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Ep 435: God, Mindset and Programming Your Life Experience
November 24, 2023
Ep 435: God, Mindset and Programming Your Life Experience
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0:00 I was gonna go straight home and I was gonna start doing all this stuff. I was gonna get all my all these papers together and start getting ready to execute my day where I was getting really wound up for a really powerful day. And instead, I decided to stop off at the city park where I ride my bike, it's like a, I don't know, depends, I guess, to how far you go, the direction was probably like a 30 mile long trail going both ways. So I just came here and started to walk. I was like, I have a lot of work to do there. Lots of stuff to catch up on. But I said, You know what I need, I need to prioritize that stillness. Because I didn't this morning, I went downstairs to meditate like about maybe 737 40. And I sat there for about a minute, I just wasn't feeling it. So I just got up. I said, forget it, I'm not doing it. I'm not gonna force myself to do it if I don't feel like it. But still, it's kind of like, the way I like to start my day is by by having stillness, right. So if you wake up first thing in the morning, and you grab your phone, and you start looking at things, start looking at your calendar, you start texting people back, start reading emails, and you didn't take out that like crap out that little minute for stillness. Your day goes different, your whole entire day, your whole layout goes different. It's like the whole dig crashes into itself. And it feels normal. Because you probably do it every single day, right. But if you start out that morning, with that stillness, it's part of our 10 commandments for our group. If you if you don't have a copy of the 10 commandments, maybe Danica put a link in the chat, you can definitely use the search bar and the million dollar mastermind group. But you should start off today with stillness. And really, it's like us as human beings, we want to have progress by doing activity, right, we want to we want to see marked notable progress, right, and I even preach inside of our sales group. But we still prioritize stillness first. And I think something happens in your brain, where it's like, if you just sit down for a few minutes, when you wake up in the morning, instead of jumping into your day first. It's like you honor that time with yourself. Right? You, you honor that, that stillness within you, right? And you can, that's when you can hear the voice of God is, is when you just sit down and stop, stop having an activity, or you're not gonna go make a cup of coffee, you're not gonna go grab your favorite book, just you know, and do a quiet spot, if possible, if at all possible, even if it's inside of a closet. And then just sit there and stillness, maybe for five minutes, 10 minutes, 40 minutes, whatever that is. And it really does make something open up. So if you visualize your day going amazing, right? And you just imagine, Hey, I gotta go to the office of the minute. I gotta, I gotta go to this meeting, I got this showing. If you can just find like that, that inner stillness, you find what I look for. When looking for in the morning. I'm trying to find that, that stillness to peace, even though I have a million things to do. It's like, I'm going to sit quietly by myself for a minute. And I'm going to lay out the perfect day, in my mind, right? And even if you're thinking about nothing, if you're praying, whatever you're doing, I just sit, find the stillness, find peace. And then I imagine what a perfect day might look like. And I'm like, What a perfect day, you know, I'm gonna end up going there here, I'm gonna be extra early, I'll be on time, things are gonna go amazing. The deal is gonna close person is gonna say yes. And I just kind of imagine what it's going to look like what it's going to feel like. And that's kind of how I like to start my day. I think it's it's kind of like seeing the future, right? But you're not like remote viewing. So we're not like fortunately, right? We're not seeing the future in that sense. But we do get to that meeting. And it does go the way you imagined it that morning, then you kind of wondering, like, does this happens all the time? Like, is it possible for us to do this all the time to have these? Imagine these amazing, beautiful features? And for them to become true over and over and over again? Can you always do this? I don't know. But every time I've sat down and tried, it sure did work. Sure does work. So that's why I really like to force myself to have to have stillness. Like, even right here, even just getting to the park again, like I get myself wound up because I have a million things to do. So I start to build up the energy in my body. And then bam, I work all day long for 16 hours straight without taking a break. And then I know I'm also going to shut it down. I mean, do you take naps during the day. So if I'm going too fast, I'd be like, okay, phone's off, lights off everything. I'm gonna take a nap for 30 minutes or an hour, then I'll be back. But before I got to the park, I was feeling that kind of that energy building inside of me like I was getting ready to just destroy the day. And I said, Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. I didn't I didn't find stillness. I didn't slow down. And so you had poured over the park. Now I'm here and walking. It's absolutely beautiful out here. Nice and cool. Everything's wet, bursting. And I would have never experienced this, like amazing moment of walking in this park. If I didn't stop and force myself to just honor that moment. And now I have a whole different feeling in my body. So I still feel like I'm gonna have a killer day, but it's not wound up like cough The energy, right, it just feels like I already know what's about to happen next, because I slowed down, I got my nervous system in alignment. And now I'm ready to kill it. So that's what I wanted to talk about today is how you can take control of your mind and your body. And there's a lot of different things that you can do. Right? So there's, I don't know if there's one correct way to do it. So if somebody asks me, like, the other day, I was feeling silly, the Renaissance Festival, and I just made this flexing picture. You know, my wife took a picture, and I posted it on Facebook, and people were messaging me like, Hey, tell me about your workout routine. And so if somebody asked me, you know, how do you get fit? You know, there's, there's not one answer that I couldn't give you one or two or three things. And I'll say, this is the strategy. It's a combination of everything. So same thing with with your business, you know, with your mind, honoring yourself