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Ep 448: A Hivemind Christmas 2023πŸŽπŸŽ…πŸ½
December 25, 2023
Ep 448: A Hivemind Christmas 2023πŸŽπŸŽ…πŸ½
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Daniel Martinez begins by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and mentions the passage of another year. They talk about having reindeer antlers on and the importance of a positive outlook. They reflect on the ups and downs of the year, especially in dealing with legal issues in bigger real estate deals. They emphasize the importance of fundraising as they grow and hint at plans for a fund in the future. They also discuss the cumulative nature of their business and their optimism about the future. The speaker then shares a screenshot of a significant financial transaction, highlighting their experience in the field and the practicality of their advice. Finally, they reiterate their commitment to helping others make money through collaboration. 0:06: Mention of another year passing and wearing reindeer antlers. 0:32: Special Christmas call discussing the past year's ups and downs. 1:14: Learning experiences, including legal issues in bigger deals. 2:03: Reflection on business growth over time and the importance of effort. 3:22: Discussion on the shift towards fundraising as the business grows. 4:01: Plans to establish a fund due to anticipated tremendous deal flow. 5:46: Recap of the year's success and optimism for the future. 6:05: Mention of a significant financial transaction, showcasing expertise. 7:03: Emphasis on sharing practical information and collaborative success. Text πŸ“± 210-972-1842 Text πŸ“” "Course" to learn how to make 6 figures on one land deal. Text ✴️ "Hive" to get added to weekly meetings. Text 🍎 "Apple" to schedule a 1-on-1 call with Anthony & Daniel. Text πŸ›¬ "Land" to join The Million Dollar Land Mastermind πŸ” Need Inbound Real Estate Leads. https://www.hiveleads.io/ πŸ” Follow Us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbulcrC4WbOy5Fzu0eWzNVQ/?sub_confirmation=1 πŸ” Follow Us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hivemindcrm/ πŸ” Check Out https://www.hivemindcrm.io/ πŸ” Check Out Our Land Mastermind https://www.milliondollarlandmastermind.com/landmastermind πŸ” Pick Up All Event Recordings here. https://thehiveislive.com/recording πŸ” Follow Us on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@hivemindcrm?lang=en πŸ“Join the FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/137799891494707 πŸ“ Check us at Join Us! https://thehiveislive.com/ Help support the show. https://anchor.fm/hivmindcrm/support

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Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas guys yeah
another year has passed another can't see I have reindeer
horse there may a little flicker I move you got to put a different color
background bro it's all good that's all right I just I just I let it ride out like he
don't even know I have antlers on and I'm just going to boom I got antlers on you know
uh today is a special call special call because it's Christmas uh we wanted to talk about the good things and um good
things in life and what we do it for like tanisha's baby look at that look at look at her she's so
cute um but uh we want to start we want to start off right but um and end the end the year on a good note but uh I
hope everybody here had a great year um this year's been a a good and bad year I
guess I get a little bit of both you get good years and you get bad years it's kind of good and bad was kind of like
balanced out you know yeah we learned a lot man we
learned a lot this year uh some some legal stuff that we ran into on deals um we talked about this just on the podcast
a few minutes ago that we start to do bigger deals uh there's a lot of sharks up there swimming around in those Waters
right there's not so many sharks swimming around 30 and $50,000 deals but when you get into a million and a three
or $4 million do deal uh there's people willing to cut your throat to make that money so that's something that we
learned this year think we're getting pretty good at legal now and we even expected this right so this is not unforeseen before we even started uh uh
Hive mine we talked about that we would have like a certain percentage of our deal budget would be for legal specifically so yeah man it was a I
think a phenomenal year probably the best year we've ever had um December is proving to be the best month we've ever
had and uh I think it's just the beginning because what I'm what I'm coming to find out now and what I'm
seeing for the first time is that um this business really is cumulative right
you give and you give and you give for a month and for two months and three months and four months and six months and you're like damn am I even making
any progress but five years later a lot of that progress starts to overlap on
itself and it really does become very rewarding at some point where now you're putting in very little effort and
getting tremendous returns and I don't think it's always going to be like that right I don't think that your business is going to stay in a Perpetual state of
just blossoming without you putting in effort I think if you love your business and and you want it to grow and see it
Blossom you will continue to contribute and and work hard to make it grow and and stay alive that's cute Daniel that
is absolutely cute I I forgot I had Rudolph next to me I didn't want to interrupt you but I got Rudolph to just
so it's everybody made it today all right everybody made no dude yeah um I think that's uh
just something that like said if you're if you're going to continue to grow this business and you you want to see it Blossom you're always going to continue
to put in effort you're going to have Painful days and you're going to have great days but um I can tell you the
longer you're in this business over time and distance you'll have more great days than bad days for sure so we had a uh I
sent this to Anthony literally about 20 minutes ago and I was like this is the
the the escalation of your business and it's funny cuz we we we had the shift this year and it's it was really funny
so I wanted to show you guys um just so if you no matter where what stage you're at this is where you got to
go so it says the key to real estate investing is a small shop your 10% fundraising 10% operations and 80%
finding deals a lot of people can uh find good deals so if you get good at finding deals uh as you get bigger it
shifts towards fundraising and less towards operations and finding deals because the money is very very important
so this is another Daniel just sent me that like three minutes ago and I think that's another big checkbox for us and
and us being able to predict the future um we we knew from the very
beginning we talked about this on the very first days in clubhouse two and a half years ago three years ago before hve M started that um fundraising would
be everything we always talked about having a fund and we knew that's where we were going to end up to the point to where we had so much deal flow that we
were going to be able to uh fund some of that stuff look at Frank's little tiny Santa
hat is that from the elf1 sh for what where'd you find such a tiny hat yes yes
