planted the options for them we told them Hey listen we can we
can build a road uh a cve Road and we can at the water meter the electric
meter um and it it turned out that they wanted to be in a different spot and uh
originally from where they were and um I and and the other thing that
they cared about the reason why they wanted to switch spots was because they wanted more privacy they didn't want to
be have too many neighbors in the back in the front on the left on the right so Anthony looked at me and I looked at
Anthony and and we're just like well just just get 10 more Acres you know just it will be more privacy and we we
said that kind of jokingly but the the buyer it was the wife she was like you
know what that that doesn't sound like a bad idea at all so then we started getting more into
the nitty-gritty and they they told us they wanted two water wells one water meter
uh and then the electric meter and that was pretty much it they
were they we we planted them the the quote on how much all that would be and
we added the the 10 more acres and we ended up pretty much doubling that sell
so the original sell was 335 uh, and an hour later um now the price went
up to 600,000 with the 10 more acres and and of course we're doing them a big
favor in building the road and adding the water water wells because they wanted to and then the water meter and
the electric meter uh they they told me they wanted to think about it for a little bit I got on my car I left they left
five minutes later they called me back and they said they said let's do it so the the re the reason the reason
why I I wanted Diego to talk this up because they were only interested in buying 20 and then and so upsold them
upsold him to buy 30 yeah and he said it so so jokingly too he was just like oh if if you want
privacy I mean you just get 10 more acres and you''ll be surprised those
little questions can really make somebody think and and turn off they
they went with it they said the hell with it let's do it
so yeah know it was it was it was very surprising I was not expecting that at all
I'm still excited about it this should be closing by the end of the month hopefully mid mid
January for 30 Acres $600,000
deal no what's cool about that one is they're buying all cash so they were only willing to spend how much were the
contract for 11 acres that they were originally going to buy that one was 199 okay so they're
gonna buy 11 acres for 199 he then sold them 20 acres for 400 and then Anthony
oh it was 20 acres for 330 right 335 yes
and then and then we UPS them to 30 for 600 yeah I honestly was not expecting
that at all man so we actually we actually raised the price per acre and sold them 10 more Acres we did we sure
did but I mean at the end of the day they're going to have to pay somebody for the water and the electricity and
we're already going to be a whole a whole um plan to develop that entire
land so we already have our our cookies in the jar and we we we seem very
confident that we were going to be the best best people to let that do to to
let you know develop their land as well so I wasn't improved to this conversation Anthony kind of told me
about it after it happened so the way Anthony pushed it is that hey we're already going to develop that land we're
going to bring the water uh to to your property line so once we bring the water to your property line you now have a
valuable property just because if you subdivide those 10 acre lots with Frontage that's what we do so I told
Anthony I was like dude you should get an option to buy it back at Double the price because once we bring the water to
the the property it's worth triple oh man so I told an this is one
of those things where like yes we're selling 30 acres and yes we can get the option to buy back for for double at 1.2
but once we once we do one acre lots around that whole property those 30 Acres might be worth a lot of money I
think we're selling uh we're projecting one acre lots for 79 so you do 79,000 times
30 and they're all going to have Frontage for easy subdivide that we look for in calls like this I mean he he can
do the math real quick and that's that's where Anthony upsold him so uh 79,000
time 30 is 2.3 so if he holds out and waits for us
to develop the property he'll get a 4ex return potentially for buying 30 acres for
600 but the value that gives us is that gives us 600 liquid to redevelop into
the property so we don't have to come out of cost and raise that money so that's the value we get the value he gets is the value at Opportunity of us
developing out the whole property and he gets acreage with Frontage
hey hey can you hear me uh properly
yeah go ahead Mike oh go ahead home on the top yeah I had a quick question I
just wanted to touch on go ahead Mike wanted somebody go all
right all right all right all right I just wanted to touch on this real quick because I think it's important um I was
talking to somebody about how don't assume that people don't have money you know just he asked the question you it
might have been a joke but it turns out they did have the ability to buy more it put everybody in a better situation um
with every person you talk to you automatically well they don't have another 10 or 15 or 20,000 or whatever
the case may be um don't ever assume that if you ask the question you'll find out more often than that that these
people do have money and they do have money to spend it's all about you asking the right questions and
that yeah 100% 100% thanks Mike go ahead Harker so I guess the the question I had
is um if I was hearing that right in the video they say the the market rate of borrowing money right now is 10 or
12% yeah yeah I mean it cost us more than that to borrow money my followup
there is like if like you get a seller at again principal only 0% interest like
what kind of Premium can you pay on the total price point at what point if it's 0% interest
if Mark market like if if the market rate is 10 to 12 it depends what the
down payment is so uh did you see navigating the offer by
chance uh I don't think so okay this is homework for everybody here if you haven't seen it go check it out it's in
the chat navigating the offer so navigating the offer is uh a talk me I did Anthony was uh Anthony did not he
was there but he didn't I I did I did this one so it's uh it's our me methodology of how we uh make offers and
it all depends on what you could sell it for so hypothetically let's say we have a million dollar property and we get it