honoring your mind. It's not exactly one thing, right. So we talked about prayer meditation in our group for the 10 commandments. But there's also just the stillness, right, just pulling over and walking at the city park for a little while. Just to bring stillness into your body. You can also do it through fasting. Right? So we're always so busy, like eating something shoving something in our mouth, when you might not even be hungry. Right? But it's just a habit, you know, it's already, Hey, it's 8pm. And I want to shove something in my mouth, because I haven't done it since noon. And that's weird reasoning. But that's the programming we have, right as humans is we do things and there's they're kind of running on autopilot. So the way that I like to imagine it, is that we're pretty much machines, right? We're like cyborgs, and we have this programming that we're running on. And we don't even know where the where the programming came from, in some cases, you know, might come from our parents from conditioning from a school teacher who was really nice or really mean, right? So we're running on all these programs. And we don't even know where this where, where's the, where's this information coming from? Why do I have these behaviors? And why do I have these habits, where they come from? Right? Even if you never stopped to think about it? Some people are running programs and don't even know they're running. Right? Like even just like drinking coffee for no reason. It doesn't even give me energy makes me tired energy drink, same thing. But you have this programming, and we're doing these habits and behaviors with no explanation. And if you never stopped to examine what those behaviors are, then how can you ever like kind of try to tweak it right. And then I know we all have habits. But you know, some of them you like some of them you do like, right like exercise, right? That's a habit that I have, I love it, I have to do it. If I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed, then I immediately interrupt my day, and I go grab my bike, and I go home walking to the park, or riding my bike at the park I did 16 Miles yesterday, didn't quite hit 16 was like 15 and a half. So I don't want to cap too much. But it's just like, if you have habits, and you never stop to identify what they are, then you don't know which kind of behavior is needed, or you need to modify, that's step one is identifying what needs to be changed, or what kind of changes you can make, right? It could be it could be quitting smoking, or it could be lowering your sugar intake, getting more bodily movement in right, just maybe after you eat, you even walk. So if you want to form a new programming, right, if you want to have a new way of living being existing, you don't want to make too many changes at once. So you don't want to stop eating sugar, stop watching TV after seven. And I have four or five new behaviors all at once. If you just start with one at a time, then it's easiest to to have those those new behaviors programmed in. And some sometimes it's dropping something, right? So you say hey, I'm going to drop alcohol. And I'm going to add, you know, 50 grams of protein a day, or 100 grams of protein a day. Right? So you can have where you remove something and add something, but you don't want to add or make four or five, six changes all at once. Does that make sense? Does anybody have any questions on any of this so far? Any comments, anything you've experienced similar to this? 9:12 Greg says most people, most people's programming comes from how they're raised by their parents, and who are likely raised without programming also, and it continues back for that as well. And then he says thoughts leads to feelings, feelings lead to action actually, is the results. 9:30 Yep, I love it. That's another thing that the way that you can create that changes you look for the feeling right, and I know it sounds really cheesy, I read in a lot of books, but nobody ever stops to explain it. Right? And the only way you can really learn it is by practicing it. So if you sit down into your meditation time, your prayer time in the morning, and if you can feel the feeling of what it would feel like to be where you want to be. Right and maybe this isn't a in a body that's in better shape. Maybe this is in a relationship, you know that that you're seeking, or maybe a relationship you want to get out of, you have to feel the feeling of what it's going to feel like when you're in that new spot. And you can't get there, right? If you're doing so much activity, if you're if you're doing your day to day activities, and you're moving and moving and moving, you're hustling, hustling, hustling, going throughout your day, but you never stopped to feel anything, then you're running on these automatic chemical signals, right? Because when you feel a certain way, there's a certain response, then you do the next thing, you do the next thing. So we're always responding to chemical stimulus, right? And sometimes it's a form of cortisol, right? Like adrenaline. This is where I'm really like anti coffee, even though I love it, it creates a massive cortisol response. And, you know, I don't know if it's healthy to be in a stress induced response. 24/7 maybe occasionally, sure. But I think you shouldn't probably be on any chemical 24/7, right, and then and then a claim to have your own thoughts. So if you're gonna feel the feeling of being in an in relationship, or being successful in business, you have to be able to feel that feeling is the hardest thing is when you know, you're not in a position like, How can I feel wealthy or successful, if I'm so far away from there. But here's the thing. When you're doing business, when you're making phone calls, when you're working, and just trying to get to that place, that higher place, you're gonna have to feel that feeling anyway. Right? Sooner or later, that feeling is going to have to become real for you. So you can imagine what might it feel like? I'm not there yet. Right? So the next feeling from there is what might happen, what might I feel like if I was successful. And that's the next like, stage of feeling above, like that despair, like, I don't know how I'm ever gonna get there. If you can feel that feeling in your body, like, you know what, when, when things are going perfect, and you have the right amount of cash in the bank and the right amount of cash flow, it's probably going to feel just like this. But when you sit down with that stillness, that's where you get into that like that neutral state, right, you put your nervous system and so like when you put your car in neutral, you put your nervous system into a neutral state, and then you can reach for another state. But not until you're in neutral, right, you can't go from from Drive straight to reverse, you got to go into neutral first. Same thing with your nervous system. So if you have a overtaxed overstimulated nervous system, and then you're trying to create an imagine new behaviors or new feelings, it'll be very hard to access. If you haven't, like put your nervous system first into neutral. And that's that state of stillness, peace, calmness, meditation, you know, being with God, the Bible says, in the presence of God, right, that's, that's where that stillness comes from. And once you're in that still state, then you can imagine higher features and better features. 