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Ep 396: From Pain to Triumph- Lessons on Endurance In Business From Alicia Jarrett
August 24, 2023
Ep 396: From Pain to Triumph- Lessons on Endurance In Business From Alicia Jarrett
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0:32 It's been a while since I've been on live today, but we're here live today. I know sometimes it may seem like we're not live but we're here live today. Welcome, everybody to today's episode of the hybrids podcast today we have special guests. Alisa Jarrett and Anthony gonna co host with me. We're gonna cover a lot of cool interesting topics. So I hope you stay tuned and watch the full recording today. How are we everybody doing today? 0:52 Hey, happy Friday, guys. Happy Saturday for me. 0:57 Oh, yeah. Yeah, forget about that Friday. Okay, cool. 1:02 So Ferber does know you're from Australia. There 1:07 because I'll tell by the accent Daniel. 1:11 But most people don't know this. 1:13 They do. So yeah, I'm an Aussie. I am based in Australia doing deals all throughout the US and currently 807 in the morning on Saturday. 1:22 So bright and early, bright and early. This is not early for 1:25 me, my friends. I get up at five and start work so I can maximize my us hours. So I'm halfway through my day. 1:32 Okay, okay. Yeah, we're the opposite. 1:36 It'd be known right now we are not part of the 5am crew believe it 1:41 exists in my day. Love it. 1:46 Like about maybe seven, seven ish. Yeah. And then I'm gonna go hit a bike, or I'm gonna go hit the gym. And then my business day starts about noon. That's kind 1:53 of that. But it's funny when I'm in the US. And I'll be back over there in the next three weeks when I'm in the US that that how my day starts to pan out too. So I'm not a 5am i by choice. It's more because you know, globally that we might, but when I'm in the US, same as you, Anthony, I'm like, get up when the sun's like well and truly up. Do a bit of exercise. Jump into my day much more chilled? 2:16 Absolutely. I tried it. I used to do it. I used to get up at like when it was still dark outside and start hitting emails start replying. And yeah, by 10am, like your day is already complete, already knocked out eight hours of work. But yeah, I felt like just now where I am in my life. Like I have zero alarm clock. So if I'm still tired, I'm going to sleep an extra 30 minutes or an hour, I just take it. And I will I will come downstairs in the morning and meditate and drink hot water and just you know, kind of just sit there for a while and just kind of pray. And then like I said, next thing is hydration fitness. And then the business business last 2:49 love I'm actually the opposite. So when I do my exercise at lunchtime to break up my day, and at the end of the day is when I have my routine where I go and I'll do some meditation or have like my wind down for the day and and get ready for the following day. So it's almost like my flips. Anthony. 3:05 It makes sense. You being on the other side of the globe, and we're on the other side of the globe. You're on the correct state. Yeah. 3:13 So let's talk about the state of the economy today. I know a lot of people are scared of their there's a lot of wholesalers going out of business and going back to their job. There's a lot of movement going on. But the cash cash is getting a little thin to to put into deals, private money lenders are tightening up. Like, what's the state of economy for you looking like, Alicia, for you right now? 3:33 Um, are you talking in Australia? Are you talking state of the economy for me in the US? Because I didn't do any real estate in Australia. I really do the US. But I guess I'll answer that question into elements. So for those interested, Australia's going through the same thing, so this whole where the state of the economy is at it's it's impacted nearly every country you can think of. So we are going through some rapid changes with our inflation rates, interest rates for people in housing has more than doubled for a lot of them in just the this year alone. The basis points have gone up and people's mortgages have doubled. So people are feeling it over here too. Don't get me wrong. But in the US if I think about our business in the US, yes, we've noticed a change and and markets go through cycles. So I'll get before we jump into state of the economy, let's kind of have this honest conversation upfront with anyone listening, right? markets go through cycles. This is not unusual. We've been here before folks, we've come out of it before markets go in these these ups and these downs. And at the moment, you know, we are in a market shift. As a real estate investor. I think it's important that we recognize those market cycles and we start to adjust our strategies and our approach to our sellers and our buyers to say kind of you know, in line market cycle, because when everyone's is we're gonna zag right so, you know, the economy does have an impact, but in any market shift going back in history as well, even from the 2008, crash, there was still a lot of deals happening, there was what we call contrarian buyers back in 2008. So a contrarian buyer is when the markets down, while the market shifts, they're there in the background, they're waiting for a market shift to happen. So they can go in and spend a whole bunch of money. And that happened last time. So, you know, there's still deals out there to be done. I think the one thing for me that I'd probably want us to focus on today is how do we help people to overcome that fear factor? Because the media does not help us in driving fear in people's minds around the world is about to end? No, it's not. 5:43 No, I agree. I'm one of those people. So last time, there was you know, the 2008, I wasn't in real estate, I was in construction. And my, my significant other at the time was working for like AT and T and a call center. So I don't even know what a recession meant, didn't fill it didn't think about it didn't even notice it happened by the time it blew by and then being in the thick of it as a real estate investor. I think similarly, right. Because Daniel and myself, we focus on a marketing driven approach to business and real estate. Similarly, we we're not checking the price of interest rates, we're not doing anything, because we don't deal with institutions. So it's kind of been business as usual for us. Yeah. I mean, if it wasn't on the TV, I don't think we'd even recognize that we're in a recession, because land is still selling great leads in so we haven't kind of noticed that. So if I see somebody struggling in their real estate business, either from a lead gen side, or sales or acquisition side, I think it's just being a little more crafty and resourceful right now is all it is, but there's a lot of activity still happening. 6:45 Yeah, I 100% agree. And sometimes in these market shifts, what worked for you when the market was great, might not work for you now. So then you've got to think about on your acquisition side. And you I'm preaching to the converted here, right, guys? You guys know this? On the acquisition side? How are we going out to the market differently to get those off market deals? On the disposition side? What are we putting out to our potential buyers? That allows for them to manage cash flow? Are we getting more creative in our seller finance deals? Are we are we looking at, you know, different strategies there? So think in any market shift? You got to adjust your strategies to do that. And I'm with you guys, I've watched the news. I deliberately don't because it's full of propaganda and one person's view of the world and it's full of fear driven stuff as well. But I if I need to research something, I'll go and find out right, but I think the three of us we know enough to be dangerous. But equally I think we're all on that side of the fence. That is I'm not going to let that noise distracts me from doing what my core strategy is. And that's to do real estate deals and serve people in the industry that we work with. Right. 7:52 So I guess I want to talk a little about this as the regulation with texting. I think there's a huge there's, we're dealing with the two we deal with all our customers with ATP regulation. Do you text it all? And have you switched from texting at all? And what I used to do as far as outbound marketing? Yeah, yeah, we 8:11 have switched. So I'm my limited informed view on SMS and texting right guys is I think has got a limited limited shelf life. At the moment, there's still a lot of people out there doing texting, but it feels like the Wild West, right and texting. And if you get it wrong, now that you've got the 10 DLC that's come down, if you don't have your number registered, which was July 5, by the way, you should have had your numbers are all registered. And the regulation you just spoke about there, Daniel, if you're not starting to look at this from a compliance perspective, overnight, if you don't do the right thing overnight, your texting number can be ripped out from underneath you, and you never get to use it again. And I think there's a lot of people out there in the real estate space that don't get the risks at the moment. So we've we've personally moved away from texting, and a lot of our marketing is now still direct mail, direct mail still works, but we're supplementing it with cold calling. And using both American dollars for cold calling main reason. Cold calling is acceptable. It's