it is exactly where glue came undone a while ago so the alpha on the Shelf is
with my wife and kids at Animal Kingdom and in a bag and I've got the Hat I really want
to Daniel Daniel wanted the hat so I'm gonna run to the corner store real quick or Walmart and get me a Santa Hat real
quick guys I'll be right back dang it no um Daniel sent me that about today
about about having the fun and that's that's something that another thing that we predicted is that we we would get build up such tremendous deal flow right
through hive mind and through the network that we would need like a pretty much an unlimited fund like we we we
would need to have more funds because we knew the deal flow was going to become so tremendous at some point that we
would just need to be able to fund that in perpetuity something that hung out with Jesse henz last night I saw him on
here earlier he's still on here but we talked about that about starting a fund and really getting this things to the next level so hopefully the fund's up
and running in January I don't know how long it's going to take uh we have one10 million commitment that's going to drip
cash into the fund um but you know over time in distance we're going to look to be the the biggest bank role person for
land in the country so that's what we're aiming for right now it's gonna be an interesting ride um this year this year
has been good this year has been good to us um I hope you all have had an amazing year and I hope you all have an amazing
year next year I think we talk about this a few months ago is that uh land'll take a little bit more time so all the work you're doing now is is all 2023
2024 I mean wow 2024 you want to show them the cap from today the screenshot
oh oh I don't know if we're ready for that whatever dude who cares not not to
brag guys not I hate you know even talking about big numbers but I just want everybody in this room to know that we're not fos when we're talking we're
just talking from a place of experience and that's it um we know we this is not our first rodeo we've we've done a
couple land deals and as you can see on this screen you know we we do know how to move capital um you know and and we
just hope that everybody in here believes in what we're doing and that you know that again the strategies that we talk to you about this is not um
Theory right we're not like reading this online and then trying to relay the information to you guys like we're
practitioners you know we we love the business and we love doing deals I love negotiating probably more than anything else in this business I love closing
sellers and buyers um but everything that we're telling you that we're doing I mean there's no secrets right we have our
high paid level Mastermind but if you've been to 900 of these calls you you
you've absorbed what you can you know pay $100,000 for over time and distance it's pretty much this information we
just distill it all the way down to nothing in in the in the high ticket Mastermind but um yeah I said we're
we're we're here to make you guys money if if you guys don't make money we don't make money right because this is all collaborative I think all of our deals
are JV deals at this point I don't know that we have any of our own deals anymore um so yeah we're we're looking
to get paid when you guys get paid and and everything that we're doing out there in the trenches is everything we teach on these calls Junior with the elf
hat look at that I don't see Junior what's wrong with my view over
here you're look I'm ATV
bro Veronica also has a Santa hat on
shout out for everybody who brought up the Santa hats or some type of festive gear we appreciate you Merry Christmas
look DJ's got a Christmas sweater or blanket something blanket I had to find
something man no it's good man I appreciate
everybody everybody uh contributing um I I think about this year and uh we did
that land sale in April and we had we hang out with PJ that was fun um it's
just been an interesting year man the year flew by really really fast and um
it's just it's just been an interesting year that's all I can say but uh for everybody man this I hope I hope you all
learned a lot um hope you got some action you got some deals got some contracts I know Diego got paid recently
on some deals a lot of people got paid today daany got paid today um who else
got paid today Trenton got paid today um I think my cousin Melissa did um Edward
did I don't know a whole ton of people got paid to dat it was it was it was a good day I
like uh ice cube right now somebody cues some Ice Cube music today was a good
day everybody got paid all right so it's it's a Payday it's good everybody got paid
today oh Diego look he got paid we have put that song on
yesterday oh we did or we didn't we should have should have had man that was
that would have been perfect oh me Jesse and rooster were chilling in the in the biggest baddest hot tub I've ever seen
in my life last night till like almost midnight talking about the future of where this whole thing could go and Jesse has a bunch of great ideas man so
we're looking to bring some of that stuff to life like immediately like in the next seven to 14 days yes
sir got some big plays coming and we were listening to a little bit of gangster rap last night weren't
we oh yeah yeah we got to get
inspired good times man it is cool hanging out like the the conversation we were having last night was about like
how to take this thing to the next level and uh you know how to how to bring some U automations into it how to how to
scale um in a cool way like in in a software way not in a Cheesy way the way people talk about scale and uh I feel
like the those are the types of conversations you have you know just sitting around in a hot tub and talking and sharing the vision um masterminding
coming up with ideas but more importantly than all of that Jesse and rooster they're action takers right so
we don't just talk and you know pretend that we're going to do something cool like we're we're ready to start taking action as early as like the next few
days to get together map this thing out and then take it to the next
level one one thing I'll say to that is um leverage everybody in the room man
there's a lot of people that I think I mentioned this pre other calls but I mean what we do is hard and doing that
everyday day today thing is hard but there's a lot of people in the room that actually doing the dayto day so if you network with people that are in the same
space you you're not alone and it gets easier to do it just because everybody's going through the same um
problems in a way um so definitely network with the I know people here that
network with each other and ask questions and they kind of uh work so leverage your network and get through
get through the hard times because you're not alone in this game we are here with you as well and this is what
we do um I I really like land space and
the software space and everything that I do I love podcasting um it's all podcasting
bro yeah it's it's all it's all came and generated this thing we call hive mind so I uh I appreciate everybody that that
helps contribute and shares information and um gets paid Deo City got paid
12,000 today not it's not a bad day in the office I guess if you're working from
home yeah so takes a lot of effort but I appreciate everybody that comes helps