12:52 Yeah, looking for Hector says, I think and feel the things I want. While I want it, like I have it, and that starts to happens. 13:03 Yeah, so here's, let's put a magnifying glass on that, right. If you if you imagine yourself eating pizza, you open up your cell phone, and then you'd order it, and then it'd be there. And then you eat the pizza, right? So you manifest or you unlock cheese, that would really, but you kind of do this all day long. You imagine things to become true, and then they become true. But when it comes to your business, or something that you you know, love life, something that you assume is a very high target, like you value it as a high target, then automatically again, for whatever reason, people assume that doing big things, is very, very difficult. Right? So you can imagine a pizza and it shows up. But then sometimes it's a little bit harder for you to imagine having a very successful business, a blossoming business, but it's the exact same thing. It's the exact same process of imagination, right? Because if you are running the perfect business, what does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it feel like? Who works for you? How many hours are you working a day? But if you never stopped to imagine all that stuff, then how would you ever get there? Right? It's like the business fairy gonna knock on your front door and say, Hey, I'm gonna structure everything perfectly for you. Or would it make more sense for you to sit there imagine every little minut detail of the business that you're going to build and then start to put it all into place immediately. Right so it's just the same thing that anything that you want to imagine you have to first feel it you have to first think about it and then look for the feeling that matches with that and then you'll notice that it starts to show up more and more. Anybody want to add anything to that? Or share similar experience? 14:43 Forgot says he says he got those secrets from the Millionaire Mind by our anchor. Prints me that I can Harv 14:51 Eker Yeah. He wrote Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Mind blowing book It's everything you all just said. 15:04 I've heard of that one. I know it's one of the books that's been pushed around through time. So I think I found the audio on YouTube one time, I've been meaning to listen to it at least once. I did a lot of thinking Grow Rich. It's kind of funny because I was in a pretty bad place in my life, like, financially, everything physically. And I was at, I was at home. And I remember just thinking like that the name of that book kind of just thinking grow rich. And I'm like, I wonder why I thought of that particular phrase in that order. And it struck me as kind of like, I wonder what that means. So I googled it. And I found out that it was a book. And this is like, years before my self help journey started. And I went straight to the library, and I bought it about the audio version at a bookstore. And I put it in my computer. And I listened to that book probably like 50 times or more, over and over and over again. And something that the author said is, like he said, every time you read this book, you're gonna pick up something else, you're gonna pick up something else. And I thought, well, it's pretty hard to believe. You know, once you listen to it, read it two times, you should be pretty good. But I guess kind of what I did realize, after listening to it that many times never read it is that this information builds on top of itself, right. So when you get up to the next level, we're able to imagine things and create, you know, the kind of life you want. You learned there's other other levels to it, too. And those you can share with other people, you can kind of build on top of itself. So I think that's the depth of the information. chain continues to loop and we're on itself, because it does get deeper and deeper, as I guess, as you learn more, and then when you experience more than you're looking with a more powerful lens, it gets his way to sit. So then you can kind of squeeze some more juice out of everything. It's pretty cool. I really love that book. If you haven't read it or listen to it. I recommend everybody checks out thinking Grow Rich. It's like a timeless classic. 17:05 Does anybody have anything that they want to cover? Maybe a habit you would like to change, or something that you want to take a look at? We could talk about that. I've been rambling. 17:16 I wanted to share this YouTube audio that I listened to just about every week. It's called the strangest secret in the world. By Earl Nightingale, it's a 30 minute audio on YouTube, where they speak exactly about what you're talking about. Anthony, it's it. He calls it the strangest secret in the world. And the difference between successful man and not successful man and it talks about is that it's all about thinking, thinking about how you're going to plan your day. And your habits. It's it's very, very mind opening. Very, very great audio to listen to just wanted to share with it all. What is it called? The strangest secret in the world. 18:04 Do you have a link for it? You can drop in the chat? Yeah, yeah, I 18:06 just did. Oh, perfect. It's about it's about 30 minutes, but it's great, man. It's gold. 18:15 I think that one's Earl Nightingale. 18:18 Yeah, yeah. That's old mango. Okay, cool. Yemen. 18:21 The guy was like, it was on the radio years ago. And yeah, he was the kind of the he was a YouTuber of that day. Right? It's like famous letting out this famous information. Powerful information. Oh, yeah. It's a 18:36 type of programming. Programming that you make yourself. Eventually. 