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Ep 449: Earning Over 100k in Just 25 Days: An Immigrant Success Story with Agustin Quarterolo
December 27, 2023
Ep 449: Earning Over 100k in Just 25 Days: An Immigrant Success Story with Agustin Quarterolo
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In episode 449, Agustin Quarterolo shares his immigrant success story, highlighting a challenging real estate deal plagued by unexpected issues, including a seller who had not made mortgage payments for two years, leading to high arrears and low equity. Speaker 2 discusses the difficulties faced during the transaction, including buyer struggles and delays due to a lack of understanding. Despite these challenges, Agustin reflects on his personal growth and entrepreneurship journey, emphasizing how he shares his experiences and knowledge with the Spanish community to inspire growth and potential. • Challenging real estate deal with unexpected issues. 0:20 • Real estate transaction challenges and successes. 3:26 • Personal growth and entrepreneurship. 4:34 Text 📱 210-972-1842 Text 📔 "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text 🛬 "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind 🔍 Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ 🔍 Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 🔍 Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ 🔍 Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ 🔍 Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind 🔍 Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording 🔍 Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en 📍Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 📍 Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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hey welcome to the high podcast I'm your
host Danel Martinez today we have
returning returning guest Augustine
Cordo from
Argentina he is a young 22-year-old
investor from uh Miami and if you hav
not checked the other episodes we did
one in English one in Spanish and uh
today we're covering deal breakdown we
cover cool interesting stories I think
Augustine has a couple interesting
stories for us today what you got first
uh Augustine so I'm going to start with
the most difficult deal that I ever done
and it was a deal in the in here in
Florida near Tampa it was like one year
ago uh the house was in Pre forclosure
we are going to take over the payments
um the problem with the house it was it
was a 2021 building so brand new house
and the owner that bought the house so
basically the seller um they never make
a payment in two years wow never make a
payment in two years they bought the
house and they never make a payment what
was the problem that the were so high
that they was barely Equity but the
interest rate was super super low so it
was attractive for an investor to buy it
or a homeowner to buy it so what we did
I find a buyer um that is it was going
to live on the house when they went and
see the house at the beginning the house
was dirty and everything of course like
the carpet has to be replaced and stuff
20 days after that they saw the the the
house and it has to close the seller has
to leave out so we leave we give them
like 500 bucks to book a hotel for two
three days right and when when the buyer
go to the house to close to to inspect
the house the seller through oil in the
carpet oh oil in the carpet everywhere
yeah the house was a mess there was poop
of dogs everywhere like everything was
dirty they say the kids suicide right
riding up the the walls problem was that
the buyer say it I don't want this
stuff you know I'm not going to be
closing on this deal I need to be clean
it up and I need to change the carpet so
what we have to do oh and and they
remove the appliances too uh they remove
the Washi and dryer oh man yeah it was
horrible um so what we did we changed
the carpet we cleaned the house pay like
2500 to clean the house and paint the
house and clean the carpet no clean
change the carpet and put washer and
dryer right yep um so came out of pocket
to do that and then we Clos with the
buyer we recover the money and make like
six grand nothing nothing crazy because
you went through a lot you went through
a lot of work and effort just to make
six grand it wasn't even worth it oh
whoa wait wait we are going to be able
to close on let's say Friday and when we
change the carpet we clean it with
everything the Thursday the T company
call us and they say I'm not able too
close on this particular transaction
because it's a subject to transaction on
a FHA loan and it's super difficult for
FHA to close on a title company yep so
last minute one day before closing they
they take out out of file and we have to
find another company to close so we we
lose like another 15 days and we lose
another month of payment so we make less
money too yeah it was a difficult
transaction man you only made six grand
and you lost the whole month of cash
flow and
we not not just that hours hours on the
phone with the with the buyer because
the the buyer was a British British lady
that she has a business she's a business
owner yep and she has like 68 70 years
old so she was like you know those kind
of ladies that she don't and it's not
too much it was super tough yeah
definitely uh you get you get hard
situations on the sell side hard
situations on the buy side oh yeah yeah
um but yeah going to the smooth
transaction it was like two and a half
months ago in San Antonio I put a
property under contract in Hollywood
Park okay you know that part of San
Antonio and we put it under contract for
248 and we resell it for 352 so we make
104k on 25 days of transaction that was
the smoothest transaction that I ever
done and the biggest transaction so far
so happy with that
amazing congratulations that's cool man
I have I the have right here just keep
it around yeah I give it around when I
have a bad day I see this this stuff
what what can happen so you got to keep
yeah that's amazing man congratulations
um I think I think it's really cool man
uh seeing you uh go through a lot of
trials and tribulations you've done
through a lot of stuff but you you're on
the better for it and you're trying to
create a your own community and do a lot
of big things with that so um it's
really cool to see you it'll be cool to
see you grow I think that's that's the
coolest thing about working with young
people seeing seeing people grow and um
not know what you know what you can
become and know you will become but I
feel you have a lot of untapped
potential and um seeing where you end up
is it's gonna be cool to see oh yeah I'm
already signing up for the next high
so there you go there you go if you want
to see Augustine come to the next High m
event I don't know we're going to have
it hi his live SL Summit if you want to
go meet Augustine in person we're going
to make it happen next year but um
Augustin Augustine came to the event
last minute last year uh this year in
October but um he said he's gonna come
around next year he had a good
experience but uh I appreciate you
coming on and providing good information
and doing it doing uh what you're doing
for the Spanish Community I think is
amazing too so I really appreciate you
coming on and sharing some knowledge
Augustine appreciate you thank you very
much for having me here too all right
for everybody here go like subscribe
share it with a friend we'll see you in
the next episode thanks for tuning in
guys have a day bye hey if you have any
deals you'd like to submit to The Hive
mine and our team go to Hive bc. it's
actually The Hive Buyers Club submit
your deals and we can hopefully dispill
your deal for you have a great
Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Agustin QuarteroloProfile Photo

Agustin Quarterolo


22 years old from argentina
Have a wholesale biz doing 4/6 deals a month.
Bought 6 properties using subto and seller finance
With no SSN/ credentials or cash

I want to change latinoamericanos mindset in the way they think and see america