out yeah man uh something that we want to talk about and if you guys have any topics you want to cover we're happy to
talk about it but being in the spirit uh we wanted to talk about um giving right and and how giving activates uh the law
of giving and receiving right um You have to be able to um if you're if you're willing to if you're wanting to
give then you also have to be willing to receive some of us are just givers and we just give so much of ourselves we forget to be able to be receptive um to
to Life's gifts and how that you know it's something that we use in our business every every day um Daniel and
myself we we we give away as much as we can um on Thursday we're giving away five acres um to uh to somebody who
entered the drawing there's like almost 88,200 people entered the drawing that we did on Tik Tok um with rooster so
we're going to give five acres away man I mean that that would change somebody's life you know I think that's something
that we talked about again before we started hive mind is we want to give away real estate you know that's that's what we wanted to do that was ultimately
like our ultimate goal is like we want to give away houses and give away land and mobile homes and um all that stuff
and again anybody could say that right anybody could say that they're uh going to do something like that but it was
always in our dream and in our and our vision board and this is the first piece of real estate that we're going to give away and it's a really nice subdivision
with oak trees and we're going to give away five acres and I'm just really excited like for the person that's going
to win it like I'm more excited than they are and um you know sometimes Daniel and
myself we we we've given until it hurts you know giving and given and given sometimes when we didn't even have it
and uh you know just trust in God that like you know maybe it's going to come back to us someday and that's not why you give right you don't give so that
you can get something back but if you're in a Perpetual state of giving you know you know God the universe it comes back
it just really does and I don't know the the the science behind it but I know that it's something that I've practiced
my whole life it's something that I saw my parents do um we took people in family members strangers you know into
our home even sometimes when we didn't have um but we we took in people that had less than us and it's something that
was instilled in in me since I was a kid and and it's kind of cool seeing you know the impact that my parents made on
me and um you know I I just continue to use that into my business and not even as a business strategy it's just
something that's in my heart some random guy calls me on Facebook like two days ago I'm driving out to that big Ranch
and um he's like man I see what you're doing he was like I don't know if you see it he was like but you're giving away a lot and you're you're really art
changing and blessing people's lives he was like and I don't even think you realize what you're doing he's like because it's just a part of who you are
and I thought about it I'm like I guess I am you know I I just it's always been
who I am I was I was taught that by my parents and now to be actively using it in our business and seeing it Blossom
and how things grow and the friendships we're creating it's like man this is this is what this is a dream business
you know to be able to be in that position to to be able to give away real estate you know most people can't even afford to buy five acres ever in their
whole life and we're going to give it away so it's just just feel super blessed to be able to do something like that yeah I'm I'm I'm excited about it
man I think it's a it's always been a goal of ours and now it's coming true um even if you don't have nothing to give I
really want to mention here uh on the live here is that even if nothing to
give you can give away happiness so we did a YouTube video at our event um and it's called manufacturing happiness
it'll be under this video and it's in the chat as well but uh manufacturing happiness was it too hot Anthony
it's got warm so manufacturing happiness so even
if you don't have nothing to give you can give away um just a good day and creating happiness within others and it
doesn't cost you anything um and I think I think it's it's where it all roots
from is you can you can give away um like a piece of your spirit just
by creating happiness amongst others so if you Haven not seen the video please go check it out we kind of cover some examples and stuff like that that but I
mean if you have nothing to give you can give away a smile you can give away a thank you you can give away a uh I'm
thinking about you like it doesn't cost anything hey um did did is it is it called manufacturing happiness was that
what the video was called manufacturing happiness yep the example I gave at the a live event here at the last hive mind
Summit is um it's like everybody has experienced this before where you something happens to you or somebody
does something to you and then you generate a bunch of anger inside of your body right and then you share it with somebody else
right we're all guilty of that um I think we've all felt that in our lives what it felt like and um you can do the
reverse right you can uh uh generate happiness inside of your body and then give it away to somebody else and and I
know what it feels like to have that empty tank where you feel like I don't have anything to give right now and that's okay too right everybody's been
there into that space before but um even if you're not feeling it inside of your own body right you can be like at a uh
at the cashier right at the grocery store man that's a nice shirt dude that's that's a freaking awesome chain like oh dude I like your new haircut you
know anything like that I love that color on your hair like this looks super cool and you see the people just completely light up they're like oh dang
thank you like you noticed you know and uh you see them light up and then it lights you up and so even though you had
an empty tank before now you feel a little something now right that you didn't have four minutes ago and then
you do it again and again and again all day long and you're just seeing all these people light up around you and
then all of a sudden now you're lit up your tank was empty this morning but since you just like lit up somebody's
life five or six or 10 times throughout the day now you're feeling it now right now you're in that zone so that's
something that Daniel and myself also practiced I didn't know he was doing it the whole time and I started to notice
it and I think he noticed that I do the same thing too is that no matter where we're at like emotionally if we feel
like we have an empty tank overworked or you know maybe some deals didn't go right um we still try to manufacture
happiness man and we use that in our business and that's another reason why you see us on these podcasts and we're smiling and we're giggling we're
laughing like like dude we're just we're just bumping our heads on our way through life too but if you can uh use
the energy you have to light up other people's life it definitely pays you back in dividends and it's something that you can feel I learned this