for 0% interest if I get that thing for 5% down or less I mean zero down man I
will take whatever price they want because if it's worth a million dollars I'll just take the the finance Arbitrage
so I'll sell that thing for a million dollars at 12% and I'll just make I'll do the math so you can
see million dollars just 12p point Arbitrage uh I say it's 360 months 360
months is 2777 a month just by charging 12% interest I can make 7,000 a
month net that's buying for a million for a
million yeah I was playing around with the the whole calculator too so I was like is if that's making sense then I
guess watch that video 100% 100% so that's where it comes down to where like if you get long seller finance I can
pretty much pay whatever price you want I can pay $1.2 million and sell it for a
million dollars and still make money because I have the finance
Arbitrage of the whole deal so it's not it's less about the it's less about like
the the property and everybody's like oh the property is not the right fit I mean if it's worth a million you can sell it for a million and they give that thing
0% down and 0% interest yeah I'm going to take that deal because I know I can
make money on that deal just by sell like you can make hypothetically um
let's say you sold that thing for cash like they want a million dollars and they're going to give you 0% interest you can sell that thing for cash for $
800 and now you have 800 cash that you service 277 a month which that brings
your your value you're essentially borrowing money at that point for uh let
me do this real quick so I can zero if I sld that thing for 800,000
cash uh you're essentially getting 1% money who doesn't like 1%
money I don't know like if you if you can flip that 800,000 and get more than
1% you're going to be all right to service that debt so it's all when that's why I really really really really
love that Arbitrage is so underrated if you can get seller financing on these
properties you are going to make a lot of money and you don't even might even not even need our money if you can get the money with no money down so that's
the whole thing about um asking for seller financing I ask for seller financing on every deal first because I
don't know if they're open to it they might be worth $20 million and like oh you're GNA you're GNA pay me an extra
2,700 a month cash flow yeah that sounds amazing you know I already have $5 million in the bank what do I need
another million dollars for you know so um you really you really have to uh um
make that make those offers man to more people so our whole thing is once we get the fund in place we're going to be a
little bit of bullies hey I want 20% down all right 20% down if you find the rest is 0% now we
get 80% of the value at 0% we still going to hit a home run yeah 20% is what I mean loans are
normally required at right uh that's normally A bank's offer uh if you're doing commercials sometimes they bring
you 30 to 40% down so it's it's depends on the asset class but I mean 20% down
is is still a win 10% down is a win like once we get the fund up in place I mean we're going to like 10 20% 30% is
totally within the realm as long as they sell or Finance the rest of it at 0% I mean we're going to make some money on this thing especially if we can value
add so like the cool thing that we do is like if we buy it for a million it might be worth a million now but if we can
subdivide it and sell it for two or 1.5 and we get 0% financing oh it's it's GNA
be a really great deal so this is the whole thing of like U me and Anthony like uh we're going to record a podcast
about this talked about this uh the other day but we're going to record about being broke has forced us to be creative and now we become better
investors because we're forced to be creative we not buying with cash now that we're going to get cash in hand with using the fund we're still going to
leverage in on seller finance because seller finance just amplifies the cash we have on hand to a great degree so now
we just so act like you're broke whenever whenever you're in this game because you
you can accelerate your capital and Leverage aage more assets if you're getting 0% financing it's a win-win and
I mean also at that point whatever difference in down payment is in your pocket yeah exactly so the lower down
payment it makes us better because we can essentially sell our finance anything down uh we down payments come
to us um if we need $100,000 down well some we need one buyer to buy cash so
that's where like Diego's deal is good because he's buying three lots cash that means we get a cash infusion of 600k and
we're putting down 500 you know so that's that's a huge
benefit when you can piece the deals together and you might only need a
little bit of you might need like for instance that deal is 500k Down 2 million purchase price we have a buyer
buying 30 Acres of the lots for 600k cash if you just need a transactional funding for 60 days and you're going to
reimburse that money boom you can find that pretty easily because you're you already have end buyers is going to buy
600k cash and you get deed to the property for
500 so this this this uh Pote deal is going to be killer and just this deal of
loans we'll probably do several million off of it by the end of the year um it's G to be crazy I mean we'll make 600 off
of it by hopefully by the end of the month just
crazy which is if you think about it it's almost uh it's over a quarter of the purchase price
it's crazy so the power seller finance really amplifies what you can do with the capital you
have good question any other
questions Peter you want to introduce yourself yes um's up guys my name is
Peter just joined the group last week um uh connected with Anthony and um yeah
excited to be here excited to work with you guys um something that Daniel mentioned earlier in the call is um kind
of tapping back on these um other listings or in these other properties that you guys have um so um I'm actually
working with Anthony on a deal um where a wholesaler that's not in this group um
got the deal under contract back in August and um they got it locked up too high and um they had me reach back out
to the agent and I reached out to the agent and the agent did know that I knew
this wholesaler and um I was actually able to get the property under contract for 200 grand less than they had under
contract and there was our spread so um yeah so if you have any of those type of