18:44 This made me Can you guys hear me? Yeah. Basically, what you're saying, made me think of an open book of Psalms. Like it's chapter 46. It says, Be still and know that I am God, something like that. So it's definitely I mean, even from my experience meditating, there's always some sort of benefit and just sitting still, and, you know, listening to your breath, and such. And a lot of these self help books really are inspired by the Bob Bible, if I may. 19:19 Yeah, and I know you got to be careful with the information that you read like anything else, right? The music you listen to, it all creates the sub, subconscious programming. But yeah, all this stuff is biblical, right. It's not like we're not doing the secret and making all this magic happen with our superpowers is not like that. But I think the thing that where there's overlap, and lots of overlap, is it kind of depends on what like your perception of creating reality, right? So the way that me as a Catholic as a Christian likes to imagine that, you know, God helps me create my reality is through prayer, meditation, right? And some people weren't believing that it's amazing. But there's one In one quote, I always mess quotes up. So I'm gonna get close enough for you guys though. It was Mother Teresa. She was being interviewed by Carrie um, I forget the guy's name like Dan rather's like one of the biggest, like a TV show host ever of all time interviewing Mother Teresa. And he said, Well, where do you say when you pray? And she said, Isn't on live TV? It's like, what do you say when you pray? And she says, I don't say anything. I just listen. And then he said, well, then what does God say? And she said, nothing. You just listened. And I thought, Man, that's probably the most powerful few sentences I've ever heard in my life, is because it's not about what we can do, or what we're creating in this world. It really is just like doing God's work. Before business started to get really good for me, maybe about eight years ago, or something 10 years ago, my biggest prayer to God was like, hey, if your business was struggling, it was always up and down. Or like, if you don't want me to be super, super successful, rich, like just take it all the way. I'll start at zero, I'll go be a missionary, or go to Mexico, just as long as you lead the way you tell me what to do. And then from there, that's when things started to go really good. I think you guys just knows like, I'm not, I'm not the Lambo guru. And I don't think about stuff like that. It's just just the way that I've been for a long time. And so to me, like creating a powerful business, it's more like, it's our responsibility to the people that are around us, right, like to protect your tribe to protect your people. So it's not like, hey, let's get super wealthy so that we can have flash and show it. And, you know, we think we're all rappers now. But it's like, the more cash you have on hand, the more leverage you have, the more impact you can make on a global scale. You know, we see what's happening around the world right now with the war going. And this is like, injustice has been happening around the planet. For 1000 years, it's been going, like just swept under the rug by media, this kind of stuff. But when when the power is in our hands, when the media is in our hands, when the resources in our in our hands, you know, can we win the war against, you know, something so, so dark, right, and I don't even know if there's, like these dark overlords around the world, I don't even know if that's true or not. But if there was a way for us to fight back, it is by us having access to capital and resources at scale all of this. And not just a little bit of capital, like an obnoxious amount. So that's, that's where I'm headed. I'm headed to a place where it's not about we're not, we don't have any goals of doors and cashflow. My goal is is like kind of activate five or 10,000 people and help them become extremely wealthy, beyond imagination. So that now our voting power matters, you know, that our readers have the ability to move resources at scale matters, where we can have global impact. That's what I think about that's what I'm trying to figure out how can we get this thing bigger than it's ever going to be? And I think that's why it was called the hive mind. It's like, it's not gonna be me, but myself, there's gonna be a lot of us that are like me and better than me that are gonna make this happen. So people, like I was hanging out with Aaron Bevins at the conference here at hbhs thing. And we were just talking, he's like, man, he's like, three conversations I've had in this building is like 600 people there. He's like, Is Robert Wednesday, who runs a investor lift, millionaire dude. And then some other guy hit me, he's like, and you he's like, these are the three most powerful conversations that I've had at this event. And I'm not talking about anything other than imagining a scale that I would like to see this business get to. And again, that's like, being able to imagine upwards to such a high level that it doesn't matter. The kind of the, I don't wanna say the collateral damage. asthmatics not gonna do anything bad to get there. But all those little details of how we can put this thing together become insignificant when the picture is that big. Right? And it's not wishful thinking, right? That's why we went with like a MLM type model, is that we want to get a lot of people involved. We want to run a lot of traffic, and we want to help a lot of people get very wealthy. Right, and that was the game. It's like, because anybody can make themselves rich. That's pretty low, no target. But can you make five or 10,000 people around you're wealthier, more. Right? Well, we're gonna give it a try. We're gonna give it a run. And I think we've done pretty good so far. 24:13 Think it's funny how he realized that he was thinking too small. 24:18 Yeah, yeah, even him and he's a big thinker of me guys. He's brilliant. He'll be he'll become a famous, famous musician and promise you if he pursues that path for himself. Even he was like, yeah, he was I'm thinking way too small, way too small. He's like, maybe start hanging out more. 24:34 So I think 24:35 that comes with it comes with the conditioning, the programming, right? Being able to imagine things happening at scale like that just just on that impact, but why do you want to have it? I think that's another thing is what drives you and that that'll dictate the size of mountains that you can move. It depends what you're driven by. And for a lot of people, it's not cash, right. Most people are just, they're just not really that much into money. But even though this is what I teach my kids, I'm like, I don't care what you do. do for a living, I don't care what you want to get into, or what kind of anything, I just don't want you to have to sell your hours to somebody else. That's my main main main thing for you. So I still want them to learn how to do business as someone who wants to learn how to do one or two deals a year, and that pays everything else off they want to do. But now they could, they could have impacted anything they want to have impact in. Like, if you want to be the biggest rescuer of the species that's about to go extinct. Well, at least you know how