regulated. You're not breaking any laws by by getting someone's number and trying to have a conversation with them. No, you're still very much in a state of compliance when you're doing direct mail and cold calling. I think from a marketing perspective, you can get very crafty with how you shape that. So Do do you run your data? And then do your cold call campaign first and then for anyone that doesn't respond to your follow up with direct mail? Or do you run your data then that your direct mail once the direct mail has been delivered? Do you then have someone for your bigger price deals because you don't have to cold call everyone but if you're really strong deals that you're going after d then follow up with a cold call that can be more about less about a sales call or more about a consultation call. Hey, we sent you a letter about your vacant land. You know, would you love to get out Without our professionals, Daniel and Anthony, these guys do in a pretty big deal. Would you like to get on a consultation call to talk about some creative strategies for your property? That's a very different marketing angle based upon the current market that we're in. Versus Do you want to sell your land? 10:17 Yeah, I'll tell you, I'll tell you how we're using right now. We definitely got we definitely started cold calling, we started launching that, probably within the last two weeks or so. But one thing, well, how we're using our phone numbers is we're still we still have a phone number on our website, we still have we wait for inbound stuff. So we still run PPC ads, and wait for that call to come in. So we're still using that phone system on the on the receiving side. But actually, on the outbound side, I think it's just little minor adjustments that will still yield results that actually stopping what you're doing, but just listening to the market. How are you going to use that? 10:50 Correct? Is it just right? And we're still using SMS in our sequencing. So for example, when when leads come in, and we've now got their details, so they've opted in West, we're using SMS to communicate really, really heavily, right, because it's a very good communication tool, but we're definitely moving away from it as a marketing tool. 11:11 Yep. 100%. And I agree with that, too, is like don't necessarily drop it 100%, but still use it as effectively as possible, because it still works. A lot of people still like texting with with conversing with buyers and sellers. I still like having that conversation. Yeah, what's your point, it's a great point of contact. Yep. 11:29 And the other thing is, was that all the websites that we build for our customers at the moment, were making sure the websites or even are super compliant, that's got to have an opt in, someone's going to give their details, they got to opt in to the fact that we will be communicating with them via email or SMS, things like that. So all of these little things to keep people complained at the moment is a bit of a big topic. But we've even got customers at the moment that they've they've opted in, we're having conversations, when we're sending them their contract via panda docs, where SMS in them a link, like they're literally doing deals on their phones. So I agree with you, Daniel, don't don't move away from it, use it as a tool to empower your team to do things easier with our customers. Yeah, it's so 12:11 it's such a great, I think texting as a whole, I think we're moving to a generation of texting as a whole because I rarely talk on the phone unless I have to, and I still read the text and I can communicate with my team, the SMS messaging apps as well. Yeah. There's still 12:30 I was gonna say just on that, I think the the most app that I use, and even on my desktop, the biggest platform that I use on a daily basis is WhatsApp. You go customers, buyers, sellers, team, yes, does everything instant messaging now. 12:46 So there's a lot of there's a lot of cool tools out there that you can still use in tangent, that still give you the great connection of connecting with those with those buyers and sellers. Because people just like communicating the way like being communicated. And as long as you can communicate their way you're gonna get, you're gonna get the contraction. 13:04 Can I just comment on that that last thing that you just said there, I think this is really important for people to notice. Like you guys know, we've got a marketing business outside of what we do in the land business, just like you guys do, too. I often talk about customer experience, because I think there's a lot of real estate investors out there, that will set up their businesses to communicate with their buyers and sellers in their preferred way. Like you just said, Then Daniel, you prefer texting because that's, that's your mode of communication. We are not our buyers and sellers are buyers and sellers are buyers and sellers. And you mentioned there where we've got the next generation coming through of people that are more tech savvy and more text savvy as well. But we're still dealing with people anywhere from their 20s and 30s, all the way up to their 80s and 90s. So when we think about customer experience, we need to make sure that we're creating environments in our businesses that allow people to do business with us in any way that they choose and make that super easy. So if they want to text us call us respond to direct mail, go to our socials and messages there, you know, communicate with us via video, go to our calendar and book a time with us like whatever it is, we need to create those mechanisms to make that super easy and then respond in kind. Now, I think a lot of people shy away from all of those different touch points that you can have. Maybe leaving money on the table, if people are doing that. That's probably my question to pose out there. 14:31 No, I'll say that. I'll say that 100% I think this is where like us is several providers. We understand that because we and if you're not in real estate, this is for you to like you need to be in as many points of contact accepted many different forms of payment. Like you gotta you gotta get in front of that customer connect the way they want to be connected to 100% Make it easy. I always say this a lot because we're service fighters to is that if somebody wants to pay you figure it out, figure out how to get them to pay you immediately in any form possible that works easiest for that. So this is 100% for all those other other businesses out there and other niches too, you got to work with the customer and work on their work the way they operate, and you got to be flexible on your side to operate the way they operate. So I think we, I think we get a little we get a little, not necessarily hack, but we get, we get to see both sides of it, because we offer, we also have a service and we do real estate. So it's kind of combining the two. What needs to happen in that conversation? Because we deal with regular service regular customers as well, too. Yeah. 15:33 Let's see if a just changing topic a little bit. We know now like said you gotta be more resourceful in these times, have multiple ways of communication, communicate the way that your buyers want to communicate with you. What about as far as strategies go? So I heard you mentioned now like some creative stuff. So are you guys pitching creative finance now as part of your offer? Or how are you trying to source alternative capital? Right? If institutions are getting a little tightening up their restrictions? 16:01 Yeah, yeah, one of the biggest some things that we're doing at the moment is a joint venture strategy with our sellers, where they become the bank. So, you know, for us where we're like you guys, we're going after quality deals versus quantity deals. So we're looking at bigger properties, entitlements, subdivision, things like that. So we're going out to them and saying, Hey, we know that you've got a big property that you're sitting on, it may meet our criteria to do entitlement or subdivisions on now, if you would have. If you could have done this yourself, you probably would have by now Mr. or Mrs. Seller, but you haven't. So whether or not you don't have the time, the expertise, the patience, we've got all that. So let's partner, if you want to hold on to the land, and you're wanting to extract the value out of it, we've got a way that we can partner with you on that. And we enter into a joint venture agreement with our sellers, to be able to do all of that entitlement ourselves. So So that's been our strategy at the moment, because the sellers don't want to sell for dirt cheap, especially as you guys know, when you're dealing with bigger properties, you're obviously dealing with a lot of property owners, they know what their property is worth, they know that they could extract value out of it, then they've been holding on to it for years, and they're not willing to sell it for dirt cheap. Pardon the pun, but you know, it's about going to them and saying, Well, if you do want to extract the value, but you don't know how, let us do that. And then we'll profit share with you. 17:24 I love that pitch. And that mindset, right there is for one of the partnership, but for two, let's get you as much as possible, not as little as possible. Daniel and myself, we preach about all the time. So I really love that you're in that same mindset. And it only makes sense because of the kind of person that you are. But we try to get the property of the price of the property. And then we try to build the deal around that price, as opposed to only just pulling that one lever of trying to get a discount. Or like okay, look, let's let's try to get you that price. Right, let maybe we can work out some kind of creative terms, or Jamie terms. And then if the seller is like, Well, no, no, I kind of don't want to do that like, Well, hey, I'm offering you exactly what you asked for you know, lowball you. 18:05 And I think you just hit on the right point of offering what you asked for. So if what you're then offering if they changed their mind, well, cool, as long as you've got a number of solutions. So yes, I can buy it from you for cash, this is what it is. And we'll have a quick turnaround, I can JV with you, I can do some wraparound financing, I can do all these different things. So first and foremost, you know, I think in the current climate, we really just got to understand our sellers a bit more about where they're at, because a lot of them are having financial pressures. And they do need to liquidate, but they they want to get the maximum amount of it because tons of top, there's different motivations there for our sellers at the moment that I think we really need to be across. Same with our buyers. 