situations where you got it too high just send them to me and let's see if um we can make it work 100% this is this is
the there was a video I watched recently and I posted inside the we have a Facebook chat for a couple people in
here and I posted it in there it was the guy how he negotiates a Facebook Marketplace uh cars so he's buying cars
so he has a group chat with him him and his four buddies and he finds a car that he wants to buy let's say and think of
the video it's like it's like seven Grand so he has his four buddies hey I'll buy it for three I'll buy it for two I'll buy it for 2500 so now the
seller has it in their mind that I'm getting offers for three maybe it's only worth and then it'll come in and buy it for
3500 yeah because a lot of these agents um you guys probably know some of them are so delusional the way they think
that these properties are valued yeah so if everyone's just coming in and giving them low offers they're going to
reconsider what the true um market value is rather than what the comps are
showing on Zillow 100% so this is this is one thing I want to allude to before we get off the call is your full price
seller finance offer is not embarrassing your agent might think it's embarrassing but you can always ask them when's the
last time they received a fulltime full price offer on their property that they're representing I guarantee you
they're like oh I've never received a full price offer it's always been this wait was significantly lower okay then
present the offer you know um I had a I had a uh I was talking to somebody one
of the students here and they had that situation come up and I'm like don't make sure you this is a full price offer
is just not cash so please present it to your seller like this is a very serious
offer and the whole thing is is if we can get seller finance on it boom we're in the money we're in the money and we
can overpaying doesn't matter it matters less please watch the navigating the offer overpaying matters less when you
get to the finance long term I have a quick question so is there any situation where you can offer full price even if
it's like ridiculously overpriced to make it wor yeah yeah watch navigating the offer
please okay it's a good one it's a good one watch the every question you've asked yeah
it's a it's a good video man I I really uh put a lot of work into that video and it came out really well so please go
watch it um and it breaks down our whole like methodology of why it makes sense go ahead
Marvin um this was for Diego's deal the 30 Acres like how much EMD
would you guys like require for something like that or is it non-refundable what um they I think I
don't know Mike you know how much they put AMD on that one I don't know I just work
here sorry what was that question how much did the EMD did they put down for the potit
Lots so we we orig 10 grand for per 10 acre lot how
much uh so we originally asking 10 grand per 10 acre lot okay it would be like
30,000 um which is uh
5% yeah we usually ask for 10,000 down every now and then depending on the buyer we might take a little bit less
but usually 10,000 is good skin in the game to make sure they don't back out yep because we we we've asked for Less
in the past and and they'll just back out and we rather have them committed to buying because committed to buying is we
can sell that note we can do a lot of things with that and if they back if there's enough if it's not enough
they'll if they get cold feed they'll just back out good
question uh thank you any other questions uh daffany says no questions
I've officially been left speechless the call and what you just talking about right now left me
like um yeah this this this game gets pretty crazy um there's a lot of things to learn if you don't know and
understand it all it's okay um if you hang around long enough you'll learn right Diego right M you bet you bet
buddy I I've been at it for six months and I didn't see anything for a while
and I had a lot of deals fall apart and I just had to be consistent and just
keep learning every fell is an opportunity for learning
yep most definitely you're you're gonna have struggles and I tell everybody you know especially when they start um don't
focus on one deal focus on four or five and just continue to you know keep talking to people stay in contact with
people and more importantly follow up you will have no problem making money in this business if you make phone calls and you follow up it's all it really
takes everything else you will learn as you go all the little tip tips and tricks they're just things you pick up
from listening to conversations like we have daily um but you know you got to have a strong Spirit thick skin and the
will to win and just continue moving forward and you will definitely have a happy 2024 for sure so I'm I'm Gonna
Leave You all with a tip today um scan other Facebook groups um there's a bunch
of other land groups out there of people that have opportunities um I comment in sometimes
in those groups just to kind of see what happens here and there um I commented on one and I got sent an
opportunity where we can probably make 40 Grand on a deal and it was just me commenting making a comment and somebody already had a deal in hand so if you
don't have a deal in hand maybe you can find somebody else that has one and you can make money on
that so you don't have to start from scratch at any point you can find somebody that has one that needs
help and that's where I'll leave it yall have uh I hope 2024 is going to be
amazing uh I hope yall come along for the ride and make some money with us um all this money we're raising uh feeds
down trickles down through the ecosystem of HIV mind so um if you are stuck or
need help in certain areas or you're good at one thing or another we might have a lot of opportunity coming up in
the future so I hope everybody here uh finds a way to monetize some part of the group in some way shape or form and
let's have a good year this year all right there you go uh everybody here 2024 is going to be amazing uh we'll see
you all next week next Tuesday bye if you would like to receive hot leads right to your cell phone in a text
message check out Hive leads. and you can receive the same leads we've been receiving in our campaign for three and a half years that's made us successful
in the L game check us
Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony GaonaProfile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More