to drive it, you know where the fuel comes from, from from doing a business similar to this one, and we like land because they're big hits or big, significant hits. So by the time this thing is up and running, and there's hundreds or 1000s of transactions happening per month, then we'll have a lot of resources to push any any agenda that we want to push. That's what we're headed for. So having a goal of saying, hey, I want to own 1000 acres, or I want to own a 500 apartment complexes, that's a very low significant on a global scale. Right. So that's why we don't have targets like that. We want to know how can we drive traffic to 30,000 people and have closings with those people all happening inside of the same organization? Right, on these deals that are 1,000,005 million, 3 million, 2 million. And I just wanted two deals a month. Like what if we could get it to the point to where it inside of the whole organization? You know, we're doing 1000s of deals like that. Is it possible for sure. Do we know how to build it out right now? No, but we're building it. 26:33 So that's that's kind of what I wanted to get on here and talk about is if you do want to have changes, how big or how small of a change doesn't need to be? How big or small Do you want it to be? And then how do you get there? Right? What moves what moves the needle in your life, how important is something to you? Right. And I think that'll dictate how easy or how hard it will be to see those changes. 27:00 Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, I posted the link to the audio book for free on YouTube, into the group. Not in the chat, I'm here because this, that'll disappear, posted it to the group. And I'm going to tag it so that it stays the top. Because it actually covers largely, I've got both the audio book and started off with that, and then eventually ended up with a physical copy that has got so much highlighted color and it isn't funny. Because every time I read it, I see something different or something different speaks to me. And it's it's a step by step on how to achieve a lot of what's been talked about here. I mean, we can pray, we can meditate. But the biggest thing that requires and what's working in this group is after we pray and meditate we take action that gives us ideas that the universe but if we don't take action, we don't get results. When something together, we can do a lot of what what I can't 28:18 so I got 28:24 everything you've said, or everything you've spent so far, it's just absolute fire, you absolutely love it. Appreciate the surprise 28:41 think the fact that we have a strong team that that believes in God and supports each other as much as we do. Makes a big difference as well. Sometimes, you know, you may not start your day off, right, or you may not start your day off, you know, meditating or whatever. Because again, we stay working, our mind stays working. We wake up working and what solicited for me the other day, or I think it was yesterday, we were talking about business on the phone, and then we kind of got off track. And you know, we all have those moments, right of stress of, of, you know, just being on the go, go go and she said hey, you know what, let's stop for a minute. You know, let's stop for a minute. I'm gonna go ahead and grab one of my random devotional cards. And we're gonna go ahead and read those together and do this together. So having that teammate that you know, knows what our team needs, and takes that time to actually meditate along with you. It's very, very powerful. So if you can not only take the time to do it by yourself, but do it with one of your team members. It's great because As both of y'all are aligned to that same vision and mission and purpose that both of y'all have, and this is how we scale up, this is how we level each other up, you know, with that same same mindset. So that's why I said, you know, we have tunnel vision, you know, and that big faith and what we believe in, you know, makes a huge difference. So, both of those things kind of come, you know, hand in hand, we may not start, you know, our day, you know, we, you know, we may have those days where we don't have, we don't start our day off, you know, right, because, again, we just hop out of bed and get to the nitty gritty and stuff like that. But it is very important to kind of take a moment, you know, even if it's not by yourself, but with a team member, to, to kind of have that time, that that reflection, that meditation that, you know, prayer, in a sense time. Because that makes a huge difference on how the rest of your day goes, or how the rest of your week goes, you know, I read a quote, the other day on Facebook that said, force yourself to pray because something's forcing you not to. And that stuck with me, because I was like, Oh, my God, like, I don't wake up praying every day. I may not pray every day, I may not read the Bible every day, which, you know, I do consider myself a Christian, but I'm not perfect, either. You know what I mean? Again, we get into that routine, or that cycle of just being on the go, go go and working all the time that, you know, we just keep going and going and going. And that stuck with me because I was like, yeah, that is very important. Maybe something is stopping me from actually, you know, praying or meditating or having that one on one time. You know, I'm on my end here. So it's just it's very powerful, to to be able to do that, not only by yourself, but also with people that have that same belief as you. And this team is very, very powerful. I believe in everything that Daniels, you know, Anthony is saying, this team is only going to the top. I know. So listen, I and also Nisha, have built, you know our team as well. And it's amazing how things just start snowballing for you. When you surround yourself with with solid good people. So very thankful, very grateful for that. 32:41 Awesome words, for sure. Think Anthony's tied up with something for a minute. So they asked me to take over. Does anybody else have any thoughts or feelings on this? This stirred anybody's minds to oh my god, I was just thinking this, like, I'll just throw in, Marvin just found a deal somewhere. And it's a little larger. And it's not so much that the size of the deal bothered me or shocked me at all, no problems there. But the price breakers a little high. But oddly enough, the way I worded that I see here. So Marvin reached out to me with this, do you want over 100,000 acre? Do we even want to try and get them down to numbers that we think we can work with? Or do we want to try and expand their minds with what we think we can work with? At this point? I had looked at Facebook, I looked at Facebook right afterwards, because an alert popped up. And that's where I saw that this live