18:45 So one thing I want to say to this is that you need really need to dig in more to motivation. And you hit it for that point, because there's a lot of other underlying motivations. Because that might be they might have a handful assets or their last asset that they have left. And they can't just let it go. They have to squeeze it for what it's worth. So we are always operating, we're trying to build the deal around them and like, hey, when we're like, hey, we have all these different options we could do. But we really need to know what you really need and what time we need it. Because yeah, if you don't communicate with us, we really can't help you liquidate right now. And if you want to look at it right now, these are the options. 19:20 Couldn't agree more. Yeah, I couldn't agree more. And having that really open and honest conversation, I think as well. Being that we're all learning investors, certainly in the last year or two, we've moved away in our team from being less transparent about what we do. And we're moving now into being more transparent, like, you know, whether or not we're going to use the property ourselves that we're going to subdivide, or we might buy and we might hold it. We might sell or finance it to someone who is going to use it like really being open and transparent with our sellers about that. Because I think gone are the days that you need to be a little bit cloak and dagger about this. And really that'll It comes back to what you said, and Daniel, if we understand their motivation, and I think it's only fair that they need to understand our, you know, we're all in here to make money and put food on the table at the end of the day as well. And if we can strike up that relationship where honesty and openness is at the heart of especially right now, with the market shift, then that goes a long way to build trust with with our audiences. And that, you know, I always say we are in the business of relationships, not real estate, 100%. 20:24 And thinking jumping, we've actually adopted this 100% 100% transparency, we tell them what we're doing upfront and how we're going to do it. And that way, we tell them the skills we provide to the transaction two, because the asset they bring to the transaction is the deal. And that might be us, by bringing the deal, we want to bring all our cash, which costs us something. So with high interest rates, you're always wondering, Hey, this deals, if I buy it with my own money, it has to be at this price point, because money is expensive. Yeah. If you're gonna bring the deal, we can pay you a lot more, but you got to bring the deal with us from A to Z. And this is the timeline is gonna take this is a process gonna take, this is what we're going to do to extract this value that you want to negotiate on price. I'm gonna give you your price, but this is what we want to give you based off of the parameters you want. And the price point you want. 21:13 Yeah, I love that. Danny, the value is in the service that we bring, especially if you're dealing with a property that's got probate issues and a whole range of other stuff that the seller just doesn't want to deal with. Like, that's the value right there. 21:26 100%. Yeah. 21:29 I think that's what we're always hunting for. And that was exactly gonna bring that point up. Next is we did move from like, Hey, I'm your buyer, you know, and then of course, then doing what we do on the back end. And now our pitch goes, Hey, we're gonna take it and we're gonna subdivide it, and we're gonna file entitlements. And I even told my seller, I was like, Dude, I might make $20 million on this deal. I said, I might make 10. I said, I'd rather go 5050 with you. He says not okay. Do you just be the buyer? All right. And I told him, I said, you know, I might not be able to get it done in a year. So I don't want to set false expectations. He's like, Well, just if you need to, we'll just do to the worry about it. Yeah, Lee. Okay. All right. Here we go. Let me do a 4.4 million he let me do half a percent down earnest money. Not percent. So it's just that's as transparent as you can get like, Hey, sir, I'm probably going to make several million dollars on this. Are you sure you don't want to JV it? He's like, Nope, you're the buyer. Okay. Have a nice day. Let's do it. The contract. So, 22:25 again, it's time people are motivated by different things time versus money for him. And again, people will look at it and go, Well, I'd rather X amount now versus X amount later because we have no idea what's going to Well, hopefully we do because we've spoken with them, but no idea what's going on in their life as to why they might need that sooner versus later. Yeah, the interest people are interesting, aren't they? 22:50 You know, you'd be surprised. I love it though. Like now, like I said, our last day we did 350 acres in Greenville, Texas, and we told the seller upfront from the beginning we're gonna subdivide, we're gonna do ranchettes. We even had her sign in our contract that we have the right to like subdivide and sell the property and show buyers before we close like it was in our documents. So it's like, the more transparent we're becoming the easier real estate's getting like, Oh, dang, you know, finding that failing is shady, but it's like, Dude, we're providing a service. Our sellers love us, they know exactly what we're up to. So there's nothing shady about it. It's a cool business to be in. It's a blessing. And you know, we're meeting a lot of great people like yourself, and I was thinking recently, like, everybody's playing on their scorecard, right. They're playing, how many assets do I have? How many doors do I have? How much cash flow do I have? But I think the one asset that nobody ever talks about is the relationships that you can collect along the way in your business. Because at the end of the day, when you when it's all said and done, and then the smokes are gone, and the numbers look good. And, you know, maybe you only have 10 or 20 years left, you know, what kind of friends do you have? What do you who can you call on a Saturday night and talk and catch up and laugh? And I think that's another thing that that people just not paying attention to that as an asset. And Daniel, myself art, we're like, man, just if you take a look at anything in our business, take a look at the friends that we have in the relationships that we've built. Oh, my 24:07 goodness, Anthony, I couldn't agree more like every single trip to the US. So we've been back in Australia about seven weeks now. And we were over there for nearly eight weeks. We're going to be back again soon for another eight weeks. So I'll be seeing you guys in a few weeks. I'll see you guys Yeah, we're gonna be in Houston and Dallas for a while so we will see what we can do. But the point I was going to make here is every city that we ran, I just put it out to a didn't actually specifically say to anyone, I was just Hey guys. We're going to be in the US. We're going to be at these locations. Let me know if anyone wants to catch up for lunch or dinner. In every location. We had a minimum 14 people. This is across Phoenix, Houston, and LA. We had three three events. People drove for hours to come and just sit and chat and I was so honored and so grateful and so blown. In a way, but it just comes back to what you said, you know, who do you want to sit around with on a Saturday night and have a chat with them. And I was, I was so humbled by just how many people in this community that that we all built around vacant land and what we're all doing, it's different to single family homes, that's for sure. So if anyone watching at the moment they can land is where it's at. But you know, that community that we build and people that we do deals with and that we link arms with, it's so amazing. 