probably man maybe 14 years ago or something 15 years ago when I started getting into marketing and uh even
though I didn't have a lot of capital at the time or wealth I thought to myself you know what this makes me Rich because
I can produce something from nothing like I can have like nothing in the bank nothing in my wallet but I can generate
this emotion and I can give it away to other people so I can give away something I can give away something unlimited even though I don't have it
with me right there's nothing that I haven't it doesn't cost me anything and that made me realize that a human body can just generate anything you can
generate so much energy in yourself it will translate into the physical and it's kind of something that we've been
toying with for a long time and again to be able to use it in our business it's super cool and super fun so that's what we want to talk about today um being in
the in the Christmas spirit and in the spirit of giving and receiving and how we use use that in our business and in
our day-to-day lives and how it does pay rewards um this business is not easy
it's very stressful so you have to find different ways to
cope yep um you have to find different ways to cope and uh if if you're not
feeling the pain and stress about it I don't know you're lucky I guess I don't
know yeah I just got off the phone with Peter right now man who's on this call and I told him I was like you got to be able to power through the the the bad
times and the dark times right um I have a tattoo in my arm and it says this too shall pass right I don't know if you
guys know the story but I'll condense it for you like for 15 seconds it was like a king that um he he heard of a ring
right that would make a sad man happy and a happy man sad and so he sent out his people to go find it and they
searched like the whole globe looking for this magic ring and finally like nobody could ever find it and one of his
servants was just super smart so he went to a jeweler and uh he he had a ring and he said I want you to write this
inscription inside of this ring and that's what he put in on the ring is this two shall pass and he brought that
back to the king so no matter how how happy or how elated you are you know
that that's eventually going to pass and then no matter how sad and how dark times get that's going to pass as well
so as long as you you know that when those waves hit they won't hit you as hard if you understand that you know
everything is all in passing right and and we're just we're all here uh like I say I call it bumping our heads on our
way through life right uh just trying to figure it out and I don't I think anybody has it figured out ultimately
right we're just here to help each other grow and uh when you do help each other grow and you help other people and lift
others up it lifts you up too so it's something that you can give unlimited and and continue to pay yourself over
and over again yeah um I hope I hope you can share that with
whether today or tomorrow you can take some action with that um it's something that's very uh it's on our heart
um you don't know the you don't know the effects and long-term effects that does to somebody um there's a like a ripple
effect like if you're nice to somebody today maybe they're nice to somebody
else today and it kind of creates like a wave so a lot of people carry that on
and it's a way to create a force greater than you know and you never will see but
there's like a a wave effect that that can happen if you do it enough so uh
find Opportunities to do it create opportunities to do it and you can
hopefully feel better internally and see see that outcome happen physically off
that person that you do it with so let's let's see how this pertains to business right so we talk about this and this
happy gol lucky like hey I need to make some money right when when you have these uh when you have when you're
walking around like this right it's like a state of being it's a a state of mind is that you feel like like no matter what I do I'm going to add value I'm
going to I'm going to lift others up it's like you're practicing the law of increase right that anytime I come into
a contact with another human being I'm going to find a way to create increase for this person and it's just you do it
to your family and your friends and you kind of get used to it and so when you're talking to a seller or a buyer
you don't feel like you need to take anything from them right there's nothing that I need to receive from you if
anything I'm going to leave you in a better State than I found you right and I said you probably a lot of you guys
have probably heard me say this to sellers it's like look I'm going to walk you through this deal I'm going to give
you the best advice that I could possibly give you as a professional this is what I do this is what I do for a living sir ma'am um and I know how to
help you and also furthermore I don't even care if you sell me the property
but what I am going to do is I Promise You by the time this conversation is over you're going to be in a better
place than where you started I can promise you that and if you frame the conversation that way right your sellers
are like what the heck did this guy just say like you just told me straight up like I'm I'm not really concerned if I buy the property or not you know if and
I there's another phrase that I say look if you don't have the warm and fuzzies when this call is over and I don't have
the warm and fuzzies then I don't want to buy the property anyway because what I do is I like to buy stuff from very
low stressed very low pressure and I would like to receive that from you as a property
seller I would you know we're going to be friends for the next 3 to six months while we're trying to close this thing
and the last thing I want to do is start our very first conversation and we both flare up so by the time this
conversation's over we'll know if if we're going to work on this transaction together right and again it's from
having that mindset like I'm here to provide extra I'm going to leave something here I have nothing that I
need to take out of this exchange out of this relationship and if you can do that in your personal life and you you
translate that into your business life it'll automatically start to reflect on itself the way that you treat your
buyers and your sellers you start to treat your friends and your family like that and you'll see all of your relationships Blossom I can't think of
one uh relationship that I have right now either friends family members or anything that's inflammatory I can't
think of one possible regular relationship that I have with somebody a seller a buyer anybody that makes me
feel stressed or makes my blood pressure go up you know likeu a very very low stress low pressure life and um that was
built by Des you know it's not it's not like an accident like hey you know this this guy's so lucky to have carved out a life
like that it's it's me protecting people protecting my own emotions protecting other people's emotions sometimes that's
cutting people out of your life yeah some sometimes the biggest gift you can give to yourself or to somebody else is
to release them from your life right peace of mind I was about to say I was about you got to protect your own
personal space because people will invade that if you're at peace and just try to throw a wrench in it just to just