was starting. And it's funny that I was thinking that way because that small minded mentality, which is goes against completely everything that are generally the ways that I tried to think let me get in and see this and hop in and it was God answering before I've even asked the question, technically, because he had already been moved to have this call and to have this discussion. And to try and light a fire under, under in those who saw it and chose to show up chose to hear the message here. And we're calling that's kind of what this is. It's a calling. So just I found it funny that that happened. And I mentioned it to Marvin, privately. I'm like, I told you, I mentioned to them and I didn't even know this and then I sent him a message saying you know get given here also into this live and realized he was already here. So but it's kind of funny how God moves his universe and moves us around the universe. So anybody else feel free to unmute yourself and hop on it. 34:57 I'm back to men. So 34:59 you Welcome back. 35:07 See, Joe Lopez said, I've been noticing that the majority of the people I've recently come across while starting in this are believers. And I firmly believe that is absolutely vital to everything in our lives. We're on, here's 35:23 something that I think about and talk about, I have two of my very best friends on this planet are atheist, right? And then, of course, they know my beliefs. And the only thing I ever asked him Is this, and like, whenever I need a miracle to happen in my life, I feel like I know how to I know where to find one. Right? I just pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, and then being the thing that I wanted or needed comes through. And then I'm like, Well, when you're when you don't believe in, like, when I guess in a higher power like that, then what do you do when you need a miracle? Right? What do you turn to? So if I had to pick a few different versions of reality to exist in, like, I like to exist in the one where I can just pray and get a miracle. Right? above what their belief isn't, you know, we've we've gone round and round and had hours of conversation about this right? Again, one of my best friends. And I'm just like, dude, if I had to pick your life, and news, wealthy, super lucky, but I think if I had to pick your life in my life, I like my life better. So therefore, I like having that, that religious background or that religious backbone, and doesn't mean that I think I'm better than anybody else. I use F bombs, you know, do things that I'm not proud of. But I just like having that in my corner, as opposed to not having it in my corner. So whatever anybody thinks, Oh, you guys are self righteous, or anything like that, or even talking about it? And from a business setting, right? And if somebody doesn't like it, or they're turned off by it, like, Man, I'm from Texas, you know, I mean, like, I believe in my gun and my Bible, and that's something I'm never gonna sway away from for the rest of my life. So if somebody is like, well, I don't like that Guru, because he talks about God, well, then we're never gonna be friends in real life anyway, pops in. I mean, so I think, being firm and who you are, and then you connect with more people that are just like that. Michael Suarez, he wants to become a pastor probably. Right. So it's like, I love being connected in business with people that are like that, that think about that, that have those same values. And again, I think the negative stereotype goes, Oh, well, they think they're religious, or he's claimed he's religious, but he does x. But in my mind, I'm like, Well, you know, Jesus Christ Himself hung out with a lot of like, thieves and murderers, and you know, a prostitute, right? So it's like, we're not going to church or being religious because we think we're high and mighty, but it's like, I go to church because I know I need to be in there. And I know without God, my life will be nothing and it'll probably go downhill pretty quickly. So like, that's, that's not being righteous. That's me saying like, hey, I need this defense mechanism in my life so that things don't go awry. Right so that's my take 38:00 any any other topics anybody wants to cover? I'm happy to hang out and have this conversation for a while 38:12 well, yeah, I think that's the key of what you just said. None of us are perfect but the thing is, we're actually seeking to be like Christ and you know, seeking righteousness. So that's what's really important in my perspective. 38:30 Yep. And what reward system does a human brain have right us as humans the reward system that we have oh crap, I need to grab this car real quick. Give me two seconds guys. I'll be right back 38:48 positive comments Marvin positive comments we're on at this chair used to be part of the praise and worship team at church what happened? Why are you not now around 39:10 I felt like I had to take some some time to myself because I felt like I was off balance. And I felt that that was unfair for me to go ahead and step on top of the altar without being completely straight with myself, you know, so I felt like it's an I think, and I think all of us go through this. I'm not I'm not sure if everybody does and correct me if I'm wrong, but there's times when you feel off balance, you know, you feel like yes, you know, you. You You have to stay a step down because you have an inner battle with yourself, between being, you know, hearing all of this, you know, what they call worldly stuff. and also staying firm within the church. So it's like you, you feel off balance, you feel off and you feel like you you're not worthy enough to be praising God on the altar, while you have all of this things going on in the background, where you're kind of confused at one point like, who am I? What am I doing? You know, do I want to go this way? Or do I want to go that way? God, can I still worship you still being imperfect? And feeling off balance 40:40 opens up the smells? Sorry about that. 40:44 Does that make sense to anyone? 