25:30 One thing I love, I love the SOCO. I wanted to go back a second to because I think back to the fire thing, and then maybe jump back a little later, but I had a train of thought in my head. But I think a lot of people teach to attack the deal and kind of put wool over people's eyes to try and get the transaction done. Like, oh, I need to have an inspection period. So I can have my, my partners and contractors view the property. And like as this like total opposite approach, like hey, we're gonna catch up, we're not buyers coming to the property because they're gonna buy attorney because office 300 Take this out, 26:04 we're signing up a property right now. It's a 14 one acre lots, it's like a developer built all these lots, they've been selling them. And we just made an offer on all the remaining lots. So now we got a verbal agreement on everything. And we we told the guy that we're going to be showing the lots to sell them. And the developer was like, Okay, great. So we're, they have signage up on property and everything, we're just gonna just ask like, we're gonna get it in our contract, our phone number goes over the top of there's, like, how much more transparent? Can you get? You know, 26:34 this is the thing, guys, it's when people don't have to second guess you. And when they you're not leaving them with unanswered questions. You know, the psychology behind that is there's no resistance. So I guess the thing I want to put out to anyone listening today is What are you doing to lower resistance? 26:52 Hmm, there you go. Hmm. That's a good one. 26:56 Yeah. One of the things that came from it was just in there somewhere, 27:01 is about this deal as a whole, the 14th lot deal is that it's leveraging our skill set, which are skill sets and marketing. Whereas a builder developer, they might have the cash and time and the deal to actually subdivide and do it. They might have worked on that deal for two, three years. Who knows, but they need our skill set where we're at right now. And that's where they're willing to do the deal with us at the end. Because that's what we do. That's our skill sets, I think the biggest thing is, find out what your skill set is a dig in, because you might be able to do that skill set in every type of transaction over and over again. And that might just be the thing you do. 27:32 Yeah, yeah. Correct. I mean, we've got one of our customers that is she she absolutely loves doing probate deals. And when the numbers work out, right, she and her team, the investigative skills, they've got to find out information and then get probates done is phenomenal. And these might be deals that no one else wants to touch, because they have too hard. That's the other thing. We were talking with someone the other day, and I said, No, the gold is in the difficult stuff. When people aren't willing to roll up their sleeves and do the difficult stuff. Like that's where the gold is because people were wanting people are always wanting an easy way in this business scenario. And coming back to what you said, Anthony before, there's a lot of people out there, like educators that are still trying to pull the wool over people's eyes, I still see that and it makes me cringe a little bit. But I also see the opposite, where people are offering services now to deal with the difficult stuff, because that's where the real, not only the real money can be made. But that's where the real service and value add can be done as well. 28:32 Yeah, pick your heart, right? 28:33 Everything's hard. So they just say like, pick your heart. So you want to work on a big giant subdivide, it's gonna take 18 months, you know, where you make a million dollars on it? Or do you want to work on five, you know, probate airship deals, where there's 10 or 20 people involved, but you know that the payoff is going to be great. So I think there's enough still enough deal flow in the marketplace where you can kind of just pick whatever you're interested in doing. Decide what kind of return you want to make for your investment, and then go from there. But yeah, bury yourself with deals until you just run out of hours in the day. But even us, we're starting to get more and more picky now on stuff that we want to take on. Like we used to say, hey, if it had a 50k spread, we'll take it or a 20. Now we're like at 100. Now we're looking at a million like let's let's pick deals that are a little bit more challenging, that take a little bit longer, but have a lot higher payout so that way we have a lot less deals bigger spread as opposed to having 30 or 40 or 50 deals working at the same time. Yeah, 29:26 love it. Love it. Matt Andrews is this commented Hey, Matt, Alyssa, Jared is a beast. But he's got a mastermind that were part of the family mastermind group will be overseeing him in Tampa in a couple of weeks. So you guys should be a part of that group. By the way. If you're not 29:43 happy to take a look. What's up, Matt, thanks for hanging out, man. 29:45 Yeah, I'm going to introduce you guys via email. I think you guys would be awesome to be part of the group. But coming back to the thing you just said then Anthony, I think this is really interesting about you know, hard the word hard. I always say to people hard or the word difficult. are hard, hard is not a fact. It's a feeling all that you're doing now you've gone from a 50,000 to $100,000 deal to a million deal. And above and beyond, you're just adding zeros. You know it. That's really all that it is. And I think some people overthink these things. So when someone gets a deal, and they go, Oh, that's hard. I always say compared to what? Because it might not be that hard. Like, I might look at a deal and go, that's not hard. I've done that before. So hard is not affected the feeling. I think people need to take that on and really just sit with that and go, am I not doing this? Because I'm feeling like it's really hard? Or should I just dig in anyway, and go for it? Because a lot of the time stuff isn't as difficult as what we think it is. 30:42 I love that. I love that. Yeah, it really is a mindset. And I did a podcast a few months ago. And they said like, well, what's your like, great thing or your superpower. And I'm like nothing and it's just like brute strength. Just you need to just like hammer stuff out, take a lot of pain, put in a lot of hours. And then I don't think twice about it. Like I'm not like Woe is me. We just crank and crank and crank sometimes Daniel myself on the phone, eight or 10 different times for an hour, two hours at a time just pushing through stuff. And he never complaints. You know, I never hear Daniel say, you know, hey, I'm sick and tired of this, or this is wearing me out. He's just working and working and working like a damn machine. And then he checks on me and I'm doing the same thing. And like, if I know if I call him and he's like, Hey, dude, I'm busy. I can't answer or whatever I'm like, I already know he's buried up to his neck then because he's we're usually pretty good at communicating with each other. And then to me, he's like, Hey, can you hop on the Zoom real quick? And like, dude, I'm buried like, I'll call you back. 31:33 I love that cannot Can I pose the question now to everyone listening? Because I'm absolutely, yeah, let me I'm gonna get a little bit controversial here guys, if this is okay, that all right. 31:45 Yeah, that's what makes this stuff so juicy. Sorry. 31:49 There's a lot of people out there selling the not necessarily the get rich quick, but the you know, you can become your own millionaire and and replace your income and do this and do that. Like there's a whole lifestyle of an entrepreneur, right? Yeah. But here's the reality. If someone, if I said to someone, give it a year or two, maybe two years, let's give you two years, and you have a bank account. That's probably better than what you've ever imagined. And you know, you'll have all these goals that you wanted to. But in those two years, you're going to work 70 or 80 hours a week, you're probably going to miss friends and family's birthdays, you might not take a vacation in that time. Actually, let's make up for years. Because there's always things that come up and things get pushed out. You're gonna find yourself questioning a whole range of things as you go through this to go, Oh, my goodness, you know, am I on the right track? Or am I failing? You're going to have people question what you do, you're going to have people tell you to just go back and get a job, you're going to have all these things happen? Are you willing to do it? What do you think most people would say? No, no, no. And I think that's the difference between those that no part is not a fact. It's a feeling, those that push through all of that to get to that goal that they're really looking for, and they're not willing to accept anything different than those that get three or four months in and go, This is too hard, and they go back and get a job. So when we started this conversation, Daniel, you mentioned something really poignant. He said, You know, there's a lot of people going out of business at the moment or aren't making it through. My question back to them is, what are you doing? When times get tough? How do you dig deep? How do you stay the course? How do you pivot your strategy to remain relevant, like that's the stuff that that that grips and that determination, that's what makes people successful at the end of the day, not doing the basics 33:35 100% I'm gonna say I'm gonna add to this because I think it's five to 10 years, it's five to 10 years mean anything, we're doing this before, and a lot of people that are like, Alex or Mosley came out with a video literally, like last week, and he talks about how if somebody tells you to hold your breath, you know, they're gonna say in 10 seconds, hell you can breathe now. But if somebody tells you to hold your breath, you