to just to see a squirm you know and there's there's people out there that that live life like that and peace is
important yeah identifying those people identifying those relationships those business relationships that cause you
pain and cause you stress you know and we become chemically addicted right to the to that stress like coffee right
coffee is super stressful to the body but you get so addicted to it it's like it's normal now well same thing you can
have a friend a girlfriend a husband somebody that you you keep around in your life because you're chemically addicted to to them and you're just used
to having them there even though it costs you energy you know sometimes the biggest gift you can give to yourself or somebody else is to let somebody go you
know get get these people out of your life and I I would say this year I've blocked more people on Facebook than I
have since I've ever been on Facebook you know it's probably been like 15 years or something or 14 years I've
blocked more people this year than I have in 14 years because I'm just not giving anybody a second chance to stress
me out or offend me or or dig into their you know their claws into my life like it just
they're just gone you know they just me and rooster were joking about it one day and I was like we just disappear them like we just delete them out of the hive
mind and they're gone he goes well where do they go when they get deleted I'm like hope I never have to find
out just going to The Ether I guess I don't know um well I I I've had to do it too
I've learned that as I've gotten older um you're you're your peace of mind and
sleeping at night is more important than a lot of other things
your your peace your peace of mind um it really it really G gives you the ability to take on a lot more stress than
normal um and like I think entrepreneurship is it's somewhat crazy
because we take on things that are abnormal and stressful all at once so
you have to have you have to be able to take on that that much pressure so I always I always equate this to as like
um there's love there's levels in business that you you hit and to get to
the next level you have to take on more pressure so if you can't take on the
pressure you're on you're having right now you're not ready for that next level I'd rather face 20 hour days doing
what I do now with the pressure and the madness and the
chaos but be able to sleep that 4 hours than be worried that 4 hours about what
I have to face the following day or might have to face in the near
future yep amen it's like like a bodybuilder right you know like you you're professional athlete like you
push your body all the way to the limits right before it cracks right Jesse we're talking about this last night you uh you
push your body all the way to its limits and then you you back off and you rest but every time you push yourself to those limits you can handle a new load
of stress right a new level um just like the the amount of pressure that we we've had this year from deals and closings
and volume uh it's very different you know from some from what I've ever experienced in my life before but this
year I've exercised probably more than I ever have I've eaten more healthy food than I ever had I've gotten to the sauna
probably more than I ever have this year so things that build up body and build
up your nervous system so you can handle those new stress loads and then you know people ask us like well how do you do
all this like you know you must be a a a magician right but no it's like it's training your mind and your body to
handle such a load and it's something that's an ongoing thing for the rest of your life it's not something that where
you're going to say hey well I've done enough exercise this year to last me for the next five years you know it's
something you know it really does again it pertains to your business because um
like Daniel said like the more you take on and the more stress you have like you you you you better have your body ready
for it you know you because I've gotten there to that point where you feel like that little tingling sensation in your heart like okay I'm pushing myself too
hard I need to take a damn Break um right now I'm off of coffee I'm off of everything I'm off of every kind of stimulant you can think of um low sugar
I'm doing no bread I'm doing no uh no tortillas right and um right before the holidays right and it's like the hardest
time to do it but I don't want to have those excuses like I'm going to do it after the holiday that's the easiest time to do it do it right before the
holiday I think I've lost like 14 pounds going on 14 pounds like in just over two
weeks right so just again like starting from mid December to about January 7th I
kind of just power all the way down power down business power down everything like it just completely turn everything off um and it's for a mental
reset spiritual reset like find out what's important to me this break in 20 2020 taking this holiday break is what
birded the hive mine right the idea of the hive mine we thought of it in December and it was live by like February 3rd um again taking immediate
action when you have those Inspirations and um it's something that I encourage you all to do to um to take that that
time out you know because you you can only push push push push so hard but you know that's why one of the Ten Commandments for this group is prayer
and meditation you know sometimes you're going to have to slow down and unplug and take your foot off the gas and then just trust God to do what he does and
and take you to that next level and that's part of the growth too yeah um one we've actually we we did
that for a little bit we kind of toned down what deals we're going for to focus on selling because it's a you have the
es and flows of businesses sometimes you have to adapt so um it's been it's been an interesting year I would say good and
bad it's been an interesting year because like I said you we've we've dealt with new pressures we've had to gain new Strength um throughout the year
so um I'm excited I'm excited for 2024 I think it's going to be a great year um I
think it's going to be a great year for everybody I hope it is you know um you
really have to foresee the future um one thing I I I love about Anthony is that
he has a bigger Vision than a lot of people and I think bigger Vision creates bigger opportunities um that you didn't
even think were possible so I want you all to have a big vision and create a bigger opportunity
in your life and um whatever goal you had I think me and Anon me and I talk
about this all the time is that uh what whatever um if you have a 10-year goal
try and knock it out into two accelerate that growth and accelerate that Vision because
you just may be able to hit that in in record time than you never thought you could you know amen I tell you something
I picked up from TY Lopez and the spirit of that is um I would I lived in a two-bedroom apartment by myself uh maybe
you know 10 years ago or something and uh I would write my goals on the mirror and I would write I got to do these 10
or 20 things these are the most important things I have to do so I put them on the mirror in the spare bathroom