40:47 Yes. And I will counter that with getting back on the praise and worship team. Not a lot of people know this about me. But I stopped drinking 20 years ago, coming up on 29 years ago, when I feel like shit, I go to a meeting when I tell people, I feel like shit. And I'm on shaky ground. When I'm feeling great, I go to a meeting and tell people I'm feeling great. And here's what I did get to feeling great. But it's more important that I go and tell them I'm feeling like shit, and I'm on shaky ground. And this is getting at me and that's getting that. Now, I'm sure most everybody here was alive during 911 I was I was one of many people alive during 911 had friends who were in New York City, I had friends who worked in the World Trade Center and it turns out I had friends who died there. And a whole lot of people I mean for an alcoholic and addicts and stuff like that. That is a freaky damn time and my excuse to drink was Monday to pretty much any day that ended words day. So you throw something like that out there a whole lot of people want to go nuts and that shake people's religious foundations that's that shake people's spiritual foundations. And when we've got similar stuff going on now in the world, that's when you need to lean into it and be honest, I'm having a tough time. You know, part of leading praise and worship at the church is being honest and being out there with them and letting them know here's what I'm feeling and letting them pray and do you sometimes you're there to take it's okay to go to church and take take take Sundays that's what you absolutely need. Yeah, just as much as it is to go there and give when you're able to get get back into that position if that's something that helped you know, you're only putting yourself on shaky ground by stepping out of your support system. 42:48 Yeah, just as well. Yeah. Pretty much I see the same thing like that's when we should be given more praise you know, for the trials solely on the strength and you know, as you get through it 43:10 exactly. Anybody else getting anything we pray and believe me, I'm not bashing you. I'm not putting you down at all. Get back up there. That's that's part of your support system. You know, get back into that. Let them lift you up. If that's what you need today. I'm glad you're here and glad you told us we're here to definitely lift you up here. But if that's one of your core parts of your support system, lean into it don't run from it 43:54 exactly Joe Lopez just said those when he gets to the chat, sorry, I'm on my phone. Those struggles are tactics tricks, traps, etc to steer us away from God. We've all been waiting in there and all of our life buddy yet always like that's that's if any Neil was talking about you know, religion is part of his core thing. I'm not a religious person. I absolutely hate it. I will never stand by a religion. Just it does not work for me. But I absolutely believe there is a God. I am not God. And I believe heavily in the spirituality in the universe and that connection. Without it, I am nothing at all. So, you know, my my place of worship is a meetings the beach and stuff like that seeing my kids. So 44:56 sure. Looks like Anthony is going to be tied up longer than we thought. So let's go ahead and end this here. And I believe they will probably make this available for everybody. I agree. Can't stand religion but loving father was a father. That's right, truly? Absolutely. Do I believe he walked the earth? Yes. Do I believe he was the son? Yes. Do I believe he wanted us to sit in the church? No, that's just my experience. I mean, I mean, no offense to anybody who believes in it, if that's what works for you, thank God, we all need something. So 45:41 I think is the relationship that you that you have with God that matters the most. It doesn't necessarily have to be within a church or, you know, anything like that, I think it's your, your connection, your one on one time that you spend with him, you know, on a daily basis, or, you know, when you need him, you know, of course, we shouldn't only come to him in bad times, we should, you know, stay humble and stay thankful for, for what's going on in our lives now. But I think having that, that it's a relationship, it's not a religion is basically what I'm trying to say. Yeah. 46:24 Are you on a personal with that? Go ahead and cut this off the annual if you want to go ahead and end the meeting, we thank everybody for showing up today. And being part of this, hopefully, Daniel's able to share the recording to everybody, I see the thumbs up. So thank you, everybody, say a prayer for everybody that was in this meeting, and everybody that didn't make it into this meeting. And remember the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, the audio that's in the group. And everybody knows how to if you don't know how to find your connection to your spiritual medium of choice, reach out? Well, any one of us will happily help you. So thank you. Sorry, go ahead. 47:18 I just want to add here. So I was just to kind of just say, from what Veronica was saying earlier, I pull up my book when I'm feeling like okay, you know, I really need to go grab this book and I just open up a random page and I pray about it and sometimes I'm like, do I Is this for me or for to share and I was listening to you guys and I was like, let me go grab my book and and see what it has to say today. And when you just said to pray for someone. God was like just read this everyone needs to hear it and I'm so we can just in this chat, but I'm gonna read this to you guys. I just opened up to a random page. It says, when you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Instead, be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves perfect Lord, even as a man you could have worn every you could have won every contest silenced every argument ended every debate. Your limitless ability and brilliance made you undefeatable. But that wasn't why you came. It's not why I'm here either is it? I don't behave as though I know this. Forgive me, Lord, helped me remember that just because I can win doesn't meet I need to show me that most of my life is not a competition at all. Remind me that building others up and seeing their success often feels even better than winning, and it's far more pleasing to you. And then there's a question at the end that you guys can ask yourself, are you competing with someone instead of building them up? And mind you there is 365 pages in this book, you guys and I just open this up to a random page. And you know, that's what God wanted us all to hear today. So I just needed to share that and take that you know, however you however you will today for whoever needed that but it spoke to me a little bit so I'm grateful for you know, having this conversation with you all and you know, just like someone else said today, you know, it's just amazing to have this team of of believers and I couldn't I couldn't be more grateful to be a part of something like this I 49:32 truly appreciate it. I truly appreciate and value everybody's time here. Love every one of you was go out and take over the world today and spread some love and some success. Awesome, everybody that Thank you, Anthony. most appreciated. 