don't know how long they're gonna tell you hold your breath. Are you? Are you gonna do it? You're like, No, I don't want to give you it's gonna, it's gonna hurt and it's gonna hurt inside and it's gonna hurt. Because you never told me to tell me to breathe, you know? Exactly. So it's one of those things where like, how, and this is where like, I think you have to be well rounded even on the backside. Because when you're first starting out, you might have to keep your budget low. You might have to be a minimalist, keep your mind go out expensive vacations, expensive dinners, you might have to sacrifice for a mean minimal time to get to where you want to go that maybe you have to cut something back. Just have a little bit more marketing dollars this month. Yeah, we've done it. I know you I'm sure you've done it. In these done it, I've done it. We've all done it. And that is what are you willing to sacrifice for the for the small amount of time whether it's two to five years, seven years, are you willing to put in that work consistently over and over again, with little to no result? To the point where and when it's hard and when it's hard to yield the result you actually want. And I think a lot of people that it's not sort of gibberish. Christine, for me, I don't know how you been doing this in leadership of meaning. It was almost five years. Yeah, well, 35:11 seven years in from when we first started fixing flipping houses to then moving into vacant land to then supercharged offices like four and a half years in. And there hasn't been a month where we haven't had challenges. But we've also had triumphs, you know. So it's been a long hard road, guys, but I'm super excited about where we're at and for what's to come. And I think that that's, we've got to keep that focus, right, you know, you can see I've got a massive whiteboard here that's got our whole strategy for the year mapped out. And we are like, all systems go on on fire, but doesn't mean that you don't have tough days, right. But that's, that's the, we've got to keep on going. 35:48 100%, like I said, You're seven years meaning in theory, right, like four and a half to five years. And like this has takes a lot of work a lot of effort, like people to understand, like the effort that comes into doing stuff like this podcasting, video editing social media, to dealing with your clients and customers building websites for them, like, there's a lot that goes into this thing that you see, for maybe the 1015 minutes that you watched it, or you're watching the whole thing, like you've been here, 35 minutes with us. Like, you don't see all the effort that comes into what got us here to this point today. But you don't understand what it's gonna take us all the time. Like, I feel like we're close to the tipping point. And I'm like, am I gonna miss the struggle of doing all this hard stuff right now? Because it's gonna be a lot easier later. Like, I don't know, I don't know, I haven't made it yet. And I don't know, I see it at the horizon. But like, am I gonna 36:43 think about that, too, Daniel. I've got spare time. 36:47 I got a hustling. What am I gonna do with like, if I don't have a customer call? Or I don't have a podcast at this time? Like, what am I gonna do? Like I don't? Yeah. 36:55 But I think that that's also the the mindset of an entrepreneur is that we're already thinking about what's next for our businesses and businesses being plural, like, what where do we go to when we're when we got our business to the stage that we want to do? What, what's next? And I think it's important to keep that in mind. But also to keep in mind like, what's the kind of when you reach that tipping point? What is your lifestyle look like that you want to lead? Know it coming back to that question I posed before? Are you willing to give all this stuff up to get the result that you want? What are you then willing, when you get that result to add back in? And to do that in a way that you don't break yourself? Because we get so conditioned to working the hours we work and no push, push, push? If we were to pull back? What does that look like? And I think we've got to honor ourselves in that and give ourselves that reward as well. 37:43 100% I know Anthony's got some some some stuff on this about mental health and taking care of your your inner your inner mind. Because I think we I think we're us as entrepreneurs. We're gluttons for punishment, because we push ourselves to the edge to the point of breaking and then repair sounds like it's kind of like it's kind of like a vicious cycle. 38:04 Many a time, guys. It sounds like the definition of insanity. Recommend this and then then they're seeing yourself back over and over again. What's up John John John fanzine, he's able to Hey, John. John's a really cool guy. He's he's working on special projects we have we're about to launch right now. So I think we're gonna do some I think we're gonna do something amazing soon with John and Tony floor is no, cool. Yeah, I'm excited. I think, you know, I guess we aren't gurus, right. People recognize us on the stage sometimes, right? We're in the spotlight, we put ourselves out there and leave ourselves open to criticism, right, we share the sensitive parts of our journey, right. And so that's what something Dan and myself talk about a lot is we know it hurts we know it hurts to be an entrepreneur, right? You have to be able to take more abuse than the average average person that just has a nine to five and the app I think I do spend a lot of time personally healing myself and I love talking about that and sharing that and sharing that part of my journey. But anything from fasting to saunas, to protein powders to meditation to I mean prayer, we talked about spirituality going to church or whatever your your belief systems are. So that we are a well rounded entrepreneur then you can take that amount of abuse right to be able to put in the hours and put in the work to to make the magic happen. And everybody like you said they make they make it seem so easy, right? The gurus like it's so easy, and I think we're starting to like even the way we have transparency with our buyers and sellers have transparency with our students in our in our co workers to let them know like, hey, yeah, this is not easy. It's gonna take a lot of work. And you're gonna have some sleepless nights and you're gonna feel like ripping your hair out. But if you come out on the other side alive, you know, then life gets pretty good, right? We can make six months or a year's pay for your average American, you know, in sometimes in a couple of weeks or in a couple of days. But it doesn't come overnight. It does take a lot of hard work and I think right now a lot of what the especially on the land side, the gurus You're pitching is like, virtual right? And you're an expert at that you're so but you know, we're talking about like jumping barbed wire fences and dodging snakes and stuff. And it's just 40:09 last time I was on a call with you, you were in your truck on the way to visit a property. Right? Yeah, I mean, we are doing this from the other side of the world. But again, that that means that we still need to approach it from the same perspective. It's just how do you use different mechanisms boots on the ground? Different technology to have that that relationship with your your sellers to so where there's a will there's a way that's for sure. 40:31 Yeah, we like we like being hands on. And yeah, like, if we don't have somebody in that city, then yeah, for sure. Then we have our D. Andres, right over there in Florida. And we have our team in Dallas, we have people in Houston are Jr. Octavio is. So yeah, we work a lot of virtual stuff ourselves. But I love the idea of getting your hands dirty and, and getting out there and getting in the weeds and getting in the mud. Like it's just, it's just part of what we do. And it's what we're willing to go through to push these deals through to the next level. Right. So it's a combination of everything. But it is hard. It is a lot of hard work. And I think that we need to honor that and talk about that to say, hey, if you're gonna make a lot of money in this business, yeah, like you said, you're gonna, you're gonna have to have nerves of steel. And you're gonna have a couple of minutes to put yourself 41:13 out there, right? Yeah. And I think I just want to pay homage to anyone watching this. They're like us, guys, you know, we're putting ourselves out there all the time, it does take a lot of courage to do that. I just want to stop and recognize that in both of you and know, the likes of Matt Andrews, and what he's created as well, right, I'm working and speaking with a lot of entrepreneurs a lot. Nobody has gotten to the results that they have without some battle scars along the way. No one. So I think, you know, a lot of people out there will look at, at someone and go, I want to be like them, you know, I want the results that they've gotten. And the reality is, you don't get there overnight. And you don't get there without those those battle scars. So just you know, every now and then it's good to just rather than criticize to just stop and recognize how much hard work people are putting in. And I know you guys put an exceptional amount of hard work in for your, your crew. You know, people that that use your systems and stuff as well. And I just want to honor both of you in that too. 42:10 Thank you and congrats from you from from doing it from afar. You know, we've we've worked with so many people around the globe. And we've heard the complaints and people that have tried to hey, I'm trying and it's because I'm overseas, I can't get a break. And then we meet you and you're absolutely destroying it. And we're like, why does she think it's so easy? When a lot of other people we've worked with in the past have just had every excuse to just make it why they they can't do it. It's just impossible from where they are. So 42:33 stayed on the right word. Excuse. 