and that's why I would go in there and I would look and I would knock things out I would check them off the list I'd knock them out I'd knock them out but I
had so many things on that list it it might take three weeks you know four weeks six weeks to knock out all the stuff that was on that list and I was
listening to a EP uh Ty Lopez on YouTube and he said what if you took your
six-month goal list or your oneye goal list and you knocked it out this week and I was like holy smokes like what is
this that's crazy it would have never dawned on me that to do all of that stuff that I was planning on doing for
the next several months this week and sure enough I knocked it all out like in four days like I really put my nose at
the grindstone and I just crank through all of it and it kind of shifted my Paradigm it's like if you set if you set
these long-term goals for yourself and you tell yourself that it's going to take that long then it just might and
then I was listening to something from Tim Ferris and he he said something very similar like what if he took something like that was the most difficult task
that you can possibly imagine you know something that would take you 10 years to accomplish he's like um you just ask
yourself like how can I simplify this what would make this easier and uh now
I've kind of I deconstruct everything that way like if I have something that I feels like impossible or something that's you know moving a mountain like
what would make this easy what would make this absolutely easy and that's a question you have to ask yourself over and over and over again anytime you hit
a wall in business is what would make this easy and uh that's helped me chew through a lot of big problems with very
little effort and so like Daniel said I continue to raise the bar on myself because I know that um if I continue to
stretch my imagination and my goals then um it does become easier at some extent if you feel like you can move a mountain
with very little effort and also having a community man everybody in this room you know I I I
appreciate you guys being here you have contributed a lot to our business and and to our lives um we have the same
familiar faces that are in here all the time right and we know you're out there working and grinding and putting in the effort we're watching everybody so we
know what everybody's up to we know how hard you're working out there I always see vetto she has emails going out for Gator lending like every 10 times a day
so we we see who's working who's not working right we're like Santa Claus we know who's been naughty and nice
connecting with lenders uh we connected with more lenders today um we connected with lenders yesterday I mean yeah
staying busy you're gonna be the head of the loan department by the time this fund takes off I'm calling it and
claiming it you've already you know said it so you're working there you're working the most believe it and receive
it thank you heck yeah thanks for doing what you do um anybody have any uh any
wins they want to share any any cool stories you want to talk about um you know for the holiday for the spirit of
the holiday anything that you want to share with us that we want to know or that share we about my paintball story
that that I was talking about yesterday we'll save that one for the
Christmas party yeah no I mean you have to tell it live no you know one thing that U that
you pointed out is you know the idea and the spirit of of of growth and um a lot
of people get so intertwined with growth and and also um you know kind of having
this plowing effect right this tunnel vision because I get tunnel vision quite a bit and and it's good and bad because
when you get tunnel vision there's really nothing that can get in your way you know you're just like plowing
through the snow whoever gets you're yeah whoever gets in way it's like you
know you're either with me or against me you know and you're you're trying to get to that next level the problem is you
you you you you're so focused on something that you forget the present right you forget the
now you're only focused on the future and I think you know to me one of the
things I realized this year is you know I've come to a realization and of course
with age is that you got to have proper balance you know going back to your whole thing about you know making a
health conscious effort to you know to really focus on your body
to have a little bit more clarity to have a little bit more more uh strength mentally and physically to uh counter
all these uh things that are coming to you from from your Venture you know from Real Estate from all everything around
you know life in general and it it takes somebody with a lot of grit and a lot of
strength mentally physically spiritually to do what they really want to strive to
do and the thing is it's always you know people get this thing wrong
you say hey I want to get there and you want to get you know move mountains you want to do this ultimately you're not
going to do it by yourself you have to leverage yourself you you have to have your your your village with you you know
you have to have um your friends your family your co-workers it's not a oneman
game it never has been you know having a a a beautiful culture that that you
support and and the people around you that that are you know backing you up that's that's the the main thing right
there that's that's the tital wave that can push you across and uh again I mean at the end of the day it's just you know
having um having your eyes open to everything around you and U you know at
the end of the day Anthony it's all about doing good it's all about doing good for you doing good for others um
you know going to the next level like any anybody wants to do but you know make sure that um you get connected with
that guy up there I think that's that's something about our community man that we're not afraid to talk about right that hired power um
you know no matter what you believe I have some friends that are Muslims I have some friends that are atheists right I'm I'm Catholic um I just think
it's a you you have to rely on that higher power like what if what if am I atheist friends I'm asking them like
when you need a miracle where do you go for it what do you do when you need a Bend reality right if there's no higher
power who do you call on you're going to do it all yourself he there's nothing that we do ourselves like even Daniel
like if if you guys look at us like leaders like man we're just a part of the community too we we tell everybody we're the janitors we're cleaning up the
messes on the dayto day you know and we rely on the community to be our strength right like V she's she's working through
so many Gator loans and um you know PJ's out there working sellers Diego's out there working sellers Daphne's out there
freaking trying to pop a million-dollar deal right now you know Edward's in the group um he did deal with with my cousin
Melissa they got a she got her second deal or third deal now um people are putting in the work man and we see you
guys like we couldn't like you said we couldn't do it without you no matter how you strong you are as an individual like
the hive mind is a representation of of Daniel and myself saying we cannot do this without you guys and that that's
how the business works like I said we do a lot of JV deals and and we fund people's deals so it is it's us you know