49:52 Thank you. Yeah, I'm glad to have these conversations. I think we talk a lot about business and then I think we forget about the rest of everything else. And you know, I don't take us was one of those companies that were like, hammering religion on anybody. But it all goes like, into mental health. I'm really big on mental health. My dad, he went to Vietnam, right? So he, he's come back, and he's the best that any guy could ask for. But he's had some struggles, right. And so I've been I've been around mental health my whole life. So everything that I do everything that I say everything I listen to everything I watch, right, I watch almost zero TV. Everything that I do is to like, make sure that I'm firing my optimal mental health level. And that's exercise that literally everything. And I think this is also part of it. So having some kind of even if we're not religious, but so having any kind of like spiritual or connection to a higher power is super, super important, I think from from a mental health perspective. So I want to have more conversations like this, to empower you guys to go out and do what you're going to do, you know, and I do you feel when I'm meeting with somebody, let's say it's like a very wealthy building owner, right? When I was doing big giant commercial roofing projects, or a very wealthy ranch owner, I feel like there's possibly something that I have inside of myself, that this guy would like to have. Right? And that could be my health, it could be that that spiritual is that strong spiritual sense that I have. And it's there's no place of comparison, like saying, hey, my, my spiritual strength is stronger than yours. But all I know is that my connection, I feel is pretty powerful for myself. And I think that anybody would love to experience that. Right. So when you're when you're having these high level conversations or negotiations, you can use it in your business by by knowing that, yeah, I do have I do have a connection to God. And I do practice it often. And I think that gives me a powerful seat. Right? I felt like me sitting across the table from that guy. I felt like, no matter what happens in this deal, I'm still gonna leave here and have what I have and feel how I feel. So it's very pertinent to business and I think we should talk about this more offense 52:06 if anybody doesn't have anything to share any more questions? I think we're gonna head out 52:16 the book is 365 days of prayer for women. Said or Cillizza? Lisa, my apologies. Anthony. So glad you started this. Absolutely. Awesome. 52:33 Pretty cool. I'm gonna try to do some more of these pumps. I wanted to do more of them. What's up? 52:38 needed this? 52:40 What we all do, right? Yeah, we all do you agree. I miss I miss church on Sunday sometimes, right? I try not to miss it all. But I do notice when I get there, like you kind of like spent the energy that week. And then you go on Sunday, and then you feel like your cup is full, right? Like when you leave you feel great, like for no reason. He's just feeling amazing walking out. And then you carry that with you all week. But you kind of like, run out of that juice during the week. And you gotta go fill up again on Sunday. So I think these types of conversations can all help us keep that full cup. And it's more than a positive mindset. 53:13 Oh, yeah. Walk in. I feel really. 53:17 Yeah, I tell you this morning, I was starting to feel like pretty wound up and like, okay, here comes big day, I got a lot to do. I said, You know what, I'm going to stop first, I'm gonna stop and pause first, practice what I preach. Do what we have in the 10 commandments for the group, and slow down. And now Yeah, I feel the same thing you're feeling right now for? I feel like I'm ready to move in. But that was loads that caught on the other lineman for that commercial site and converse. Awesome. So we're having this amazing conversation, how getting your body in alignment, makes amazing things happen. This good stuff happened. And then Lowe's, the hardware store calls me on the other line asking questions about a commercial property I'm selling. So 53:55 look at God, that's all I gotta say, Look. 54:00 That's too, too coincidental. My dad would say there's no coincidence. There's only God incidents. So we're having this amazing, powerful conversation. Getting the feeling in your body feeling amazing. makes things happen cool in your life. Right? We talked about that at the open of this conversation. And then now, you know, an hour later, I get a call from a big like a big gigantic buyer for big like our biggest deal right now commercial deal. So there's about a $4 million spread on that deal, maybe three and a half ish, but that's a significant size deal at any price. And I've been waiting for that phone call forever. And it came right here while we were having this conversation so well. 54:43 I mean, you know, every everything is has and I guess I can speak for myself for I don't know if you guys have that same energy feeling but everything has been Godsent. So Alyssa and I have hopped on the phone several times and we've said that everything He has the way the way it has happened the way it has connected with the connections that we've made, the relationships that we've built, all God sent. I mean, yeah, there's times when we don't know what to do, because things just start snowballing for you. But it's all gone. You know it. And you know, Nisha, and I have been on the phone as well. And we're like, hey, you know what? Right now we're working with small loss. Eventually, we want to work with big acreage, and boom, I started working with Anthony. And then I'm like, holy cow, Anthony tells me don't be afraid of those big numbers work with big numbers. And so when I started thinking about it that way, I was like, Okay, I'm not afraid of these big numbers. And, you know, kind of find out a niche and I started getting multimillion dollar properties, just snowballing on our laps within a week. And then we started talking about, hey, let's get into commercial hey, let's get into multifamily eventually. But God said, Hey, you spoke it, I'm giving it to you. I don't know what you're gonna do with it. You probably don't know how to work it, but I'm gonna give it to you. Because that's what you're asking for. Right? So asking you shall receive but also, you know, sometimes people say, Hey, be careful what you pray for. It's just gonna you know, go ahead and bless you with with what he believes that you can handle, you know, and so it is just a big big blessing. God is good guys. God is good. He's watching out for his people. And that's what he's doing. He don't forget about his children 56:39 love it, love it. Love it. Okay, I'm gonna go to work now. I appreciate y'all hanging out. And then I tried to have these more often don't want 56:48 to come on here and talk about some stuff like this. More. 56:52 Thank you, everybody for being on. 56:56 Thank you. Still 

Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony GaonaProfile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More