42:35 Yeah, that's all it is. Yeah. And as soon as we met you, I was like, holy smokes, okay, amazing. paradigm shift for us, is that no matter where you are on the planet, you can be effective, and you use the word resourceful. I think that's what it is, is I'd rather have somebody who's resourceful than somebody who's intelligent, or somebody that has a degree, like just somebody who thinks on their feet. And a lot of people on our team are young kids, you know, 21 years old, 22 years old, they don't know anything, but they're absolutely resourceful and full of energy. And they are hungry. It happened, you know, they're not, they're not smart enough to second guess themselves. 43:09 Yeah, that's a perfect opportunity to impart your your knowledge, your wisdom and the things that you're doing, because they don't have any preconceived ideas out about how to run this business. Right. I think that's also a beautiful gift that you're giving them to surround, to have them be surrounded by you guys as entrepreneurs and teach them how to do things. That's great. 43:30 Yeah, I think it's just being open minded. I think a lot of people they get stuck in, they get stuck in their own little rut. And I think I think being adaptable and changeable because I think even you said earlier that you are used to be a house flipper, there's still house flippers that flip houses for 1015 years, 20 years, they're still doing it. Now. I know if I saw the house flippers out there, but look at look at other opportunity with the objective lens, because you might see other opportunity differently now that you've experienced and you have, you've aged and got wiser over time. Yeah, I think I think I think being optimistic and looking at what other things are out there. Because I think a lot of people get stuck in their rut. And they might make a lot of money in that rut. But there might be other opportunity that takes less stress and less less effort to produce similar results. 44:18 Yeah, and particularly coming back to that whole global piece. Like we now work with customers across nine countries or doing deals in the US and every single one of them. You know, we're talking Israel, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Asia, all these people that are all doing deals in the US, none of them have excuses. But you know, it's how do you look for those opportunities at the right time and just embrace it and go for it? 44:43 I think having somebody like you in their corner for one to say, look, I'm doing it right now live. So just follow me. I think that's super easy for somebody to contact you and say, Well, if you're doing it from there, I have to be able to do it from here. So that's super cool. Yeah. I wanted to ask you real quick about what the Florida market looks like. This is Just like a selfish question, this might not help our viewers by guessing. Well, you know, we only do deals in Texas, we've done a couple of deals in Florida, but primarily in Texas, I would just want to know, like how the landscape varies, because I am getting a lot of leads from over there. And I've been wanting to send you some stuff, I have sent you a couple of deals to look at. I think the only thing that keeps on making me scratch my head and like kind of steer away from that market, is the wetlands like, it seems like that would be like its own problem. And then so it's just like, adds another layer and then the different wildlife? Like, we don't have that. I mean, we probably do, but not to the extent that they do over there. So I wonder if you could speak about that a little bit and how you overcome it? 45:39 Yeah, 100% guys, so first of all, though, the market in Florida is still really hot. We've only ever done Florida, and we continue to do Florida, it has become a lot more competitive, you know, I won't lie there's the conversion ratio has definitely shifted this year and last year compared to what it used to be. So yeah, a lot more competitive wetlands, the biggest deal that we have done to date has actually been a wetlands property. So I think what you've got to realize in Florida with wetlands is they come in all kinds of shapes and forms just because it's got wetlands on it doesn't mean that it's wet underfoot, it could mean that that the wetlands itself is only taking up a portion of the property majority of the property could be upland, when you get it survey, is there's different types being seasonal wetlands versus just, you know, used to be wetlands, and no one surveyed it, and 10 years and all of a sudden, the wetland is not there anymore. So things shift and move. But you can obviously use data to help you get informed on that. So we personally don't take wetlands out of our data at all, when we're doing marketing. Because wetlands are also great recreational properties. There are different things that you can do for them. So again, I would say don't shy away from Florida because of it. Look at it as we are not out in buyer at the end of the day. So we get a good property and we can see that it's wetlands. Well, first of all, now we'll look at what type it is. Is there any if you get a delineate an environmental report done and delineation survey, are there any protected species, like if there are protected species will opt out of that deal, right, because the last thing we want to do is upset flora and fauna. The other thing you need to keep in mind is in Florida, for certain properties, if you wanted to use that property, and it is wetlands, but no protected species, you've got to pay mitigation credits to be able to then offset that wetland. So that ecosystem into making that land usable. And that can when you're doing things like entitlement deals and stuff like that it can add into the cost of it. But again, run your numbers, if it makes sense. Move forward. If it doesn't make sense don't. So yeah, Florida is still got a lot of areas in it that are not wetlands. 47:48 So I have a question about mitigation credits. So how do mitigation credits work? And is it like for a certain size property? You need a certain amount? Or is it based off of what your use cases? 47:58 Yeah, it's got that's a tough one to answer because I haven't had to pay them in a very, very, very, I'm talking years. So I'm gonna give a high level answer here. Because to be honest, I haven't needed to look at it in a long time. But when we did, last time we did it was based upon the size of the property and the portion that was wetlands, there was a certain amount per like, you know, acreage, or quarter acre, the the the mitigation amount that you needed to pay to the county or, and then they would offset that. So they they said, Look, we'll now take that money, we'll put that into more environmental projects to keep other wetlands going. You can now use the property in basic sectors. That's just how it works. And don't even ask me what the amount was, though. That was so many years ago, I can't even remember, but we still did the deal. So it wasn't to the extent that we couldn't do the deal. So that's okay. 48:46 It's more like a tax not necessarily be 48:49 a great way to look at it. Dan. Yeah. Second tax. 48:54 Florida, here we come. 48:58 out of Florida and out of Texas. 49:00 We got our hands full here, Guy Lee. And I think we might never stop coming to the blessing that the hivemind community has done for our business is we just get an unlimited supply of leads forever now. So we can have zero paid marketing and the lead flow is never going to stop now. So that's a pretty cool 49:19 guy. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, that's awesome. 49:24 Thank you. Yeah, that was that was the goal for hivemind. It was to be like a self sustaining lead engine. And it's like, I would say six months ago, it really fired up big time. So we're kind of excited. We're still like, new, like, it's still new to us, because we're like, Okay, now let's figure out what to do with all this traffic and a whole new set of problems that we can get ourselves into. 49:41 Yeah. All right. new set of problems. There's positive problems and there's not positive problem. That's a positive problem. 49:48 Yeah, now now, like, you know, just watching the business unfold, what's the next challenge? You're like, we could have too many deals to lock up right now we have 1020 deals to lock up and everyone needs somewhere between one and 20,000 of earnest money, you know, you can burn through reserves pretty quick. So yeah, we started doing the gator thing now. So we're like lending money. And now we have other gators that want to lend us money for our deals. So lots of cool things, just watching it all, evolve, you know, and people ask us like, how do you guys do all this? And like, Atul, no. 50:19 Yeah. How do you do it? Oh, is I think when an opportunity comes knocking you, you look at it, you open it up and you go, how can we do this versus when an opportunity comes? If your first reaction is No, I don't have time or there's not enough? Well, then you're gonna miss out. But you guys are like that, you know, I've met you both a few times now. And you're both very open to stuff, which which makes a difference. 