putting our um like our our whole Persona like everything that we believe in out into the universe and then
wrapping a brand around it right throwing a logo on it and us saying hey look you know if you do what we do we
have a way to help you because it's a it's a very simple business model we're not asking anybody to to do anything different I know a lot of you guys are
very creative but you don't have to reinvent the wheel you can just duplicate what we're doing and it's proven to be very very profitable and S
you know I feel like we've reached a pretty cool level of success in in a few years and we want to share that with you guys that's the whole point of this room
we're on these calls every week um I don't like having meetings I don't like having something fixed on my schedule
you know so when Daniel's like hey don't forget the calls in two hours I'm like dang it you know but this is us this is
us doing what we do to to try to give back and and teach you guys what we're doing so that you can ultimately become successful as well and to see you guys
so many of you on this group that got paid today you know that continue to get paid like it's just it's so rewarding
like it's it's working the business model is working anybody else have anything they want to share anything
they want to add I'm MAA oh I saw that what a cutie I'm
excited oh congratulations V yes thank you he's so perfect he's godsent um you
know it's just that's my miracle baby and you said it too you're like I can't come to the Christmas party because
we're waiting for a baby and bang you would have missed it yeah exactly my brother you know text me at 6:00 AM hey
we're rushing to the hospital right now I'm like what it oh yeah
y true blessing true blessing feel great feels great that's my first nephew so
yeah very very excited it's what my wife and I did with our last one it was born
on Christmas Christmas Eve and at 2 A.M Christmas morning he was born nice
timing Frank that's what he thinks yeah great Christmas present for
sure I want to say that I'm thankful um for my sister she um she just graduated
in the spring but she did her student teaching after that's just how they did it or whatever and she just um got
finished and uh she got a job offer in Dallas um she wants to move down here in Texas
um she wanted to move down here in Texas ever since she visited visited me last year and um she's been seeing the work
that I've been putting in um down here making it for myself I had to learn um
financial literacy all by myself um and I'm doing it and I want to be that
example for my family and um and just to see her um getting her first job um Ella
as an elementary school teacher and um and striving for her own goals I'm just
so proud of her and U just over the moon and I think that's a great Christmas present to just see my sister win and um
and try to follow my footsteps as well um we're learning off each other and um
yeah I'm just so thankful for her a congratulations PJ that's good
news for her and tell her yes Texas is where to be oh yeah feels
way different than up there in Pittsburgh I've done quite a bit of
traveling around the United States man I love the people from Texas I really do people are cool they're calm they're genuine they're mostly polite and then I
don't feel that way everywhere I go to different states I I was pleased to see that in San Diego and and and by Tula
there's a lot of nice cool people very laid-back environment it wasn't like being in the big city like in LA um so that's pretty cool to see that coming
from California yes sir Anthony came to visit
me last week so we got some got some work done dude we were hanging out on the pier what what Pier was that Sant
Monica Monica Pier yeah we were just hanging out staring off into the mountains and the ocean and doing
nothing and then it just dawned on me I'm like Daniel we've never just hung out before we're every time we get
together we're working we're at an event we're getting on stage there's cameras around us I was like we have never just
sat on on the beach and done nothing together my friend like this is weird let's get back to
work I didn't say that we were still working out yeah yeah actually we were
but we weren't working as hard who else who else got some good warming fuzzies to share for this
Christmas edition don't be shy Santa's watching
tomorrow was gonna be fun actually no it's not tomorrow it's Wednesday no tomorrow's Wednesday two
days two days uh we are doing the the the the five acre giveaway man that's a
cool cool again a cool accomplishment I think for for everybody in this room congrats to all of you guys for giving
us the uh the energy and the and the the passion and the drive to get this done
we accomplished it we're giving away five acres of land I wish I won five acres of land at some point in my life
previously things would have be a little bit different right now but it's pretty cool man I'm excited about it too hey did did rer tell you we
might do it at the big house here in San Antonio he was yeah he was uh talking about that um I think tomorrow what
we're gonna we have two venues um we
have one that U I've already put a reservation I'm not 100% sold on it yet
rooster and I wanted to go take a look at it okay uh there's a secondary one that is a friend
um it's it's called dond dariio it's a it's a restaurant that's right on 35 and
Slaughter which is basically right right in the corner um South Austin and uh
that's a really really nice spot I'm trying to trying to see if we can get that one that's some friends of friends and family um it's basically got what
we're looking for um but tomorrow we'll make a call I guess if if all else fails
I think uh we'll just reroute and go go get a couple horses go down there let's do it man whatever we got to
do like I said we can just kind of fly by the seat of our pant I think it's going to work out amazing no matter what
like the venue doesn't matter we can do it at the park we can do it at in the rain in a box
box a duet me and rooster yeah I was looking forward to that man the live
music Vibe the last time we all hung out was freaking amazing so I think to uh to share that with with with the community
and the public that's freaking awesome yeah so rooster rooster plays guitar um I'm at actually a uh a saxophone player
so I I got a couple of bands that I play with and uh been doing that for couple years almost 30 years but uh uh rooster
and I are are thinking of doing a like a Christmas duet for this five acre giveaway so we'll see how that turns
out yeah man I didn't I didn't know you had it in you I I mean you and you played a little bit when we were at your
house but then I went to go check out Jesse play live and I thought I would just hang out for 10 minutes B starts
I'm going to take off and I hung out all night dud freaking amazing I was like this guy's talented that was freaking cool dude that was fun times man we'll
do it again anybody have any stories to share
any anything you want to share come on I got I know we got some more stories in here some wins recent wins realizations
epiphanies Daphne says she has a possibly a buyer for a million dollar lot want to talk about that Deanie are
you in a position to share if not yeah so I've been trying to get a
buyer for that property for a while now and I have somebody that might go ahead
and go for it on Thursday after they go out to look at it with Allan and it's pretty exciting it does feel warm and
fuzzy Daphne um is uh probably one of the youngest in our group and uh she is
so passionate about what she does she's always working I you know we we when we see somebody who's who's working as hard
as she is we try to give those people leads we try to you know give them uh anything we can do to support those
people and no matter how much work we give her and how many things we assign her to do she's like Count Me In Count
Me In Count Me In Count Me In I'm like goly I don't know if it's her age where she has that much energy to just keep pumping out like that um but she's
getting consistent wins now so I'm super excited for her um she's starting to get consistent deals and um I know it took
her a little while probably to get her first deal after the amount of effort she put in I even felt bad I was like golly she's worked so many hours and and
got so little return but now to see her getting consistent checks it's like man that's that's that's the dream for us
you know and we hope that for everybody but you know I wanted to tell you guys that story because it takes a lot of
effort it does take a lot it's like to me I imagine like a like a a wheel like a boulder size of a mountain like it's
going to take you a lot of effort and a lot of pressure to get that wheel rolling but once that momentum starts
it's hard to turn it off you know um I had two closings coming this week that I forgot about that I didn't even know
about um so it's just it takes a really long time to get into that position you know I was
in um in Cancun uh in July and uh I got wired some funds from a deal you know
almost 20 grand while I was on vacation and and I don't even know where the money came from I I still have not checked where that money came from um
but again that's after you know six years of working my tell off um where you can get yourself into a position
like that so just my hats off to daffany for for putting in the hours and the effort and thank you vetto for bringing
her to the community um and yeah to just to see somebody put in put in the effort and to get the the results and the
starting to see the rewards come in it's like the dream come true for us bro I've tried to stop giving her
more work and she's like no give me more give me more she just doesn't stop hey hey Junior man Junior's another
one you know he was in Houston and he's been around the hive mine since the very first event in Dallas three years ago
and uh he was always kind of sometimes he was on the sidelines trying to contribute from Houston and he's like man I'm just going to move over there
and now now he he's with Andrew every day Andrew is like our main Ranch shower and yeah Junior just made the jump man
he just picked up his whole family and brought him to San Antonio and now he's on the front lines with us you know he's on the properties every day he's showing
um he has he recently got some sales signed up so again that's somebody just making like massive massive effort to
move the move the needle and then now starting to see the results so same thing for junior like when he came over
here I'm like I hope he makes some money that was a pretty big jump you know so now seeing him starting to get contracts like okay perfect
that's what we hope for for everybody and uh he's just another one that just kept on believing and putting in the effort and now we're starting to see
some fruit growing it's just the beginning brother
trust me I'm telling you right now that that new campaign we have up and running it's gonna Ryan says he's gonna make it
rain and I believe him because that guy knows how to make money so I'm just expecting you and Daphney and and
Gabriel to do what y'all do best man I think between the three of y'all we have a that's a pretty good setup right there
Gabriel's good at running comps now um um he's good at making offers um but with you as a leader now having him
there I think it's going to be a good Trilogy we got going yeah with Junior there it's gonna
be easy peasy you got the youngsters that can put out the put out the the output and
then the the team captain to to make sure that they're heading in the right direction it's gonna be a good it's
going to be a good year I hope you all stay tuned and I hope you all participate and watch it we don't want
want to watch us grow but I want you all to participate and see we're seeing people come with us man we're seeing everybody come with us it's not just
like we're the only ones um last year I think we just broke over a million in land sales and uh you know and in total
sales I don't know where we're at this year at all but we're we're starting next year with over a million on the books already so I can't wait to see
what happens next year and the the vision for the hive mind the dream and the goal was uh for us to be able to uh
pay for and produce enough leads to u to give to the whole Community like anybody that's contrib ruting anybody that's
here that's standing within 10t of us um we want to be able to give you guys paid leads and close deals with you you know
because we know you're here you have the heart you've been here long enough and uh we trust that you would be a good Steward of those leads so that that was
always the the vision is for us to be able to turn on a lead engine so big that we can uh um just give leads away
to the community and and do JV deals with everybody and make sure everybody's getting paid along the way you know it's not it's not just about us us us it
never has been I don't know when that's going to happen but we're working towards it I'm looking at this year man
I'm looking at Q2 Q3 of this year I want to have the biggest baddest lead machine going I think uh with Ryan's
contribution um with uh with moon War competi uh um contribution there's quite a few things
I think that we have in place um talking to Allan today about the mailers um I think having that multiple lead source
and then that the round robin you know then we can start toh feed the people that are are doing the most in this
group there you go all in the spirit of giving guys all in the spirits of giving back like I said there's there's there
if it's just me and Daniel winning then this then we have failed miserably um so yeah we're hoping to take you all with
us and make sure that we all have an amazing 2024 I think we're heading in that direction um I think a lot of the
people in this room are proving that that uh no matter what your age or background is that you can uh find that
success merry Christmas everybody Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry
Christmas Merry Christmas everybody here thanks for coming thanks for tuning
and thanks for for coming out uh we hope you have a good week of this holiday and
spend time with your family spend time with your loved ones uh 2024 is around the corner let's have a great year y'all
I think we're going to do something amazing together guys I can feel it look at you with your Spanish Daniel you need
to talk speak your Spanish more often Chistmas yeah
[Laughter] night man we'll see you all soon appreciate
Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony GaonaProfile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More