50:38 So I do have a story to tell you that it's kind of funny, because I think you'll laugh at this one, Alicia. So Anthony told me to target a certain niche in real estate and told me just build a website and build up the automation. So I had me and my team, go on there, build the website, build the automations. website was terrible. Literally, we had a domain, we got a phone number for it set up automations for the phone number. And then we just let it, I forgot about it. And I get an email report about how many website visitors we get per month on that website. And I was like, Wait, we're getting traffic on this on the I told you this, I checked the traffic. And we had two leads sitting in our inbox that were three to four weeks old that we need to respond to because we forgot about it. 51:24 Oh, my goodness, yep. The leads come from anywhere and everywhere these days, guys. And I always the thing that I always come to with the online stuff is you just never know who's looking. And I've had customers in the past that when we built out websites for them, all of a sudden their lead flow goes up. And they're they're seeing they're getting different types of responses. And she said, and people have actually commented on my website, and she had a terrible website before. She said it made me realize that people were probably checking me out before but they didn't go to the next stage because they didn't like what they what they saw. Like you just never know the impression that you make with someone in an online world. 51:59 You know, I got a cool story about that real fast. So now with like our online branding, right, and we're openly talking about our deals and how much money we made. And we're all celebrating, right? I had a gentleman that was like kind of very untrusting on the phone. And he's like, Well, how do I know who you are? And how do I know this? I'm like, why don't know, go look me up. You know, you could Google me, you can find out who I am pretty quick. And he was very, very abrasive. And he was like, okay, I'm fine. Thank you. And that was it. He didn't text me back. And I'm like, okay, that guy's weird. Well, sure enough, doesn't he call it three weeks later? He's like, Okay, I want to do the deal. Like, Oh, dang. So he actually went, looked at all of our online content. And he was drawn to it. And he wanted to do business with us. And then similarly, I have a private investor yesterday, who agreed to go into a deal over six figures. And, you know, same thing I talked about hive mind and the CRM and the whole background, because he's like, how are you getting all these like deals like it has to be impossible to find them? And I'm like, No, not really, you know, we got this community. And I told her all about it. And she went, and she investigated it. And today, we got on the phone with the attorney. She said, Yeah, she's all in. She wants some lemons over 100 grand for a deal. So it's like, I absolutely love 53:03 that. And I think for anyone listening, he's the the message in that, right? When we're doing properties. We do due diligence. Our sellers and our buyers, particularly our sellers, they do due diligence on us. Yeah. Don't ever underestimate the power of having a good online presence, or at least some good assets that you can share with them about who you are and what you do. 53:25 Yeah, I didn't know how it would go. It could go either way. Right? They could go investigate and say, Hey, I don't like this whole idea of you guys buying for 50 cents on the dollar and flipping. You know what I mean? But no, yes. So far, so good. So it's like now Daniel even says he's like, wouldn't even need a business card. Or they asked who are you just telling go Google me. That's been kind of interesting, like paradigm shift for myself is because like, I don't want my customers to see my online content, because it's like the Guru's stuff. But no, they love it. They go into check us out, and they like it. And they see what we're doing. Like, yes, this makes perfect sense. I want to do that, guys. Yeah, yep. 54:01 Yep. I love it. It's like, you know, you want to take me out here. Go listen to 50 by 50 on podcasts that we've been on, they just go for it, guys. I think that's where it's at. Now, 54:11 you talked about that earlier is like letting the people know what we're going to do. So we actually made a commercial on a subdivide that we did. We made like we hired a film crew, you know, 10 grand worth of videos and editing to shoot a commercial and now it's like, we're going to use that to send to our customers when they say how do I know you guys know what you're doing? Like? I don't know. Watch this episode. 54:30 nomic guy that's fantastic. Yeah, 54:33 that's what we're aiming for next. I think this whole being out in the open and being public about what you do is gonna prove to be amazing. More so probably every single year as time goes on. Yeah, the proof 54:43 is in the pudding. Hey, yeah. 54:46 So where can we find you? How can people join your mastermind? How can they learn from you? Share with us 54:52 absolutely If so, I don't have a mastermind. So I do have a Facebook group that's a land group called the land investing motivation mastermind is sister Sharing caring kind of group. But supercharged offers is where most people can find me. So they can go to supercharged offers.com. They can also go to our Facebook supercharged offers, they can email me direct. So Alyssia at supercharged offers.com. That's mainly our marketing business. And marketing business now is bigger than our land business, which is super exciting. Wow. Yeah. 55:23 So what exactly does your marketing business do? Can people hire you for services? Or can they buy leads? Or what are they? 55:28 Like I said, we are a little similar to you guys. I think we've spoken about this in the past. But we are focused on real estate acquisitions. So we become the fractional marketing team for the real estate investor. Because the other thing I always say to real estate investors, I literally had a call with a customer just before getting on with you guys. She works. She's a solopreneur works on her own, doesn't have a huge amount of time. And so therefore, she's really hit and miss with their marketing. So one of the things that we do is we build out an acquisition system that we do all of your festival business design. So what's your strategy? And how do we implement a consistent strategy with you, for you should I say, we're then building out all of your data, scrubbing your data, pausing it running your sales reports, getting your strategy really put in play the same time we're building your online store doing your branding brand strategy, understanding your value proposition, custom content, custom websites, building out your socials running ads, so everything from an acquisition side we're doing it all up until the point when your phone rings because as a real estate investor, anyone listening your time should be spent on that phone with sellers and buyers doing deals all this other stuff that needs to happen before then we do it for you Zed, we now work with a quite a few 100 Thanks, Lani, Melanie Winters is on she's one of our customers based in Hawaii she's been getting some incredible deals lately which is great and I love working with her so we took her from she's been learning I hope you don't mind me sharing this I'm not going to go into the detail but she has been doing this a couple of years was really inconsistent you know, I call it the roller coaster ride she's just said there it's changed my business so we've now got a super consistent with Oh, my computer froze there guys Have you still got me you're gonna give me a super consistent got a very detailed strategy with her mailings. So her direct mail her online strategy, her website. She's like, go for it. Yeah, her businesses more than doubled in that in that first month working with us, which is excellent. 57:31 Well, congrats selenium. I'm glad that it's working out. Yeah. Like, I think knows, if somebody doesn't know who you are, they need to go find out. Look. You know, your people are in the comments. They love you to death. We know who you are. We've been admiring you from afar, so I can't wait till we do a JV deal together. And the young guys reach out to Alicia, she's she's gonna help you kill it. Like I said, if she can kill it from the other side of the globe, then then you have zero excuses. 57:58 Right, no excuses. Guys, I really appreciate you having me on. I've loved the conversation. I love that we've also gone into the whole entrepreneur side of this because I love that that's where the conversation went. Because people do need to realize the reality of you know, running their own businesses and it's a thing. It's good to just you know, keep it real. 58:16 100% 100% Well, thanks. Thanks for your time. Thanks for coming on. You have a good rest of your Saturday. 58:21 You have a good rest of your Friday, guys. Big Love to you both and have a wonderful weekend. And yeah, thanks again. Really appreciate it. 58:28 Thanks for hanging out with us. Appreciate it. 58:30 Thanks for tuning in. We'll see on the next episode guys. Go Like Share. Subscribe. Thanks for tuning in. We'll see you all next time. Thanks, guys.

Alicia JarrettProfile Photo

Alicia Jarrett

Global Investing Superstar

Will email over a Podcast profile. Have 2 websites as well:

Daniel Esteban MartinezProfile Photo

Daniel Esteban Martinez

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

I have been an entrepreneur since 2018. I come from a regular home just like most people. My dad worked on the roads in the Chicago area for over 30 years. He always taught me to work with my brain, instead of my body. Your body can only take so much abuse. I learned so much from my father. He always pushed me to work smarter and not harder.

I have owned and operated a trucking business for 2 years. I started learning real estate in 2019. Fell into the Data & Skiptracing business in 2020. My partner Anthony & I started Hivemind in 2021.

I have done a ton of different jobs coming up from painting, to door-to-door sales, telemarketing, truck driving, and loading trailers. What I learned most is that I want to stay in the digital business space. The leverage you can have delivering digital products to the marketplace can yield limitless possibilites.

I started The List Guys in 2020. It is a data and skiptracing service. We provide seller and buyers list nationwide. My clients have been getting great results and I am proud to help people killing it.

I started the Hive in 2021 with my partner Anthony Gaona. It is a real estate and business mastermind. It also comes with a all in one CRM, that can host unlimited websites and users.

Starting the Hivemind has been an amazing journey so far. Seeing one of our users make his 6 figure month in June 2021 leveraging our software, I know there will be plenty more to come!

Anthony GaonaProfile Photo

Anthony Gaona

Host/ Ceo/ Speaker

Hi! I am Anthony Gaona.
I’ve been in digital marketing for almost 15 years.I grew up in construction working for my dad when I was only 12 years old. Normally we had a ton of work or no work at all so a lot of my free time was spent learning how to generate leads.

It didn’t take very long for me to master online marketing because I became absolutely obsessed with it. For the last 15 years I’ve been generating construction based leads. At first I was running the projects myself. This led to sub-contracting all of the excess projects and eventually wholesaling the leads off to other construction companies.

One day I was preparing to build a single family residence for myself. In mid December, 2018, a simple YouTube search led me to the term wholesaling and the rest is history. The plan was to use my construction background to start flipping houses. By January 1st of 2019 I launched several marketing campaigns both on and offline for real estate seller leads.

Within about 4-5 weeks I had my first real estate contract locked up. It didn’t take long for me get a land lead where I made almost a full year’s pay on a single transaction. This came from a land lead and that forever changed my life.

I ran low volume larger land deals for the first two years of my real estate career. Like anyone who has been in real estate investing for an extended period of time, I started thinking about scaling my business.

Instead of deciding to vertically integrated and start hiring I imagined a model where I would teach my real estate investing method… Read More